弘阳地产(01996) - 2023 - 年度财报
01996弘阳地产(01996)2024-04-24 16:39

ABOUT US 關於我們 Redsun Properties is a comprehensive property enterprise with 弘陽地產為深耕長三角,地產、商業雙輪驅動,協同 established presence in the Yangtze River Delta region and dual-driven 發展的綜合性房企,專注於住宅物業開發、商業物業 synergic development in property development and commercial real 投資與運營和酒店運營管理。恪守「在商言人,誠者致 estate. We focus on residential property development, commercial 遠」的核心價值觀,發揮「三敢三同」二次創業精神,穩 property investment and operations as well as hotel operating 健經營,實現有質量的可持續發展。 management. Adhering to the core values of “professionali ...