8 Dividend Stocks On My Buy List As Inflation Keeps Dropping
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-12 20:05
If you want access to our entire Portfolio and all our current Top Picks, feel free to join us for a 2-week free trial at High Yield Landlord.Rather than rehash what you already saw happen in the markets or be the zillionth article to regurgitate economicAustin is a contributing author for the investing group High Yield Landlord , one of the largest real estate investment communities on Seeking Alpha, with thousands of members. It offers exclusive research on the global REIT sector, multiple real money port ...
1 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock-Split Stock Set to Join Nvidia, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet, and Meta in the $1 Trillion Club
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-12 17:10
文章核心观点 - 博通(Broadcom)是人工智能发展的关键供应商,其网络芯片和定制AI加速器芯片在AI数据中心中扮演重要角色 [1][2][3] - 博通不仅是AI芯片制造商,还在无线手机芯片和企业软件领域占据主导地位,业务多元化 [3][4] - 随着AI发展成熟,定制芯片将占据更大市场份额,博通的AI芯片业务正快速增长 [5] - 博通有望凭借AI芯片业务的高速增长和企业软件业务的经营效率提升,实现股价突破1万亿美元市值 [6][7] 行业分析 - 人工智能是未来发展的关键方向,大型科技公司正在加大在AI领域的投资和布局 [1] - AI数据中心对高性能网络芯片和定制AI加速器芯片有巨大需求,博通在这些领域具有技术优势和市场地位 [2][3][5] - 随着AI发展成熟,定制芯片将越来越受青睐,因为成本更低、能耗更小 [5] - 企业软件业务为博通带来稳定的经常性收入,有助于提升整体经营效率 [4] 公司分析 - 博通是一家多元化的半导体和软件巨头,在芯片和企业软件领域均有领先地位 [2][3][4] - 博通的网络芯片和定制AI加速器芯片在AI数据中心中扮演关键角色,为公司带来快速增长 [2][3][5] - 博通正在通过收购等方式拓展企业软件业务,采取"渗透式"销售策略,提升经营效率 [4] - 博通有望凭借AI芯片和企业软件业务的高速增长,实现股价突破1万亿美元市值 [6][7]
How Much Is Apple Stock Really Worth?
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-12 17:00
文章核心观点 - 苹果公司(Apple)依赖iPhone产品线贡献了大部分收入和利润 [1] - 苹果公司正面临更加困难的增长局面 行业分析 - 苹果公司是iPhone手机的主要销售商 [1]
Follow The Smart Money
Seeking Alpha· 2024-10-11 21:26
Friedrich is the name given to our algorithm for analyzing companies that trade on the global stock markets. In creating Friedrich we concentrated on analyzing each company’s Main Street operations through various established ratios, along with our own unique ratios that we developed over the last 30 years. What we came up with is a final "Main Street" price per share based on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), which is a framework of accounting standards, rules and procedures defined by the p ...
Wearable Devices Announces the Launch of Mudra Band for Apple Watch on Walmart.com, Expanding Access to Its Innovative Gesture-Controlled Wearable Technology
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-10-11 20:50
YOKNEAM ILLIT, ISRAEL, Oct. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Wearable Devices Ltd. (the “Company” or “Wearable Devices”) (Nasdaq: WLDS, WLDSW), a technology growth company specializing in artificial intelligence (“AI")-powered touchless sensing wearables, today announced the official launch of its Mudra Band on Walmart.com (“Walmart”). This exciting development brings the Company’s innovative neural-based gesture control technology to one of the largest retail platforms in the world, making it more accessible t ...
Prediction: 3 Stocks That'll Be Worth More Than Apple 5 Years From Now
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-11 19:15
Apple stock trades for a premium price tag with little to show for it.Apple (AAPL -0.22%) may be the world's largest company, with a $3.4 trillion market cap, but that doesn't mean it will retain that place forever. Some cracks in Apple's armor could make it vulnerable, allowing other companies to pass Apple in market cap.Here are three stocks that could be worth more than Apple five years from now.What's wrong with Apple?Apple isn't the company it used to be. It used to be at the forefront of innovation an ...
