Weatherford Announces Third-Quarter 2024 Conference Call
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-18 04:30
HOUSTON, Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Weatherford International plc (NASDAQ: WFRD) (“Weatherford” or the “Company”) will host a conference call on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 to discuss the Company’s results for the third quarter ending September 30, 2024. The conference call will begin at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time (7:30 a.m. Central Time). Prior to the conference call, the Company will issue a press release announcing the results and the associated presentation slides will be uploaded to the investor re ...
Weatherford Announces S&P Credit Rating Upgrade To ‘BB-' From 'B+', Positive Outlook
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-11 04:46
HOUSTON, Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Weatherford International plc (NASDAQ: WFRD) (“Weatherford” or the “Company”) today announced the Company’s issuer credit rating has recently been upgraded to ‘BB-’ from 'B+' by S&P Global Ratings (“S&P”). S&P based the rating upgrade on multiple factors, including improved operating efficiency and debt repayment. Girish Saligram, President and Chief Executive Officer of Weatherford, commented, “The latest S&P credit rating upgrade reflects the significant advance ...
Weatherford Announces Acquisition of Datagration
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-03 20:30
文章核心观点 - 公司宣布收购Datagration Solutions Inc.公司,这是一家在统一数据集成、分析和机器学习方面有创新的公司[1][2][3] - 此次收购使公司在数字化转型和生产及资产优化方面的数字化产品能力得到增强,有助于提高公司的创新能力和在能源行业的数字化转型[2][3] 公司概况 - 公司在全球约75个国家开展业务,拥有约19,000名员工,代表超过110个国籍,在330个运营地点开展业务[4] - 公司提供创新的能源服务,将经过验证的技术与先进的数字化相结合,为客户创造可持续的价值和投资回报[4] 收购背景和意义 - 此次收购将公司的数字化产品与Datagration公司的统一数据模型相结合,形成一个强大的解决方案,用于监控、优化和决策支持[2] - 此次收购将增强公司在数字化转型方面的能力,并与公司的ForeSite®、CygNet®和CENTRO®平台产生协同效应[2] - 此次收购还将提高公司在整个企业范围内的数字化赋能,提高运营效率,并实现不同排放数据的集成,增强排放跟踪、报告和整体可持续性管理,为客户创造更大价值[2]
Weatherford Releases Annual Sustainability Report
Newsfilter· 2024-08-08 05:00
HOUSTON, Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Weatherford International plc (NASDAQ:WFRD) ("Weatherford," the "Company," "we," "us," and "our") announced today the release of its annual Sustainability Report, which shares the Company's latest advancements in environmental, social, and governance ("ESG") practices and sustainability efforts. Girish Saligram, President and Chief Executive Officer, commented, "In 2023, Weatherford experienced significant growth, and we continued to make progress on our sustainabi ...
Weatherford Releases Annual Sustainability Report
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-08 05:00
HOUSTON, Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Weatherford International plc (NASDAQ: WFRD) (“Weatherford,” the “Company,” “we,” “us,” and “our”) announced today the release of its annual Sustainability Report, which shares the Company’s latest advancements in environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) practices and sustainability efforts. Girish Saligram, President and Chief Executive Officer, commented, “In 2023, Weatherford experienced significant growth, and we continued to make progress on our sustainab ...
Weatherford International(WFRD) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-07-25 04:36
财务业绩 - 公司营收在三个月和六个月期间分别同比增长10%和12%[101] - 产品收入和服务收入分别同比增长13%和9%[101] - 地区方面,中东/北非/亚洲和欧洲/撒哈拉以南非洲/俄罗斯地区的收入增长贡献分别为92%和31%[102] - 运营利润在三个月和六个月期间分别同比增长31%和29%,主要得益于资源利用率提高和二手租赁设备销售收益[103] - 成本收入比在三个月和六个月期间分别从66%和67%下降至63%和64%,反映了更高的运营效率[103] - 北美地区钻机数量同比下降,导致天然气价格和钻机数量下降[104] - 销售、一般管理和研发成本占收入比例保持在18%[105] - 利息费用净额同比下降,主要由于偿还了2028年到期的优先有担保票据[107,108] - 蓝筹股互换交易产生1000万美元损失[109] - 其他费用净额同比下降,主要是外汇损失和信用证费用减少[110] 流动性和资本管理 - 公司的主要流动性来源包括经营活动产生的现金、现金及现金等价物余额以及定期应收账款保理[143] - 公司的现金需求包括偿还长期债务本金和利息、资本支出、租赁付款、营运资金需求、重组付款等[144] - 截至2024年6月30日,公司主要债务本金余额为16亿美元2030年优先票据,2024年利息支付预计为1.38亿美元[145] - 公司2024年资本支出预计为收入的3-5%,经营租赁和融资租赁付款分别预计为6300万美元和2500万美元[146] - 公司在一些国家的现金不能立即汇回,可能会考虑采取措施来规避通胀和货币贬值的影响[147] - 公司在墨西哥的应收账款占总应收账款的35%,最大客户占比31%,存在回款延迟风险[150] - 公司定期通过保理安排出售应收账款,2024年上半年共出售5.1亿美元应收账款[152] - 公司有680百万美元的授信额度,截至2024年6月30日未使用借款,但有3.89亿美元的未使用信用证[158] 风险因素 - 公司面临包括地缘政治、经济、监管、网络安全等多方面的风险和不确定性[162][163] - 公司在2024年6月30日结束的三个月内,未发现内部财务报告控制发生任何变化,这些变化可能会对内部财务报告控制产生重大影响[169] - 公司正在进行的争议和诉讼的详细信息,请参见简明合并财务报表附注中的"第7项 - 争议、诉讼和法律或有负债"[170]
