摩根大通:新兴市场股票 ETF 流量每日净申购_主要新兴市场股票 ETF 赎回 – 2024 年 10 月 9 日
摩根大通·2024-10-14 22:30

Global Markets Strategy 10 October 2024 J P M O R G A N EM Equity ETF Flows Daily net subscriptions/redemptions of major EM Equity ETFs – 9 October 2024 Equity Macro Research Rajiv Batra AC (65) 6882-8151 rajiv.j.batra@jpmorgan.com Khoi Vu, CFA (65) 6882-8170 khoi.t.vu@jpmorgan.com J.P. Morgan Securities Singapore Private Limited • Total EM: Net redemptions of US1mn.EMBroad:NetredemptionsofUS1mn. • EM Broad: Net redemptions of US1mn. • Mexico: Net redemptions of US17mn.India:NetredemptionsofUS17mn. • India: Net redemptions of US46mn. • China: Strong subscriptio ...