The Trade Desk(TTD)
Is The Trade Desk's Business Momentum Good Enough to Justify Its Current Stock Price?
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-21 22:41
It would be difficult to criticize The Trade Desk's (TTD -1.42%) recent business performance. Everything seems to be going right for the company. Revenue is growing at robust double-digit rates, customer retention remains extremely high, and the company has a debt-free balance sheet and plenty of excess cash flow. This financial success, of course, isn't too surprising for those following the company closely. The programmatic advertising specialist's product execution has been astounding in recent years. Th ...
This Adtech Stock Has 53% Downside, According to 1 Wall Street Analyst
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-21 17:04
分组1 - 分析师提高了对The Trade Desk股票的目标价,但仍认为该股票处于卖出领域[1] - Benchmark的Mark Zgutowicz重申了对The Trade Desk的卖出建议,并将其价值定为每股32美元[2] - Zgutowicz预测The Trade Desk在2024年全年将比共识数字少4%的收入,2023年的数字将下降近21%[3] 分组2 - The Trade Desk第四季度的数据显示,公司的收入比分析师预期的要高得多,非GAAP盈利增长9%[4] - Zgutowicz将目标价上调至每股42美元,但仍维持卖出建议,认为该股票的估值过高[5] - The Trade Desk深度参与数字广告领域,证明能够在保持增长的同时实现净利润,但Zgutowicz认为公司的估值过高[6]
Did Investors Wait Too Long to Buy The Trade Desk Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-20 18:50
The Trade Desk (TTD 17.46%) stock surged higher following the release of its quarterly report for the fourth quarter of 2023. Amid those gains, it achieved a 52-week high before pulling back, taking it to a level last reached in the summer. Still, with a higher stock price, valuations have become elevated, and the share price has reached a point from which it pulled back months earlier. Does that mean investors missed the opportunity to buy this stock at a reasonable price? Let's take a closer look. The Tra ...
The Trade Desk Stock Soars on Sales Beat, Bullish Q4 Revenue Outlook
Investopedia· 2024-02-17 03:20
Key Takeaways The Trade Desk beat estimates for fourth-quarter revenue and current-quarter guidance, sending the company's stock nearly 20% higher. The company forecast revenue for the current quarter of at least $478 million. The company has around $700 million available for share buybacks. The Trade Desk (TTD) shares surged almost 20% Friday, after the advertising-technology firm posted strong fourth-quarter sales and guided toward current-quarter revenue that topped analysts' forecasts. The company said ...
Why The Trade Desk's Stock Soared on Friday
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-17 02:29
公司业绩 - The Trade Desk的股价在出色的财报发布后飙升,股价上涨了24.2%并达到两年来的新高[1] - 第四季度营收同比增长23%,达到6.06亿美元,调整后的每股收益增长9%,达到0.41美元[2] - 公司第一季度2024年的营收目标为至少4.78亿美元,预计年增长率为25%,高于市场预期的18%[4] 市场竞争 - CEO Jeff Green表示,广告商对开放互联网的价值越来越重视,公司增长速度超过其他数字广告提供商,可能正在从竞争对手那里夺取市场份额[6] 财务策略 - 公司在第四季度产生了6380万美元的自由现金流,然后用2亿美元进行了股票回购,表明公司认为股票被低估,回购是一种友好的股东策略[7] 市场前景 - 公司的乐观展望显示了在线广告销售市场的生机[8]
Trade Desk Stock Hits 2-Year High on Upbeat Forecast
Schaeffers Research· 2024-02-16 23:50
Trade Desk Inc (NASDAQ:TTD) stock is soaring to two-year highs, up 15.1% at $87.14 at last glance, after the company's upbeat first-quarter revenue forecast and flood of analyst bull notes. No fewer than 14 analysts lifted their price targets, including Piper Sandler to $105 from $80, citing momentum related to TV ads and retail media segments. For the fourth quarter, the software name posted an earnings miss but better-than- expected revenue. Options traders are optimistic too, with 104,000 calls exchanged ...
