Johnson & Johnson Rolls Out New TECNIS Odyssey Next-Generation Intraocular Lens Offering Cataract Patients Precise Vision at Every Distance in Any Lighting
J&J(JNJ) Prnewswire·2024-09-30 20:05
The new full visual range IOL*1 delivers exceptional distance vision2 and 14% smaller readable print size vs PanOptix3 †.93% of patients become free from glasses at all distances.#4 ‡TECNIS Odyssey IOL offers higher tolerance to residual refractive errors, enabling surgeons to deliver consistent and reliable patient outcomes.5¶JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Johnson & Johnson§, a global leader in eye health, has announced it's expanding the roll-out of its latest advancement in presbyopia ...