众安集团(00672) - 2023 - 中期财报
00672众安集团(00672)2023-09-05 16:33

Contents 目錄 Contents 目錄 Pages 頁次 Corporate Information 2 公司資料 Chairman’s Statement 4 主席報告 Management Discussion and Analysis 10 管理層討論與分析 Independent Review Report 26 獨立審閱報告 Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss 28 中期簡明合併損益表 Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 29 中期簡明合併全面收益表 Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 30 中期簡明合併財務狀況表 Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 32 中期簡明合併權益變動表 Interim Condensed Consolidated S ...