U.S. Gold (USAU)
U.S. Gold (USAU) - 2025 Q1 - Quarterly Report
2024-09-17 03:45
采矿许可证 - 公司在2024年5月获得了怀俄明州环境质量部颁发的地表金矿开采许可证[107] - 公司在2024年6月满足了开采许可证的两个条件,分别是获得了怀俄明州污染物排放消除系统许可证和获得了怀俄明州环境质量部批准的复垦债券[107] - 公司在2024年7月31日季度继续推进空气质量许可证的审批,这是开采许可证的最后一个条件,预计今年内可以获得[107] 财务表现 - 公司2024年7月31日季度的营业费用同比下降约33.7万美元,主要是由于股份支付费用减少、勘探费用减少以及专业咨询费用减少[110] - 公司2024年7月31日季度的净亏损为432.5万美元,同比增加了143.1万美元[113] - 公司2024年7月31日的流动资金为355.6万美元,较2024年4月30日下降了251.4万美元[115] 业绩总结和未来展望 - 公司2024年第三季度总收入为25亿美元[131] - 公司业绩总结和未来展望方面未提供具体数据[131] - 公司未披露用户数据和新产品研发、市场扩张等方面的信息[131]
U.S. Gold Corp. to Participate at the Gold Forum Americas 2024 Conference in Colorado Springs, Colorado
Prnewswire· 2024-09-11 20:47
Denver Gold Group's 36th Annual Gold Forum Americas 2024 Conference, September 15-18, 2024CHEYENNE, Wyo., Sept. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- U.S. Gold Corp. ("U.S. Gold," the "Company," "we," "our" or "us") (NASDAQ: USAU), a gold exploration and development company, is pleased to announce it will be attending the Gold Forum Americas 2024 Conference (the "Conference") at the Broadmoor Hotel & Resort in Colorado Springs, Colorado, being held September 15-18, 2024.The Conference is the world's oldest and most pres ...
U.S. Gold Corp. Provides Update on Engineering Optimization Studies for CK Gold Project
Prnewswire· 2024-09-04 20:47
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- U.S. Gold Corp. (NASDAQ: USAU) (the "Company"), a gold exploration and development company, is pleased to provide the following update on the CK Gold Project engineering and updated Prefeasibility Study progress.With the approval of the Mine Operating Permit on April 29, 2024, work on the Prefeasibility Study (PFS) update resumed in June 2024. As a result of changes related to permit commitments and ongoing engineering optimization studies to enhance project eco ...
U.S. Gold Corp. to Participate at the 2024 Precious Metals Summit in Beaver Creek, Colorado
Prnewswire· 2024-08-29 20:47
2024 Precious Metals Summit Beaver Creek Conference, September 10-13, 2024CHEYENNE, Wyo., Aug. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- U.S. Gold Corp. ("U.S. Gold," the "Company," "we," "our" or "us") (NASDAQ: USAU), a gold exploration and development company, is pleased to announce it will be attending the 2024 Precious Metals Summit (the "Summit") in Beaver Creek, CO being held September 10-13, 2024.The Summit is the world's premier independent investment conference focused on explorers, developers and emerging producer ...
U.S. Gold (USAU) - 2024 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-07-30 04:12
项目开发和勘探 - 公司在2024财年重点推进了CK Gold项目的开发,获得了两项重要许可证[231][232] - 公司继续在Keystone项目进行系统勘探,发现了潜在矿化的异常区域[233] 财务状况 - 公司完成了4.9百万美元的股权融资[235] - 公司2024财年的总运营费用同比下降约2,144,000美元,主要由于员工薪酬、勘探费用和专业咨询费用的减少[238] - 公司2024财年的净亏损为6,897,000美元,较2023财年的7,614,000美元有所下降[241] - 公司2024年4月30日的现金余额为5,574,000美元,流动资金为6,070,321美元[242][245] - 公司目前的现金储备可能在未来12个月内为公司的日常运营和项目活动提供资金支持,但要推进项目仍需要额外融资[245] - 公司2024财年经营活动使用现金7,076,000美元,较上年同期有所下降[246] - 公司2024财年无投资活动现金流出,2023财年投资活动现金流出2,572,000美元[247] - 公司2024财年筹资活动现金流入4,828,000美元,主要来自股权融资[248] - 公司现金余额为5,574,278美元,较上年同期减少28.8%[270] - 公司资产负债表中的无形资产-矿权价值为14,370,255美元,占总资产的63.7%[272] - 公司2024财年营业费用为7,257,337美元,较上年同期下降22.8%[281,282] - 公司2024财年净亏损为6,897,483美元,较上年同期减少9.4%[284] - 公司2024财年发行新股筹资4,827,691美元,用于补充营运资金[286,290] - 公司2024财年股票期权和限制性股票激励费用为475,806美元[289,292] - 公司2024财年资产报废收益为6,075美元[283] - 公司2024财年公允价值变动收益为313,950美元[283] - 公司2024财年利息收入为39,829美元[283] - 公司2024财年每股亏损为0.74美元[284] - 公司净亏损为6,897,483美元和7,614,204美元[295] - 公司调整后的经营活动现金流出为7,076,343美元和8,690,766美元[296] - 公司通过发行普通股筹集资金4,827,691美元和4,829,697美元[297] - 公司现金和现金等价物余额为5,574,278美元和7,822,930美元[297] 会计政策 - 公司确认了与2022年3月和2023年4月股权融资相关的认股权证负债[313] - 公司资产负债表中的累计亏损为58,336,414美元[309] - 公司探矿和开发成本全部计入费用[320] - 公司收购的矿权按公允价值计量[321,322] - 公司以权益工具支付的股份支付费用为593,556美元和1,308,633美元[295] - 公司确认了与租赁相关的使用权资产和租赁负债[299] - 公司将其发行的普通股认购权证分类为权益工具,除了下文提到的认股权证负债外,其他认股权证符合ASU 2017-11的权益分类标准[326] - 公司将2022年3月和2023年4月发行的625,000份和870,000份认股权证分类为负债,并将其按公允价值计量,每个报告期末重新计量公允价值[327] - 发行成本中与认股权证负债相关的部分在发生时计入当期损益,与普通股发行相关的成本冲减权益[328] - 公司确认了资产弃置义务负债,主要包括CK Gold和Keystone项目的预计复垦成本[329] - 公司的报告和功能货币为美元,外币交易按交易日汇率折算,资产负债表日外币余额按当日汇率折算,汇兑损益计入当期损益[330] - 公司根据ASC 842准则对租赁进行会计处理,确认使用权资产和租赁负债[331] - 公司按照ASC 740的规定计提递延所得税,并对可能无法实现的递延所得税资产计提减值准备[332,333,334,335] 其他披露 - 截至2024年4月30日和2023年4月30日止年度,折旧费用分别为32,818美元和36,505美元[349] - 公司根据提交的复垦计划,记录了资产退役义务(ARO)。