Warren Buffett's AI Bets: 23.8% of Berkshire Hathaway's $298 Billion Stock Portfolio Is Held in These 2 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Growth Stocks
The Motley Fool· 2024-11-27 23:00
文章核心观点 - 文章探讨了沃伦·巴菲特的伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司如何参与人工智能(AI)趋势,特别是通过其持有的苹果和亚马逊股票 [2][3][9] 伯克希尔·哈撒韦的投资策略 - 伯克希尔·哈撒韦在2016年第一季度首次投资苹果,并逐渐增加持股,使其成为公司最大的投资,占其总股票投资组合的23.1% [3] - 尽管苹果在AI领域有强大的优势和增长潜力,伯克希尔·哈撒韦在过去一年中已减持约70%的苹果股票,转而增加现金储备 [6] - 伯克希尔·哈撒韦目前持有创纪录的3252亿美元现金和短期债券投资,表明公司对股票市场持谨慎态度,可能认为苹果和整体市场的估值过高 [7] 苹果在AI领域的角色 - 苹果作为伯克希尔·哈撒韦最大的持股,自然成为其在AI领域的主要投资 [4] - 苹果的iPhone在全球市场占据主导地位,其行业领先的移动平台将从多方面受益于AI整合 [4] - 苹果正在逐步将AI融入其高利润的软件和服务业务,并可能在可穿戴设备、智能家居等领域进一步扩大AI的应用 [5] 亚马逊在AI领域的角色 - 伯克希尔·哈撒韦持有亚马逊1000万股,占其总股票投资组合的0.7% [9] - 亚马逊的AWS(亚马逊网络服务)已成为其增长最快的业务之一,占公司总运营收入的60%以上,并在AI技术的推动下进一步加速发展 [10] - 亚马逊在AI领域推出了多种服务,包括完全可定制的解决方案、半定制解决方案和即插即用解决方案,以满足不同客户的需求 [12] - AI技术加速了AWS云服务的采用,新客户加入AWS的速度显著加快,第三季度AWS销售额增长了19% [13] - 亚马逊管理层认为AI是一个巨大的机会,AWS已经成为一个数十亿美元的业务,并有望在未来继续增长 [14]
Constellation Looks Set To Continue Its Rally: Buy Rating
Seeking Alpha· 2024-11-27 22:59
If you liked this idea, sign up for a no-obligation free trial of my Seeking Alpha Marketplace service, Timely Trader ! I sift through various asset classes to find the best places for your capital, helping you maximize your returns. Timely Trader seeks to find winners before they become winners, and keep you out of losers. In addition, you get access to our community via chat, direct access to me, real-time price alerts, a model portfolio, and more.Utilities have been on fire this year, which is out of cha ...
APA & Palantir Collaborate to Optimize Oil and Gas Production With AI
ZACKS· 2024-11-27 22:55
APA Corporation (APA) , a Houston, TX-based oil and gas exploration and production company, has expanded its partnership with Palantir Technologies Inc. (PLTR) . This move should deepen the company’s collaboration to integrate AI-driven solutions across its extensive operations.This multi-year, multimillion-dollar agreement shapes a relationship that started in 2021, marking a significant leap forward in the use of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) for optimizing production, operational planning and sup ...
越南前地产女首富二审临近尾声 为了“减刑免死”正努力凑钱
财联社· 2024-11-27 22:54
财联社11月27日(编辑 史正丞) 现年68岁的越南地产大亨张美兰(Trương Mỹ Lan),正在努力向法院 证明自己能返还足够多的财产,从而避免被执行死刑判决。 作为背景,越南胡志明市人民法院在今年4月作出一审判决,张美兰因犯下"贪污财产罪"、"行贿 罪"、"违背银行活动和有关银行活动的其他活动的规定罪"等一系列罪行,三罪并罚判处死刑。 张美兰 不服判决提出上诉,二审从11月初开始,目前已经进入尾声。 能否"免死"是一道数学题 根据越南最高人民检察院的公诉书,张美兰建立了由1000家子公司和合资公司组成的万盛发生态体系, 并通过成为西贡股份商业银行的控股股东,从银行提取资金满足个人需要。 检方指出,从2018年到2022年期间,张美兰总共伪造916份贷款资料,骗取西贡股份商业银行304万亿越 南盾(约合人民币867亿),并已经产生上百万亿越南盾的逾期利息。 随着西贡商业银行诈骗案爆发,越南中央银行在2022年10月接管该银行,并展开了该国前所未有的大规 模救助。 同样因为案件造成的损失金额极其巨大,所以与西贡商业银行有关的"贪污财产罪"也是张美兰唯一被判 处死刑的罪名 。若是想要"活下去",就必须在这个 ...
中国经济网· 2024-11-27 22:52
11月27日,工人在桃江县马迹塘镇笋竹特色产业园内一家鲜笋加工企业生产车间加工鲜笋。 竹笋产业是湖南省益阳市桃江县的传统特色产业,全县拥有竹林面积115万亩。 当地依托丰富的竹林资源,积极发展竹笋深加工产业。 目前,桃江县已培育竹笋加工企业30余家,竹笋产业年产值达38亿元。 新华社记者 陈思汗 摄 ...
Spanish media lawsuit against Meta to start in October 2025
Techxplore· 2024-11-27 22:51
This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A Madrid court set Wednesday an October 2025 trial date for a 550-million-euro lawsuit by more than 80 Spanish media against Facebook owner Meta for allegedly violating EU data protection rules. EU rules oblige companies to obtain users' consent to create personalized advertising from their da ...
Looking for a Fast-paced Momentum Stock at a Bargain? Consider Rayonier Advanced Materials (RYAM)
ZACKS· 2024-11-27 22:51
Momentum investing is essentially an exception to the idea of "buying low and selling high." Investors following this style of investing are usually not interested in betting on cheap stocks and waiting long for them to recover. Instead, they believe that "buying high and selling higher" is the way to make far more money in lesser time.Who doesn't like betting on fast-moving trending stocks? But determining the right entry point isn't easy. Often, these stocks lose momentum once their valuation moves ahead ...
Fast-paced Momentum Stock General Motors (GM) Is Still Trading at a Bargain
ZACKS· 2024-11-27 22:51
Momentum investing is essentially an exception to the idea of "buying low and selling high." Investors following this style of investing are usually not interested in betting on cheap stocks and waiting long for them to recover. Instead, they believe that "buying high and selling higher" is the way to make far more money in lesser time.Who doesn't like betting on fast-moving trending stocks? But determining the right entry point isn't easy. Often, these stocks lose momentum once their valuation moves ahead ...
Despite Fast-paced Momentum, Sonoma Pharmaceuticals (SNOA) Is Still a Bargain Stock
ZACKS· 2024-11-27 22:51
Momentum investors typically don't time the market or "buy low and sell high." In other words, they avoid betting on cheap stocks and waiting long for them to recover. Instead, they believe that "buying high and selling higher" is the way to make far more money in lesser time.Everyone likes betting on fast-moving trending stocks, but it isn't easy to determine the right entry point. These stocks often lose momentum when their future growth potential fails to justify their swelled-up valuation. In that phase ...
Here's Why Momentum in Materialise (MTLS) Should Keep going
ZACKS· 2024-11-27 22:51
Most of us have heard the dictum "the trend is your friend." And this is undeniably the key to success when it comes to short-term investing or trading. But it isn't easy to ensure the sustainability of a trend and profit from it.The trend often reverses before exiting the trade, leading to a short-term capital loss for investors. So, for a profitable trade, one should confirm factors such as sound fundamentals, positive earnings estimate revisions, etc. that could keep the momentum in the stock alive.Our " ...