The Trade Desk(TTD) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-02-16 10:05
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 2023年全年收入达19亿美元,同比增长23% [8][49] - 2023年全年调整后EBITDA达7.7亿美元,全年自由现金流达5.43亿美元 [9] - 2023年第四季度收入达6.06亿美元,创历史新高 [48] - 2023年第四季度调整后EBITDA达2.84亿美元,占收入47% [48] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 连接电视(CTV)业务持续保持最快增长,是公司最大的增长引擎 [20][50] - 零售媒体业务也是公司快速增长的领域,第四季度获得更多广告主的预算 [24][25] - 数字音频业务有望在2024年实现大发展,公司看好这一领域的前景 [23] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 北美市场仍占公司业务的88%,但国际市场的增速持续高于北美 [51] - 国际市场增长受益于当地货币汇率变化以及CTV等新兴渠道的快速发展 [107][108] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司专注于成为开放互联网的默认需求方平台,不参与媒体所有权,保持客观中立 [39][50] - 公司正在推进Kokai平台的升级,这是公司历史上最大的产品升级,受到客户广泛好评 [36][37][38] - 公司看好身份认证和相关技术在广告行业的发展前景,正在布局UID2和OpenPass等创新 [15][35][95][96] - 公司认为封闭平台的优势正在弱化,开放互联网将继续挑战它们的主导地位 [17][28] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 2023年整体广告市场存在一定不确定性,但公司有信心在2024年继续保持强劲增长 [10][44] - 行业正在经历重大变革,如cookie退出、监管加强等,但这些都为公司带来了巨大的增长机会 [11][13][26] - 公司有信心利用自身的技术优势和客户资源,在这些变革中持续增强竞争力 [14][28][32] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Shyam Patil 提问** 您如何看待当前广告市场环境,以及公司在2024年的增长前景? [60] **Jeffrey Green 回答** 公司在当前广告市场环境下处于有利地位,有望继续保持强劲增长。公司的技术优势、客户资源以及在新兴渠道如CTV、零售媒体等的领先地位,都将支撑公司在2024年的增长 [62][63][64][65][66][67] 问题2 **Youssef Squali 提问** 亚马逊推出广告支持的Prime Video服务,对CTV市场和公司的影响如何? [68] **Jeffrey Green 回答** 亚马逊的举措将增加CTV广告库存,但这也将加剧竞争,促使CTV平台提供更优质的广告体验。这有利于公司,因为公司代表了大部分广告主,能够为CTV平台提供高质量的广告需求 [69][70][71][72] 问题3 **Shweta Khajuria 提问** 公司对cookie退出的看法和应对措施如何? [75] **Jeffrey Green 回答** 公司受cookie退出影响较小,因为公司业务主要集中在无需cookie的渠道,如CTV、音频和零售媒体等。公司正在通过身份认证技术如UID2、OpenPass等,为广告主提供更有效的定向和测量能力,从而从行业变革中获益 [76][77][78][79][80]
The Trade Desk(TTD) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-02-16 06:21
合作伙伴 - 公司的合作伙伴包括出版商、卖家和内容提供商[2] 平台特点 - 公司的平台具有开源、安全、透明、独立、隐私保护和可控制的特点[5] - 公司的平台具有互操作性和独立治理[5]
Trade Desk shares soar on revenue beat and strong guidance
CNBC· 2024-02-16 06:07
The Trade Desk业绩表现 - The Trade Desk股价在发布强劲第一季度业绩预测和超过收入预期后上涨了18%[1] - 第四季度销售额比去年同期增长了23%,净收入增长了37%[2] - The Trade Desk预计第一季度销售额至少为4.78亿美元,超过分析师预期[3] - 公司董事会批准了6.47亿美元的额外股份回购,将未来回购总额提高至7亿美元[4]
Trade Desk's stock roars as earnings forecast crushes expectations
Market Watch· 2024-02-16 05:43
Trade Desk Inc. shares were soaring in Thursday’s extended session as the advertising-technology company easily cleared the bar with its forecast for the current quarter. The company models at least $478 million in revenue for the first quarter, along with about $130 million in adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (Ebitda). Analysts were modeling $451 million in revenue as well as $113 million in adjusted Ebitda. Shares... Master your money. Subscribe to MarketWatch. Get t ...