Is This Axon's Next Billion-Dollar Business?
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-19 23:53
Enterprise and consumer products could be big business for Axon.Axon (AXON 0.49%) has become the go-to in body cameras for law enforcement, and we now know retailer Walmart (WMT 0.28%) is bringing body cameras into its stores. Does this open a new market for Axon? In this video, Travis Hoium digs into what could be a multibillion-dollar business.*Stock prices used were end-of-day prices of Dec. 17, 2024. The video was published on Dec. 19, 2024. ...
Best Stock to Buy Right Now: Walmart vs. Target
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-19 22:35
Two retail giants have seen their fortunes dramatically diverge. Walmart (WMT 0.98%) shareholders are basking in a record-setting year, with strong growth propelling the stock to a fantastic 81% return thus far in 2024, at the time of writing. In contrast, Target (TGT 0.60%) shareholders have endured a year to forget, with the stock falling 7% year to date.The winner this past year is clear, but investors may be wondering what lies in store for 2025. Can the fantastic rally in Walmart stock continue, or cou ...
Inside Walmart's Comeback in 2024: Will WMT ETFs Rally in 2025?
ZACKS· 2024-12-18 22:01
Walmart (WMT) stock has made a strong return (up about 78.7%) this year after falling behind Amazon (AMZN) . The company’s investment in technology, including artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality, and same-day delivery, has led to record earnings and earned it the title of Yahoo Finance's "Company of the Year" for 2024.The stock traded in a tight range of $40 to $50 from December 2019 to December 2023 and then steadily surged this year $96. Over the past five years, Walmart shares have surged mor ...
Walmart is testing body cameras for some front-line employees in Texas
Business Insider· 2024-12-18 06:07
核心观点 - 沃尔玛正在德克萨斯州达拉斯地区测试为商店员工配备随身摄像头,目的是提高员工安全并评估效果,以决定是否进行更广泛的推广[2][3] 测试背景 - 沃尔玛发言人表示,公司一直在关注零售行业使用的新技术和创新技术,但未透露安全措施的具体细节[2] - Axon公司今年早些时候推出了一系列专为零售和医疗工作者设计的摄像头,这些摄像头与Reddit论坛上发布的图像中的摄像头相似[4][5] 测试细节 - 一名顾客在德克萨斯州登顿看到一名收据检查员佩戴黄色和黑色的摄像头,Reddit论坛上还发布了16个类似颜色摄像头的图片,图片中的沃尔玛品牌海报指导用户如何佩戴摄像头、如何开始和停止录制事件,并提醒在进入休息室或洗手间时取下摄像头[3] - 摄像头的充电站标有Axon品牌,Axon公司以向执法官员提供随身摄像头而闻名,但Axon拒绝就此事发表评论[4] 行业趋势 - Axon的调查发现,近一半的零售员工表示他们在工作中曾目睹或成为身体或言语暴力的受害者,其中大多数人表示经历过多次事件[5] - 一家使用摄像头的零售商在早期试验中看到事件数量减少了一半,另一家发现摄像头在缓解冲突方面非常有效[6] - 今年夏天,TJ Maxx为商店员工配备了随身摄像头,作为一种预防犯罪的方法,发言人表示希望这些摄像头能帮助缓解事件、预防犯罪,并向员工和顾客表明公司认真对待商店安全[7]
Planet Fitness Called the 'Walmart of Gyms' by Jefferies; Shares Rise
Investopedia· 2024-12-18 04:21
Key TakeawaysJefferies analysts boosted their price target on Planet Fitness, calling the gym operator the "Walmart of Gyms," alluding to the chain's large size and low prices.The analysts made Planet Fitness their Top Pick for 2025 in the fitness & wellness sector, and maintained a "buy" rating on the stock.Jefferies said Planet Fitness is benefiting from healthy living trends and from charging higher membership prices. Planet Fitness (PLNT) shares advanced Tuesday after Jefferies research analysts called ...
Some Walmart employees wearing body cameras in stores for safety
Fox Business· 2024-12-18 03:11
Some Walmart employees in Texas are wearing body cameras as part of a pilot program to enhance employee safety at stores.  Workers at multiple stores, located in Denton, Texas, about 40 miles north of Dallas, began testing out the body cameras. The locations also have signage, warning shoppers that body-worn cameras are being used. "While we don’t talk about the specifics of our security measures, we are always looking at new and innovative technology used across the retail industry," Walmart said in a stat ...
Is Walmart Stock Going to $115? 1 Wall Street Analyst Thinks So.
