U. S. Steel(X) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-08-02 21:31
合并交割条件 - 公司于2024年4月12日获得股东批准通过合并协议[188] - 公司正在与美国司法部合作,就反垄断审查提供所需信息和文件[189] - 公司预计合并将于2024年下半年完成,需满足剩余的惯例交割条件,包括获得美国监管部门批准[190] 业绩情况 - 第二季度业绩较第一季度有所改善,主要得益于铁矿石销量增加、衍生品销售有利以及能源成本下降[191] - 平板轧制分部第三季度业绩预计将低于第二季度,因钢材现货价格下降的影响逐步反映[192] - 迷你厂分部第三季度业绩预计将低于第二季度,因钢材现货价格下降的影响[193] - 欧洲分部第三季度业绩预计将低于第二季度,因钢材价格下降[194] - 管线分部第三季度业绩预计将低于第二季度,主要由于平均售价下降[195] - 平板轧钢部门三个月内收益下降21%,主要由于平均实现价格下降、出货量下降和其他销售下降所致[225][226] - 迷你轧钢厂三个月内收益下降79%,主要由于平均实现价格下降、出货量下降和其他成本上升所致[231][232] - 欧洲特殊钢部门三个月内收益下降114%,主要由于平均实现价格下降和出货量下降所致[238][239] - 管线钢部门三个月内收益下降82%,主要由于平均实现价格大幅下降所致[244][245] - 公司三个月内总收益下降68%,主要由于各部门收益下降所致[222] - 公司六个月内总收益下降56%,主要由于各部门收益下降所致[222] - 平板轧钢部门六个月内收益下降45%,主要由于出货量下降和其他成本上升所致[227][228] - 迷你轧钢厂六个月内收益下降12%,主要由于出货量下降和其他成本上升所致[233][234] - 欧洲特殊钢部门六个月内收益下降84%,主要由于平均实现价格下降所致[240][241] 财务指标 - 公司三个月内净利息和其他财务收益下降4%[248] - 净利息和其他财务收益在2024年6月30日结束的三个月内较2023年同期有所增加,主要是由于资本化利息增加导致利息费用降低[249] - 净利息和其他财务收益在2024年6月30日结束的六个月内较2023年同期有所下降,主要是由于精算损失增加导致定期净收益减少、2024年资产表现较低导致与活跃员工福利相关的投资收益减少以及现金余额较低导致利息收入减少[250] - 所得税费用从2023年同期的1.44亿美元和1.95亿美元下降至2024年同期的5600万美元和9400万美元,主要是由于税前收益减少[251] - 归属于美国钢铁公司的净收益从2023年同期的4.77亿美元和6.76亿美元下降至2024年同期的1.83亿美元和3.54亿美元,主要反映了上述因素[252] - 2024年第二季度现金转换周期较2023年第四季度增加3天[254][255][256][257] - 2024年上半年资本支出为12.71亿美元,较2023年同期的13.53亿美元有所下降[261][262] - 2024年上半年筹资活动使用现金7600万美元,而2023年同期筹资活动提供现金2600万美元,主要是由于本期未发行长期债务[263] - 2024年6月30日公司总流动性为42.59亿美元[268][269][270] - 公司正在评估市场条件并可能考虑采取额外措施以进一步加强资产负债表和优化流动性[271] 战略发展 - 公司持续推进"最佳全面"战略,包括建设Big River 2项目和新建涂层生产线[196] 环境法规 - 欧盟委员会发布"适合55"立法方案,包括碳边境调整机制(CBAM)、减少工业免费配额和加强碳配额供给等[283] - 美国钢铁公司持续关注过氟和多氟烷基物质(PFAS)的新法规[284] - 美国清洁空气法案(CAA)对公司的主要影响包括焦炭制造、炼铁、炼钢和铁矿石加工等方面的排放标准[287] - EPA提出的区域臭氧传输规则可能会影响公司的部分设备,但公司已提出法律挑战[291] - EPA正在审查和修订颗粒物(PM)国家环境空气质量标准,可能会对公司产生影响[295] - 美国最高法院裁决大幅缩小了"水域"的定义,对公司的潜在影响仍在评估[296] 贸易政策 - 公司继续应对全球钢铁产能过剩和不公平进口的挑战,积极维护232条款[299,300,301,304] - 公司积极参与反倾销和反补贴税的相关法律程序[306] - 美国钢铁公司积极参与并领导国内行业支持延长对日本锡制品的反倾销税令[307] - 欧盟于2024年5月启动了对中国锡板的新反倾销调查,预计将于2024年11月做出初步裁决[308] - 根据1974年贸易法第301条款,对从中国进口的某些原材料、半成品和成品钢铁产品以及下游钢铁密集型产品继续征收7.5%至25%的额外关税[309] - 美国贸易代表办公室提议将对中国钢铁产品的301条款关税从7.5%提高到25%[309] - 美国和欧盟正在就建立全球可持续钢铁安排进行谈判,以恢复市场导向的条件并解决碳排放强度问题[310] - 美国钢铁公司正积极参与美国国际贸易委员会关于评估美国钢铁生产温
U.S. Steel's (X) Earnings and Revenues Surpass Estimates in Q2
ZACKS· 2024-08-02 21:17
United States Steel Corporation (X) logged a profit of $183 million or 72 cents per share for second-quarter 2024, down from a profit of $477 million or $1.89 per share in the year-ago quarter.Barring one-time items, adjusted earnings per share were 84 cents, down from $1.92 a year ago. The figure, however, topped the Zacks Consensus Estimate of 76 cents.Revenues fell around 18% year over year to $4,118 million in the reported quarter. The figure, however, surpassed the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $3,998.2 ...
