Tenet (THC) Divests Six Hospitals, Sustains Divestiture Spree
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-03 02:01
出售交易 - Tenet Healthcare Corporation最近完成了位于加利福尼亚的六家医院和相关业务的出售[1] - 出售的四家医院位于橙县和洛杉矶县,已被出售给橙县的学术医疗系统UCI Health[1] - 预计这笔交易将带来约5亿美元的税前账面收益,可能对2024年的税收支出产生积极影响[4] 医院出售对象 - 另外两家医院位于圣路易斯奥比斯波县,分别是Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center和Twin Cities Community Hospital,已被出售给加利福尼亚的综合医疗系统Adventist Health[5] 公司战略调整 - 这些出售反映了自2024年初以来Tenet Healthcare所进行的积极出售行动,有助于降低公司的债务水平[6] - 通过这些出售,Tenet Healthcare退出了不再符合长期增长和协同战略的服务线,并将更多资金用于在公司业务强劲的领域和提供更高投资回报的领域发展[7]
Tenet Healthcare (THC) Registers a Bigger Fall Than the Market: Important Facts to Note
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-23 07:21
In the latest trading session, Tenet Healthcare (THC) closed at $102.05, marking a -1.12% move from the previous day. The stock fell short of the S&P 500, which registered a loss of 0.14% for the day. Meanwhile, the Dow experienced a drop of 0.77%, and the technology-dominated Nasdaq saw an increase of 0.17%.Heading into today, shares of the hospital operator had gained 11.72% over the past month, outpacing the Medical sector's gain of 0.88% and the S&P 500's gain of 5.34% in that time.Investors will be eag ...
Tenet Healthcare (THC) Increases Despite Market Slip: Here's What You Need to Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-14 07:21
股价表现 - Tenet Healthcare (THC) 最新收盘价为 $100.38,较上一交易日上涨了 +0.42% [1] - Tenet Healthcare 过去一个月股价上涨了 13.5%,超过了医疗行业的 2.91% 和标普500指数的 3.18% [2] 盈利预期 - 投资者将密切关注 Tenet Healthcare 的盈利表现,预计每股收益为 $1.41,较去年同期下降了 0.7% [3] 营收预期 - 预期 Tenet Healthcare 的营收为 $5.12 亿美元,较去年同期上涨了 1.87% [4]
Why the Market Dipped But Tenet Healthcare (THC) Gained Today
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-06 08:16
In the latest market close, Tenet Healthcare (THC) reached $95.56, with a +1.99% movement compared to the previous day. The stock's change was more than the S&P 500's daily loss of 1.02%. Elsewhere, the Dow lost 1.04%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq lost 1.65%.The the stock of hospital operator has risen by 4.06% in the past month, lagging the Medical sector's gain of 4.07% and overreaching the S&P 500's gain of 3.64%.The upcoming earnings release of Tenet Healthcare will be of great interest to investors. It ...
Tenet Healthcare (THC) to Sell Hospitals to Refine Portfolio
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-02 02:31
Tenet Healthcare Corporation (THC) inked a definitive deal to divest its two hospitals, affiliated physician practices and related operations to the California-based nonprofit, integrated health system, Adventist Health. The hospitals, named Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center and Twin Cities Community Hospital, serve the communities of San Luis Obispo county, across which Adventist Health has a widespread presence.Subject to customary regulatory approvals, clearances and closing conditions, the transactio ...
Tenet to Sell Two Hospitals and Enter into a Revenue Cycle Services Partnership with Adventist Health
Businesswire· 2024-02-29 19:45
DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Tenet Healthcare Corporation (NYSE: THC) has entered into a definitive agreement with Adventist Health for the sale of two Tenet hospitals and related operations in San Luis Obispo County. Tenet also announced its Conifer Health Solutions subsidiary will enter into an agreement to provide revenue cycle services for Adventist Health. The transaction will include Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center and Twin Cities Community Hospital, as well as affiliated physician practices and oth ...