The Motley Fool· 2024-12-17 21:49
In a case of a giant company getting even more massive, Walmart (WMT 0.66%) has been on quite a tear lately -- both in terms of its fundamentals and its share price. The latter has improved by more than 85% this year, trouncing the 28% growth of the S&P 500 index.Some market-watchers think there's still room for the high-profile retailer to run. One analyst tracking Walmart stock recently boosted his price target by a beefy 34%. What's behind this latest burst of optimism and, more importantly, is it justif ...
Walmart Joins Forces With Meituan to Bolster Chinese eCommerce Unit
PYMNTS.com· 2024-12-17 21:21
核心观点 - 沃尔玛与中国美团合作,以加强其在中国的电子商务业务 通过此次合作,美团将为沃尔玛产品提供配送服务,并在其热门应用上展示沃尔玛,从而帮助沃尔玛在中国市场提升电子商务服务 [1] 合作背景 - 美团是中国最大的食品配送服务提供商,同时也提供其他产品的配送、共享单车和票务预订等服务 消费者普遍使用美团进行快速配送,这为沃尔玛在美团应用上的展示提供了更大的可见度 [2] - 沃尔玛在11月报告了其在中国的净销售额大幅增长,从其旗舰店和山姆会员店销售额增长17%,达到49亿美元 美团的销售额也随着中国消费者对低成本和折扣产品的关注而增长,第三季度收入增长22.4%,达到约940亿元人民币(129亿美元) [3] 合作影响 - 此次合作是沃尔玛在中国市场策略的一部分,旨在通过提供更多便利来吸引消费者 尽管如此,行业专家认为这可能不会是一个改变游戏规则的举措,但可能会吸引经常使用杂货配送应用的重度用户,从而转化为常规用户 [6][7] 历史背景 - 沃尔玛在2016年通过出售其电子商务业务一号店,购买了京东的股份 此次与美团的合作是在沃尔玛宣布出售其在京东的全部股份约四个月后进行的,沃尔玛曾持有京东近10%的股份 [4][5]
Walmart eyes China push with Meituan partnership
Proactiveinvestors NA· 2024-12-17 20:30
About this content About Josh Lamb After graduating from the University of Kent in the summer of 2022 with a degree in History, Josh joined Proactive later that year as a journalist in the UK editorial team. Josh has reported on a range of areas whilst at Proactive, including energy companies during a time of global crisis, aviation and airlines as the sector recovers from the pandemic, as well as covering economic, social and governance issues. Read more About the publisher Proactive financial news and ...
Walmart employees are now wearing body cameras in some stores
CNBC· 2024-12-17 20:00
核心观点 - 沃尔玛在美国部分门店启动了一项试点计划,为门店级别的员工配备佩戴式摄像头,旨在提高员工安全,而非作为防损工具 [1][3] 试点计划细节 - 沃尔玛在部分美国门店开始试点佩戴式摄像头,具体涉及的门店数量不详,但已有门店在入口处张贴告示,提醒顾客店内正在使用佩戴式摄像头 [1] - 至少在德克萨斯州的一家门店,有员工在检查收据时佩戴了黄色和黑色的佩戴式摄像头 [2] - 沃尔玛发言人表示,这是一项在一个市场进行的试点测试,将在评估结果后决定是否进行长期实施 [3] 使用目的与行业背景 - 沃尔玛引入佩戴式摄像头的主要目的是为了员工安全,而非防损 [3] - 小型零售商此前已开始在其门店尝试使用佩戴式摄像头以防止盗窃,沃尔玛作为美国最大的非政府雇主,也在测试这一技术 [3] 员工使用指南 - 员工被指示在顾客互动升级时记录事件,但不得在员工休息区和卫生间佩戴摄像头 [4] - 事件发生后,员工需与另一名团队成员讨论,并在“道德与合规应用”中记录事件 [4] 行业与员工反馈 - 零售、批发和百货商店工会主席表示,全年尤其是节假日期间,员工面临更多的骚扰和紧张的顾客互动,佩戴式摄像头是否有助于缓解冲突尚不明确 [6] - 工会担心佩戴式摄像头更多是为了监控和防盗,而非提高员工安全 [6] - United for Respect的联合执行主任表示,沃尔玛应提供更多员工培训,佩戴式摄像头可能是解决方案的一部分,但摄像头本身不能替代适当的培训 [7] - 有观点认为,佩戴式摄像头可能会引发更多冲突,而非自然促进冲突的缓解 [8]