2024年4月30日和2023年4月30日,ARO余额分别为307,657美元和285,764美元[350][351][352] - 公司于2021年5月1日和2021年9月1日分别签订了两份租赁协议,并于2023年1月和2023年10月对其进行了续租,相应调整了使用权资产和租赁负债[353][354][355][356][357][358] - 公司与董事签订了多项咨询协议,2024年和2023年分别支付了0美元和24,000美元的咨询费[359][360] - 公司的部分认股权证不符合权益工具的会计处理要求,需要作为负债处理,2024年4月30日和2023年4月30日的公允价值分别为3,916,900美元和4,230,850美元[361][362][363][364][365][366][367] - 公司于2023年4月10日完成了一项注册直接发行,发行870,000股普通股,每股价格为5.75美元,同时发行870,000份认股权证,每份行权价格为6.16美元,总募集资金为5,002,500美元[369,370] - 公司于2023年4月10日修改了625,000份之前发行的认股权证,将行权价格从8.60美元降至6.16美元,并将到期日从2027年9月18日延长至2028年4月10日,导致公司在2023年4月30日财年确认了262,500美元的认股权证公允价值变动[371] - 公司于2024年4月19日完成了一项注册直接发行,发行1,400,000股普通股,每股价格为3.50美元,同时发行1,400,000
US Gold Corp CEO highlights CK Gold's strategic and environmental advantages – ICYMI
Proactiveinvestors NA· 2024-07-13 03:15
In a recent interview with Proactive, George Bee, CEO of US Gold Corp (NASDAQ:USAU), discussed the developments of the CK Gold project in Wyoming. Bee highlighted the strategic advantages of the project's location, emphasizing Wyoming's resource-friendly environment and infrastructure. The state supports mining activities, which align well with US Gold Corp (NASDAQ:USAU)'s operations. Proactive: George, you recently compared your CK gold project to other projects you've worked on at an investor conference i ...
U.S. Gold Corp. Proud Sponsor of the 128th Annual Cheyenne Frontier Days - July 19-28, 2024
Prnewswire· 2024-07-10 20:30
U.S. Gold Corp. is proud to be a Copper Boot sponsor at the world's largest outdoor rodeo in celebration of Cheyenne's authentic western heritage and community roots CHEYENNE, Wyo., July 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- U.S. Gold Corp. ("U.S. Gold," the "Company," "we," "our" or "us") (Nasdaq: USAU) is pleased to announce that we will be a proud Copper Boot sponsor of the 128th Annual Cheyenne Frontier Days. This 10-day event features the world's largest outdoor rodeo and has been an important tradition in the regi ...
U.S. Gold Corp. Completes Second of Three Mine Operating Permit Conditions for the CK Gold Project in Wyoming
Prnewswire· 2024-06-20 20:47
Receives Mine Reclamation Bond Acceptance for the Mine Operating Permit CHEYENNE, Wyo., June 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- U.S. Gold Corp. ("U.S. Gold," the "Company," "we," "our" or "us") (Nasdaq: USAU), today announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Gold King Corp., has received formal acceptance of the previously submitted reclamation bond, from the Director of the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality ("WDEQ"). With this acceptance, two of the three conditions associated with the recently granted Su ...
U.S. Gold Corp. Announces Further Approval for the CK Gold Project in Wyoming
Prnewswire· 2024-06-13 20:47
Achieves Water Discharge Permit associated with recently granted Mine Operating Permit CHEYENNE, Wyo., June 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- U.S. Gold Corp. ("U.S. Gold," the "Company," "we," "our" or "us") (Nasdaq: USAU), today announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, Gold King Corp., has been issued its Wyoming Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit, dated May 31, 2024 (the "Water Discharge Permit"), from the Director of the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality ("WDEQ") satisfying one of the cond ...
US Gold gaining strong local support for Wyoming project, says government affairs lead
proactiveinvestors.com· 2024-05-28 03:41
US Gold Corp (NASDAQ:USAU) Government Affairs and Community Relations Manager Jason Begger discussed the company's gold mining project in Wyoming with Proactive's Steve Darling in a recent interview. Begger shared insights on the project's local reception, the permitting process, economic benefits, and the company's commitment to environmental responsibility. This Q&A highlights how U.S. Gold is navigating the complex landscape of mining in a state known for its rich mining history and natural beauty. Proac ...