Boston Scientific Announces Results for First Quarter 2024
BSXBoston Scientific(BSX) Prnewswire·2024-04-24 18:30

MARLBOROUGH, Mass., April 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BSX) generated net sales of 3.856billionduringthefirstquarterof2024,growing13.8percentonareportedbasis,15.0percentonanoperational1basisand13.1percentonanorganic2basis,allcomparedtotheprioryearperiod.ThecompanyreportedGAAPnetincomeattributabletoBostonScientificcommonstockholdersof3.856 billion during the first quarter of 2024, growing 13.8 percent on a reported basis, 15.0 percent on an operational1 basis and 13.1 percent on an organic2 basis, all compared to the prior year period. The company reported GAAP net income attributable to Boston Scientific common stockholders of 495 million or 0.33pershare(EPS),comparedto0.33 per share (EPS), compared to 300 million or $0.21 per share a year ago, ...