Toyota Motor North America Reports 2023 U.S. Sales Results
Prnewswire· 2024-01-04 00:00
丰田公司销售情况 - 2023年销售量增长6.6%,日销售率增长7.0%[2] - 2023年第四季度销售量增长15.4%,日销售率增长18.5%[3] - 2023年12月销售量增长25.5%,日销售率增长30.3%[3] - 2023年共有26款电动车型,占总销量的近三分之一[1] - 2024年将推出22款新车型,包括轿车和更多电动车型[4] - 2023年丰田公司销售了657,327辆电动车,占总销量的29.2%[5] - 2023年丰田部门销售了565,800辆电动车,占总销量的29.3%[6] 丰田公司产品销售情况 - 2023年丰田部门的Corolla预计成为美国最畅销的紧凑型车[6] - 2023年丰田部门的Camry预计成为美国第一畅销的轿车,连续第22年[6] - 2023年丰田部门的Tacoma连续第19年成为美国最畅销的小型皮卡[7] - 2023年丰田部门的RAV4连续第8年成为美国最畅销的SUV[7] - 2023年是丰田Mirai、bZ4X、RAV4 Hybrid、Sequoia和Tundra Hybrid的最佳销售年份[7] 丰田公司战略规划 - 丰田公司在美国拥有超过1,500家经销商,直接雇佣超过49,000人[10] - 丰田公司计划到2025年在北卡罗来纳州的第10家工厂开始生产电动车辆的汽车电池[10] - 丰田公司通过Driving Possibilities计划致力于在历史悠久的、多样化的社区内创造创新的教育项目[11] 丰田公司混合动力车型销售情况 - 2023年12月,丰田在美国的电动车销售总结显示,Prius混合动力车型销量为4,080辆,同比增长42.9%,年度销量为30,495辆[63] - 2023年12月,丰田的Camry混合动力车型销量为4,860辆,同比增长257.7%,但年度销量为35,445辆,同比下降15.0%[63] - 2023年12月,丰田的RAV4混合动力车型销量为19,357辆,同比增长148.6%,年度销量为161,125辆,同比增长7.8%[63]
Toyota subsidiary shuts down production after admitting to decades of fraudulent safety test results
New York Post· 2023-12-30 23:29
A Japanese car manufacturer has temporarily shut down production after admitting to decades of fraudulent safety test results. “We recognize the extreme gravity of these irregularities, their causes, and the recommendations to prevent their recurrence identified during the Independent Third-Party Committee’s investigations,” automaker Daihatsu wrote in a statement on the company’s website. “We will not only review and revise certification application operations, but we will also make sweeping reforms to our ...
Toyota subsidiary shuts down production after admitting to decades of safety test 'irregularities'
Fox Business· 2023-12-30 20:25
A Japanese car manufacturer has temporarily shut down production after admitting to decades of fraudulent safety test results. "We recognize the extreme gravity of these irregularities, their causes, and the recommendations to prevent their recurrence identified during the Independent Third-Party Committee’s investigations," automaker Daihatsu wrote in a statement on the company’s website. "We will not only review and revise certification application operations, but we will also make sweeping reforms to our ...
Tesla Cybertruck involved in first reported crash – demolishes Toyota Corolla's front end in head-on collision
New York Post· 2023-12-29 20:36
Tesla’s stainless steel Cybertruck was involved in its first reported accident after finally hitting the road last month — and it wasn’t pretty for the other car. A Toyota Corolla was left crumpled after appearing to collide head-on with the fully electric, bomber-like vehicle on Thursday, according to a Reddit post that showed photos of the accident. The Toyota’s front end was completely demolished, and the sedan’s side airbags deployed as it rested on the side of the road with its hood popped open and a h ...
Toyota Is Recalling More Than 1 Million Vehicles—Here's Why
Investopedia· 2023-12-21 20:50
Key Takeaways o o « Toyota is recalling 1.12 million Toyota and Lexus vehicles because of a potentially faulty airbag sensor. The automaker said a manufacturing error could cause the sensor to short out and not deploy the airbag at the proper time. Toyota said it would be notifying those customers affected by the middle of February. Toyota Motor (TM) is recalling 1.12 million Toyota and Lexus vehicles because of a potential faulty sensor that could keep airbags from deploying properly. The automaker said a ...