Meet the Unstoppable Growth Stock That Could Join Apple, Nvidia, and Microsoft in the $3 Trillion Club by 2029
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-11 16:02
Robust growth and secular tailwinds should help drive this tech titan to new heights.It's amazing how much things can change in just 20 years. Two decades ago, industrial and energy stalwarts General Electric and ExxonMobil were the most valuable companies when measured by market cap, worth $319 billion and $283 billion, respectively. Jump ahead to 2024, and technology concerns are leading the way.Topping the list are three of the world's most recognizable tech companies. Apple leads the pack at $3.4 trilli ...
Prediction: Here Is What Apple Might Do to Catch Up in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Revolution
The Motley Fool· 2024-10-11 15:05
文章核心观点 - 苹果公司可能会通过收购医疗设备公司来加强其在人工智能领域的布局 [3][4][5] - 医疗健康领域是人工智能应用的一个重点领域,但目前还未得到足够的关注 [4][5] - 苹果公司已经在Apple Watch和AirPods等产品上展现了对健康管理的兴趣 [4][5] - 收购医疗设备公司可以帮助苹果公司在人工智能医疗领域占据领先地位 [5][6] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 苹果公司在人工智能领域的布局 - 苹果公司可能不会自主研发芯片或大型语言模型,而是选择通过收购来拓展人工智能业务 [3] - 苹果公司最近推出了Apple Intelligence,但尚未完全推广开 [1] - 苹果公司的新款iPhone刚刚上市,这是其进军人工智能市场的重要一步 [8] 医疗健康领域的人工智能应用 - 医疗健康领域是人工智能应用的重要领域,但目前还未得到足够的关注 [4][5] - 预计到2030年,医疗人工智能市场规模将达到6140亿美元,物联网设备和软件服务是主要驱动力 [5] 苹果公司在医疗健康领域的布局 - 苹果公司的Apple Watch、AirPods等产品已经展现了对健康管理的兴趣 [4][5] - 收购医疗设备公司可以帮助苹果公司进一步拓展医疗健康领域的业务 [5][6] - 这样做可以进一步增强消费者对苹果生态系统的依赖 [6]
S&P Settles At Record High As Apple, Amazon Shares Surge: Investor Optimism Improves Ahead Of Inflation Data
Benzinga· 2024-10-10 15:44
文章核心观点 - 美国股市在周三收盘时录得新高,道琼斯指数和标普500指数均创下历史新高 [1][2] - 科技股表现出色,亚马逊和苹果股价均上涨超过1% [1] - 投资者关注9月联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)会议纪要,显示委员会在是否降息25个基点还是50个基点上存在广泛争论 [1] - 8月美国批发库存环比增长0.1%至9048亿美元 [1] 行业总结 行业表现 - 标普500指数大多数行业收盘上涨,其中医疗保健、信息技术和工业板块涨幅最大 [2] - 公用事业和通信服务板块逆市下跌 [2] 公司表现 - 亚马逊和苹果股价均上涨超过1% [1] - 投资者关注今日达美航空、达美乐比萨和Tilray公司的财报 [2]
Tectum SoftNote Wallet App Now Available on Apple App Store Across Multiple Countries
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-10-10 03:00
文章核心观点 - 区块链公司Tectum推出了其SoftNote移动钱包应用程序,支持iOS设备[1] - SoftNote钱包提供了安全性措施,如双因素认证、一次性密码和人脸识别等[2] - SoftNote钱包应用程序支持多语言,包括英语、中文和土耳其语[2] - Tectum是全球最快的第1层区块链,拥有350万TPS的处理速度[4] - Tectum公司旗下还有SoftNote钱包、SoftNote票据和X-Factor认证器等产品[5] 公司概况 - Tectum是由Crispmind公司开发的区块链项目[5] - Crispmind是一家专注于知识产权和软件开发的公司,为企业和政府机构提供服务[5] - Tectum采用了证明效用的共识机制,可以提供无缝的交易处理和隐私保护[4] 产品介绍 - SoftNote钱包:提供用户友好的数字资产管理界面[5] - SoftNote票据:促进无摩擦交易,提高可扩展性[5] - X-Factor认证器:提供量子安全的三因素认证协议[5]