BRC (BRCC) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Results
BRCCBRC (BRCC)2024-05-09 04:17

Exhibit 99.1 BRC Inc. Reports First Quarter 2024 Financial Results Highlights • Net Revenue increased 18% in Q1 2024 to 98.4million,drivenbyWholesalegrowthof5198.4 million, driven by Wholesale growth of 51% compared to Q1 2023 • Net Income of 1.9 million and Adjusted EBITDA of 14.1million,anincreaseof14.1 million, an increase of 19.2 million and 19.3million,comparedtoaNetLossof19.3 million, compared to a Net Loss of 17.3 million and Adjusted EBITDA Loss of 5.2millioncomparedtoQ12023Increased2024guidancetoAdjustedEBITDAof5.2 million compared to Q1 2023 • Increased 2024 guidance to Adjusted EBITDA of 32.0 million to $42.0 million with Free Cash Flow conversi ...