比亚迪股份(01211) - 2022 - 年度财报
01211比亚迪股份(01211)2023-03-28 22:54

Company Profile 公司簡介 BYD Company Limited (“BYD” or “the Company” together with its 比亞迪股份有限公司(「比亞迪」或「本公司」,連同其 subsidiaries, “the Group”; stock code: 01211.HK, 002594.SZ) is principally 附屬公司統稱「本集團」或「集團」;股份代號:H股: engaged in automobile business which mainly includes new energy 01211;A股:002594)主要從事以新能源汽車為主的汽 vehicles, handset components and assembly services, rechargeable 車業務、手機部件及組裝業務,二次充電電池及光伏業 batteries and photovoltaics business. Meanwhile, with its technological 務,同時利用自身的技術優勢積極拓展城市軌道交通業 superiority, the Gro ...