United States Steel (X) Beats Q2 Earnings and Revenue Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-08-02 07:11
United States Steel (X) came out with quarterly earnings of $0.84 per share, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $0.76 per share. This compares to earnings of $1.92 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items.This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of 10.53%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this steel maker would post earnings of $0.83 per share when it actually produced earnings of $0.82, delivering a surprise of -1.20%.Over the last four quarters, the com ...
U. S. Steel(X) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Results
2024-08-02 04:20
财务表现 - 第二季度净收益为1.83亿美元,每股摊薄收益为0.72美元[2] - 第二季度经调整净收益为2.11亿美元,每股摊薄收益为0.84美元[2,9] - 第二季度经调整EBITDA为4.43亿美元[9] - 2024年上半年净收益为3.54亿美元,每股收益1.40美元[41] - 2024年上半年调整后净收益为4.17亿美元,每股收益1.64美元[41] - 2024年上半年EBITDA为7.62亿美元,EBITDA利润率为10.4%[43] - 2024年上半年调整后EBITDA为8.57亿美元,调整后EBITDA利润率为10.8%[43] - 2024年第二季度净收益为1.83亿美元,每股收益0.72美元[41] - 2024年第二季度调整后净收益为2.11亿美元,每股收益0.84美元[41] - 2024年第二季度EBITDA为3.98亿美元,EBITDA利润率为9.5%[43] - 2024年第二季度调整后EBITDA为4.43亿美元,调整后EBITDA利润率为10.8%[43] - 2024年上半年自由现金流为-8.41亿美元,可投资自由现金流为9.43亿美元[46] - 2024年第二季度资本支出为6.30亿美元[46] 分部业绩 - 北美平板轧制分部业绩优于预期,主要得益于产品组合改善和成本管控[3] - 迷你厂分部表现良好,调整后EBITDA利润率为17%[3] - 北美平板轧制分部业绩将略有下滑,但订单强劲和支出降低将有所抵消[4] - 迷你厂分部业绩可能受到现货价格下降和3亿美元的启动及一次性建设成本的影响[4] - 欧洲分部业绩预计与第二季度持平,原材料成本下降抵消了销售价格下降[4] - 管线分部业绩预计将下降,因为第三季度销售价格下降[4] 未来展望 - 预计第三季度经调整EBITDA将在2.75亿美元至3.25亿美元之间[4] - 正在推进与日本钢铁公司的交易,预计今年晚些时候完成[6] - 大河钢铁2号项目正在建设,计划于第四季度投产[7] 公司概况 - 公司专注于安全生产,推进更加安全、可持续的未来[53] - 公司拥有年产2240万吨的粗钢生产能力[53] - 公司生产高附加值钢铁产品,如专有的XG3高强度钢[53] - 公司在美国和中欧拥有世界级的运营[53]
SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Investigates Claims on Behalf of Investors of United States Steel Corporation – X
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-06-30 22:35
NEW YORK, June 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pomerantz LLP is investigating claims on behalf of investors of United States Steel Corporation (“U.S. Steel” or the “Company”) (NSYE: X). Such investors are advised to contact Danielle Peyton at newaction@pomlaw.com or 646-581-9980, ext. 7980. The investigation concerns whether U.S. Steel and certain of its officers and/or directors have engaged in securities fraud or other unlawful business practices. [Click here for information about joining the class action] O ...
Rosen Law Firm Encourages United States Steel Corporation Investors to Inquire About Securities Class Action Investigation – X
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-06-29 08:27
NEW YORK, June 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Why: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, announces an investigation of potential securities claims on behalf of shareholders of United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X) resulting from allegations that U.S. Steel may have issued materially misleading business information to the investing public. So what: If you purchased U.S. Steel securities you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency ...
Rosen Law Firm Encourages United States Steel Corporation Investors to Inquire About Securities Class Action Investigation - X
Prnewswire· 2024-06-28 06:19
NEW YORK, June 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Why: Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, announces an investigation of potential securities claims on behalf of shareholders of United States Steel Corporation (NYSE: X) resulting from allegations that U.S. Steel may have issued materially misleading business information to the investing public. So what: If you purchased U.S. Steel securities you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee ...
U.S. Steel Stock: Betting on EPS Cut and Merger Uncertainty?
MarketBeat· 2024-06-25 00:02
American integrated steel producer United States Steel Co. NYSE: X lowered its adjusted Q2 EBITDA guidance on June 17, 2024. However, the stock reaction was minimal, as shares continued to chop around in a tight range. Investors are waiting for the Japanese steel producer Nippon Steel's acquisition of U.S. Steel to close, but the deal has been postponed at the request of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). United States Steel Today X United States Steel $36.54 -0.11 (-0.30%) 52-Week Range $22.26 ...
U.S. Steel (X) Issues Q2 View, Progresses on Nippon Transaction
ZACKS· 2024-06-18 22:45
United States Steel Corporation (X) announced its guidance for the second quarter of 2024, projecting adjusted earnings per share (EPS) to be between 76 cents and 80 cents. The adjusted EBITDA for the second quarter is expected to be approximately $425 million. The company continues to operate safely while progressing toward the transaction with Nippon Steel Corporation. The adjusted EBITDA guidance for the second quarter aligns with the lower end of the company’s previous outlook for the second quarter, re ...
SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Investigates Claims on Behalf of Investors of United States Steel Corporation – X
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-06-06 05:32
NEW YORK, June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pomerantz LLP is investigating claims on behalf of investors of United States Steel Corporation (“U.S. Steel” or the “Company”) (NSYE: X). Such investors are advised to contact Danielle Peyton at newaction@pomlaw.com or 646-581-9980, ext. 7980. The investigation concerns whether U.S. Steel and certain of its officers and/or directors have engaged in securities fraud or other unlawful business practices. [Click here for information about joining the class action] O ...