Trinity Biotech(TRIB)
Trinity Biotech to Initiate CGM Market Study in India in Furtherance of Intended Collaboration with Bayer
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-19 04:05
文章核心观点 - 公司正在开发下一代连续血糖监测(CGM)技术,并计划在印度市场推出 [1][2][3] - 公司与拜耳公司签订了非约束性意向书,在中国和印度推出CGM设备 [2] - 公司正在进行印度市场的CGM使用情况调研,以优化产品设计 [2][3] - 公司计划通过低成本产品提高印度人群对CGM技术的可及性 [3] 公司概况 - 公司专注于人体诊断和糖尿病管理解决方案,包括可穿戴生物传感器 [1][5][6] - 公司开发、收购、制造和销售诊断系统,包括试剂和仪器 [5][6] - 公司最近收购了Waveform Technologies Inc.的生物传感器资产,并计划开发一系列生物传感器设备和相关服务,首款产品为连续血糖监测仪 [5][6] 行业概况 - 印度有超过1亿人患有糖尿病,1型和2型糖尿病均有上升趋势 [3] - 目前印度CGM使用率不高,但随着自我管理意识的提高而呈上升趋势 [3]
Will Trinity Biotech Stock Gain From Its Latest Patent Process?
ZACKS· 2024-09-10 22:10
Trinity Biotech plc (TRIB) recently provided an update on its continued development of its glucose biosensor technology. Earlier this year, the company was granted a European patent for a novel method that enhances the performance of its glucose biosensor. Recent testing of this patented process has confirmed its effectiveness in improving the performance of the sensor.Trinity Biotech intends to use this breakthrough process to stabilize and improve the functionality of its glucose biosensor in its next-gen ...
Trinity Biotech Announces Increased Orders for TrinScreen HIV and Raises Guidance For 2024 Sales
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-27 04:05
DUBLIN, Ireland, Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Trinity Biotech plc (Nasdaq: TRIB), a commercial-stage biotechnology company focused on human diagnostics and diabetes management solutions, including wearable biosensors, today announced that it has received substantial additional orders for TrinScreen HIV. As a result of this strong demand and the successful scaling of production capacity, the Company is now increasing its expected 2024 sales revenue for TrinScreen HIV to approximately $10 million, up fro ...
Trinity Biotech Appoints Diabetes Care Veteran as Biosensor Marketing Director
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-21 05:00
DUBLIN, Aug. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Trinity Biotech plc (Nasdaq: TRIB), a commercial-stage biotechnology company focused on human diagnostics and diabetes management solutions, including wearable biosensors, today announces the appointment of David Ouston as Biosensor Marketing Director. Mr. Ouston brings a wealth of commercial experience driving the growth of glucose monitoring devices at large, established companies across global markets. John Gillard, President and Chief Executive Officer of Trinit ...
Trinity Biotech(TRIB) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-08-16 15:43
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司Q2 2024年收入为1580万美元,同比增长14% [49] - 快速检测业务收入增长119%,达460万美元,主要来自TrinScreen HIV产品销售310万美元 [49] - 临床实验室业务收入下降4.6%,但临床化学产品收入增长20%以上,被血红蛋白产品销售下降10.8%所抵消 [50] - 毛利率为36.2%,与去年同期持平,主要受益于血红蛋白业务成本下降,但被TrinScreen HIV产品销售占比上升所抵消 [51-52] - 研发费用下降20万美元至100万美元 [53] - 销售管理费用下降150万美元至640万美元,主要来自员工薪酬成本下降 [54] - 公司本季度计提190万美元重组费用和40万美元减值损失 [55-56] - 经营亏损410万美元,去年同期亏损1490万美元 [56] - 净亏损680万美元,去年同期亏损1830万美元 [59] - 调整后EBITDASO为140万美元,去年同期为260万美元 [59] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 快速检测业务收入增长119%,主要来自TrinScreen HIV产品销售 [49] - 临床化学产品收入增长20%以上,但被血红蛋白产品销售下降10.8%所抵消 [50] - 公司正在推出新的糖化血红蛋白检测柱系统,暂时减少了仪器销售 [67-69] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司正在多个非洲国家评估TrinScreen HIV产品,预计未来将带来新的销售增长 [16-17] - 公司在英国建立新的临床化学产品销售渠道,预计将带来收入和利润贡献 [81-83] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司制定了三大战略重点:1)扩大TrinScreen HIV销售 2)执行全面转型计划 3)推进连续血糖监测(CGM)新业务 [11] - 公司正在通过自动化和外包生产来提高TrinScreen HIV的盈利能力 [14-15] - 公司正在整合和外包制造、优化供应链、集中和外包企业服务等措施来降低成本 [20-28] - 公司正在开发一款更加可负担和可持续的CGM产品,以期颠覆当前主导市场的产品 [30-37] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层对公司转型计划的执行进度和效果感到满意,有信心在2025年Q2实现约7500万美元收入和2000万美元EBITDASO [10,29] - 管理层认为CGM业务代表了公司的长期增长机遇,正在快速推进产品开发和商业化 [30-43] 其他重要信息 - 公司将在未来几周迎来新任CFO Louise Tallon的加入 [47] - 公司正在进行两项CGM预临床试验,预计2025年夏季进入关键临床试验,2025年底获得欧洲监管批准 [42] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Jim Sidoti 提问** TrinScreen HIV在本季度的表现如何,全年8百万美元的目标是否仍然可行? [62-64] **John Gillard 回答** TrinScreen HIV的表现符合公司预期,全年8百万美元的目标仍在轨道上,公司正在评估是否有进一步上行空间 [63-64] 问题2 **Jim Sidoti 提问** 临床化学业务本季度增长强劲,未来是否可持续? [65-66] **John Gillard 回答** 临床化学业务增长主要来自价格上涨和市场供给短缺,这些因素在短中期内预计将是可持续的 [66] 问题3 **Jim Sidoti 提问** 随着新的糖化血红蛋白检测柱系统推出,公司是否预计临床实验室业务整体在今年第四季度将恢复增长? [71-73] **John Gillard 回答** 是的,公司预计随着新产品推出,临床实验室业务整体将在今年第四季度恢复增长 [73]