Toyota recalls 1M vehicles over potential air bag sensor defect
Proactive Investors· 2023-12-21 18:51
Proactive公司概况 - Emily Jarvie在澳大利亚和加拿大从事政治新闻和商业报道[2] - Proactive是一家提供金融新闻和在线广播的公司,拥有经验丰富的新闻记者团队[3] - Proactive的新闻团队遍布全球金融和投资中心,包括伦敦、纽约、多伦多、悉尼和珀斯[4] Proactive公司业务范围 - Proactive专注于中小市值市场,同时也关注蓝筹公司、大宗商品和更广泛的投资故事[5] - Proactive团队提供市场新闻和独特见解,涵盖生物技术和制药、矿业和自然资源、电池金属、石油和天然气、加密货币以及新兴数字和电动汽车技术领域[6] Proactive公司内容创作 - Proactive始终是技术的积极采用者,拥有经验丰富的人类内容创作者和先进的技术工具[7] - Proactive偶尔使用自动化和软件工具,包括生成式人工智能,但所有发布的内容都经过人工编辑和撰写,符合最佳实践[8]
Recalls and Raids. Toyota Stock Is Having a Tough Day.
Barrons· 2023-12-21 16:27
丰田股票困难 - 丰田股票在召回和突袭事件后遭遇困难[1]
Toyota's small car unit Daihatsu raided after faked tests lead it to suspend all vehicle shipments
Market Watch· 2023-12-21 13:24
Japanese transport ministry officials inspected Toyota subsidiary Daihatsu on Thursday, one day after officials announced it was suspending the small car unit’s shipments of all vehicles in and outside Japan after an investigation found improper testing involving 64 models. The safety test irregularities earlier this year prompted an independent panel investigation, which found widespread and systematic problems at Osaka-based Daihatsu Motor Co. It is the latest of safety or other violations found at at lea ...
丰田汽车(US ADR)(TM) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2023-11-01 00:00
业绩总结 - FY2024上半年销售收入达到21,981,617百万日元,同比增长24.1%[2] - FY2024上半年净利润达到2,647,521百万日元,同比增长117.1%[2] - FY2024上半年每股基本收益为191.26日元,同比增长124.2%[2] - FY2024第二季度总资产为83,661,391百万日元,股东权益为32,852,768百万日元,股东权益占比为38.1%[2] - FY2024第二季度每股现金股利为30.00日元[2] - FY2024全年预测净利润为3,950,000百万日元,同比增长61.1%[3] - FY2024全年预测每股基本收益为292.02日元[3] 公司财务状况 - 截至2023年9月30日,丰田汽车公司的总资产为83,661,391百万日元[6] - 2023年上半年,丰田汽车公司销售收入达到21,981,617百万日元,较2022年同期增长了24.1%[8] - 2023年上半年,丰田汽车公司净利润为2,647,521百万日元,较2022年同期增长了116.9%[8] 产品和市场 - FY2024第二季度,公司整体车辆生产量为4,725千辆,同比增长8.4%[15] - 海外市场车辆销售量为3,672千辆,同比增长5.4%[15] - 全球零售销售总量达到11,380千辆,同比增长7.4%[15] 风险和展望 - 未来业绩不确定性因素包括经济状况、市场需求、竞争环境变化等[18] - 人民币、美元、欧元、澳元、加元和英镑汇率波动、股价波动、利率波动等风险[18] - 影响丰田实际结果的因素还包括资金市场环境变化、金融服务行业竞争加剧等[18]
Toyota(TM) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2023-06-30 00:00
公司业绩 - 丰田汽车在2023财年的销售收入为37,154.2亿日元,净利润为2,492.9亿日元[26] - 丰田汽车在2023财年的汽车业务销售额分别为24,597,846万日元、28,531,993万日元和33,776,870万日元[26] - 丰田汽车在2023财年以合并基础销售了8,822万辆汽车[26] 市场趋势 - 全球汽车市场竞争激烈,丰田面临来自各市场汽车制造商的激烈竞争[10] - 2022年全球汽车销量约为8100万辆[28] - 2022年中国市场总销量为24.62百万辆,占2021年的97.8%[61] 新产品和技术 - 丰田计划到2026年推出10款BEV车型[168] - 丰田计划到2026年销售150万辆丰田和雷克萨斯品牌的BEV车辆[168] - 丰田计划在2027年至2028年间挑战在BEV电池中实际应用全固态电池技术[77] 气候变化和可持续性 - 丰田全面致力于在2050年实现整车生命周期内的碳中和,通过多种途径实现电气化,推动氢能社会的实现,并在2030年和2035年分别将全球销售车辆的平均CO2排放量降低33%或更多和50%或更多[37] - 丰田已在欧洲所有工厂实现100%可再生电力使用[171] - 丰田公司设定了2050年的环境挑战目标,包括实现碳中和[177]