Weatherford International(WFRD) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-07-24 22:58
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第二季度收入为14亿美元,环比增长3.5%,同比增长10% [30] - 经调整EBITDA为3.65亿美元,环比增长9%,同比增长25%,EBITDA利润率达到26%,为15年来最高 [31] - 净收入为1.25亿美元,环比增长11.6%,同比增长52.4% [31] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 钻探与评估(DRE)业务收入为4.27亿美元,环比增长1% [32] - 井建造与完井(WCC)业务收入为5.04亿美元,环比增长10% [33] - 生产与干预(PRI)业务收入为3.69亿美元,环比增长6% [35] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 北美地区收入环比下降6%,主要受加拿大季节性和天气影响 [16] - 国际业务收入环比增长6%,同比增长14%,中东北非亚地区同比增长29% [17] - 沙特阿拉伯已成为公司第三大市场,收入同比增长超过35% [18] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司将继续专注于业务投资和降低总负债,同时也将寻求符合战略的并购机会 [20][21] - 公司启动首次股东回报计划,包括每年1美元的股息和总额5亿美元的股票回购计划 [21][22][23] - 公司看好国际陆上和海上市场,尤其是中东地区,预计未来几年EBITDA利润率有望达到高20%区间 [28][50][51] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司对中东、拉丁美洲等国际市场前景保持乐观,但对北美市场的预期有所下调 [29] - 公司有信心在2024年实现约20%的EBITDA同比增长,利润率超过25%,自由现金流超过5亿美元 [29] 其他重要信息 - 公司在沙特阿拉伯和科威特的MPD技术得到进一步应用和认可 [26][27] - 公司数字化产品ForeSite在中东地区得到客户部署,提升了客户的生产优化能力 [27] - 公司在第二季度完成了8200万美元的债务偿还,净负债率降至0.5倍 [19][40] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Luke Lemoine 提问** 如何看待第三季度的利润率指引,与第二季度的26%相比有所下降的原因? [55][56][57][59] **Girish Saligram 回答** 第三季度利润率下降主要有三个原因:1)第二季度有一些MPD资产出售,第三季度不会重复;2)公司基础设施投入有所增加;3)业务结构发生一些变化 [56][57][59] 问题2 **James West 提问** 公司在中东地区的业务发展情况如何,未来增长动力在哪里? [62][63][64][65] **Girish Saligram 回答** 中东地区仍是公司未来增长的主要动力,尤其是沙特阿拉伯、阿曼、科威特等国家,无论是海上天然气还是陆上油田业务都保持旺盛。公司在这些市场的定价能力和市场份额都在不断提升 [63][64] 问题3 **David Anderson 提问** 未来3年公司如何实现利润率进一步提升至高20%区间,是依靠业务结构优化还是内部管理改善? [68][70][71][72][73] **Girish Saligram 回答** 未来利润率提升主要有三个驱动因素:1)新技术的引入带来的溢价和市场份额提升;2)供应链和资产利用效率的持续改善;3)公司整体成本结构的优化。这些因素将推动公司利润率在未来3年内达到高20%水平 [70][71][72][73]
Weatherford International(WFRD) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-07-24 22:56
INVESTOR PRESENTATION Q2'24 WEATHERFORD INTERNATIONAL PLC ©2024 Weatherford International plc. All rights reserved. 2 Weatherford International Plc. DISCLAIMER This presentation contains projections and forward-looking statements concerning, among other things, the Company's quarterly and full-year revenues, adjusted EBITDA*, adjusted EBITDA margin*, adjusted free cash flow*, net leverage*, shareholder return program, forecasts or expectations regarding business outlook, prospects for its operations, capita ...
Weatherford (WFRD) Misses Q2 Earnings and Revenue Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-07-24 06:45
Weatherford (WFRD) came out with quarterly earnings of $1.66 per share, missing the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $1.71 per share. This compares to earnings of $1.12 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items.This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of -2.92%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this oilfield service company would post earnings of $1.41 per share when it actually produced earnings of $1.50, delivering a surprise of 6.38%.Over the last four quarters, ...
Weatherford International(WFRD) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Results
2024-07-24 04:31
Exhibit 99.1 News Release Weatherford Announces Second Quarter 2024 Results and Shareholder Return Program • Revenues of $1,405 million increased 3.5% sequentially and 10% year-over-year, driven by international revenue growth of 6% sequentially and 14% year-over-year • Operating income of $264 million increased 13% sequentially and 31% year-over-year • Net income of $125 million increased 12% sequentially and 52% year-over-year; net income margin of 8.9% • Adjusted EBITDA* of $365 million increased 9% sequ ...