Kite Realty Trust(KRG) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Results
KRGKite Realty Trust(KRG)2024-05-01 04:15

Exhibit 99.2 Kite Realty Group Trust Quarterly Financial Supplement as of March 31, 2024 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S Earnings Press Release i–iii Contact Information 1 Results Overview 2 Consolidated Balance Sheets 3 Consolidated Statements of Operations 4 Same Property Net Operating Income 5 Net Operating Income and Adjusted EBITDA by Quarter 6 Funds From Operations 7 Joint Venture Summary 8 Key Debt Metrics 9 Summary of Outstanding Debt 10 Maturity Schedule of Outstanding Debt 11 Development and Redevel ...