Warren Buffett Owns More of This Asset Than Apple, Bank of America, and American Express Combined
AAPLApple(AAPL) The Motley Fool·2024-09-24 17:00

Investors should always be taking a look at the investments of Warren Buffett and his company, Berkshire Hathaway.Warren Buffett, the 94-year-old chief executive officer of Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A -0.03%) (BRK.B -0.07%), has helped the giant conglomerate build an equities portfolio that is now worth north of 315billion.Inthisportfolioare45stocks.Ofthisgroup,BerkshirestopthreepositionsareApple,AmericanExpress,andBankofAmerica,whicharecollectivelyvaluedatroughly315 billion. In this portfolio are 45 stocks. Of this group, Berkshire's top three positions are Apple, American Express, and Bank of America, which are collectively valued at roughly 168 billion as ...