Trinity Biotech Announces Q2 2024 Financial Results
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-14 19:30
-Q2, 2024 total revenues of $15.8 million grew +14% Y/Y and +7.7% Q/Q based on strong demand and output in the TrinScreen HIV business- -Point-of-Care product revenue of $4.6 million grew 119% Y/Y and +53% Q/Q- -Reiterating guidance to achieve approximately $20 million of annualized run-rate EBITDASO1 on annualized run-rate revenues of approximately $75 million by Q2, 2025- DUBLIN, Aug. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Trinity Biotech plc (Nasdaq: TRIB), a commercial stage biotechnology company focused on human ...
Trinity Biotech to Announce Q2 2024 Financial Results
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-14 04:05
DUBLIN, Aug. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Trinity Biotech plc (Nasdaq: TRIB) (the “Company”), a commercial stage biotechnology company focused on diabetes management solutions and human diagnostics, including wearable biosensors, will report financial results for the second quarter 2024 on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at 8:30 AM ET. Conference Call Dial-In & Webcast Information Date:Wednesday, August 14, 2024Time:8:30 AM ETUnited States:1-877-407-0784International:1- 201-689-8560Conference ID:13748426Webcast: ...
Trinity Biotech Obtains an Extension to Demonstrate Compliance With Nasdaq Listing Requirements
Newsfilter· 2024-08-07 04:05
DUBLIN, Aug. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Trinity Biotech plc (NASDAQ:TRIB), a commercial stage biotechnology company focused on human diagnostics and diabetes management solutions, including wearable biosensors, obtained an extension to demonstrate compliance with a continued listing requirement of The Nasdaq Global Select Market. As previously reported in a Current Report on Form 6-K filed November 29, 2023, the Company received a deficiency letter from the Listing Qualifications Department of The Nasdaq ...
Trinity Biotech Provides Preliminary Second Quarter 2024 Update and Enters into UK Distribution Agreement with MedScience
Newsfilter· 2024-08-02 21:24
-Second Quarter 2024 revenues are expected to fall between $15.5-$16.0 million, reflecting double digit percentage year over year growth- -Reiterating financial guidance of approximately $20 million of annualized run-rate EBITDASO1 on annualized run-rate revenues of approximately $75 million by Q2 2025- -Entered into MedScience distribution agreement in UK effective as of August 1, 2024 which encompasses clinical chemistry, infectious disease, and autoimmune products- DUBLIN, Aug. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) ...
Trinity Biotech Provides Preliminary Second Quarter 2024 Update and Enters into UK Distribution Agreement with MedScience
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-02 21:24
文章核心观点 - 公司第二季度2024年收入预计在1550万美元至1600万美元之间,同比增长双位数百分比 [1] - 公司重申到2025年第二季度实现年化运营收入约7500万美元,年化运营EBITDASO1约2000万美元的财务指引 [2][7] - 公司与英国医疗科学公司MedScience签署分销协议,涵盖临床化学、传染病和自身免疫产品 [3][4][6] 公司概况 - 公司是一家专注于人体诊断和糖尿病管理解决方案的商业阶段生物技术公司,包括可穿戴生物传感器 [10] - 公司开发、收购、制造和销售诊断系统,包括试剂和仪器,用于临床实验室和现场诊断市场,最近还进入了可穿戴生物传感器行业 [10] - 公司产品用于检测传染病,并量化血红蛋白A1c和其他化学参数的水平 [10] - 公司在美国直接销售,并通过遍布全球75个国家的国际分销商和战略合作伙伴网络进行销售 [10] MedScience公司概况 - MedScience是Pharmed集团的一家子公司,是英国领先的医疗和科学设备、耗材和服务提供商 [11] - 公司与全球领先制造商签有独家分销协议,为实验室、医疗和科学服务提供商提供最先进的产品 [11] - 公司在英国拥有现代化的总部办公室、仓储和内部维修团队,为客户提供全面的支持 [11]