Tenet Healthcare (THC) Falls More Steeply Than Broader Market: What Investors Need to Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-29 08:16
Tenet Healthcare (THC) closed the latest trading day at $89.22, indicating a -1.12% change from the previous session's end. The stock's change was less than the S&P 500's daily loss of 0.17%. Meanwhile, the Dow experienced a drop of 0.06%, and the technology-dominated Nasdaq saw a decrease of 0.55%.Heading into today, shares of the hospital operator had gained 9.05% over the past month, outpacing the Medical sector's gain of 5.93% and the S&P 500's gain of 3.98% in that time.Investors will be eagerly watchi ...
Tenet Calls for Full Redemption of 4.875% Senior Secured First Lien Notes due 2026
Businesswire· 2024-02-17 06:00
公司赎回债券 - Tenet Healthcare Corporation(NYSE: THC)今天宣布将赎回所有未偿还的2,100亿美元的4.875%首位受担保到期于2026年的优先债券[1] - 债券将于2024年3月5日(“赎回日期”)以现金方式赎回,赎回价格等于赎回的债券本金金额的100%,加上截至赎回日期但不包括赎回日期的应计利息[2] 公司背景介绍 - Tenet Healthcare Corporation(NYSE: THC)是总部位于达拉斯的多元化医疗服务公司,其护理交付网络包括United Surgical Partners International,该公司是全国最大的门诊平台,运营或拥有超过480家门诊手术中心和外科医院[5]
Tenet Health(THC) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-02-16 00:00
UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, DC 20549 Form 10-K ý Annual report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 OR ¨ Transition report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 for the transition period from to Commission File Number 1-7293 TENET HEALTHCARE CORPORATION (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter) Nevada 95-2557091 (State of Incorporation) (IRS Employer Id ...
Tenet Health(THC) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-02-09 05:01
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 2023年全年营收205亿美元,调整后EBITDA35.4亿美元,EBITDA利润率17.2% [11] - 2023年第四季度营收54亿美元,调整后EBITDA10.12亿美元 [47] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 USPI业务 - 2023年USPI业务EBITDA15.4亿美元,同比增长16.4%,EBITDA利润率40% [14] - 2023年USPI同店收入增长9.2%,远高于4-6%的长期目标 [15] - 2023年第四季度USPI同店手术量增长3.9%,同店收入增长9.5% [48] - 2023年新增30家中心,目标到2025年达到575-600家中心 [17][27][108] 医院业务 - 2023年医院业务EBITDA20亿美元,EBITDA利润率12% [18] - 2023年第四季度非COVID同店住院量增长2.6%,全年增长6.2% [19] - 2023年第四季度每调整后入院收入增长6.5% [19] - 2023年第四季度合并工资薪酬占收入比43%,大幅低于2022年同期46.2%,合并临时工占工资薪酬比2.8%,大幅降低 [51] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 无具体披露 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司正在向更高利润的价值型医疗企业转型,建立领先的专科医疗平台 [13] - 公司通过出售部分医院资产优化业务组合,提高财务灵活性,降低负债水平 [37][38][39][40][42] - 公司计划每年投资2-2.5亿美元在USPI业务上,有30多个新中心正在建设或洽谈中 [27][28][29] - 公司在医院业务上也在提升高级别服务,如新建100张床位的Westover Hills医院 [32][33] - 公司认为USPI业务的长期增长潜力很大,有望持续扩张并提高盈利能力 [25][26][27] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 2023年公司业绩超出预期,体现了公司在提高盈利能力和运营效率方面的能力 [12][13] - 2024年公司预计调整后EBITDA将增长7%,USPI和医院业务均有望实现5%以上的增长 [23][25][29] - 公司对2024年的市场需求和业务发展前景保持乐观 [69][70][71] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Cal Sternick 提问** 询问2024年USPI业务的同店量增长预期以及各业务线的需求情况 [67] **Saum Sutaria 回答** 2024年USPI同店量增长1-3%,主要受2023年强劲增长的基数影响,但公司对各业务线的需求前景保持乐观 [69][70][71] 问题2 **A.J. Rice 提问** 询问近期医院资产出售的估值较高的原因,以及这是否会影响公司在USPI业务的议价能力 [75][77] **Saum Sutaria 回答** 出售资产的估值较高主要是由于公司通过多年努力将这些医院打造成高质量、高盈利的资产,具有较高的吸引力。公司的整体战略不会因此发生变化,仍将致力于为支付方提供高价值服务 [78][80] 问题3 **Brian Tanquilut 提问** 询问公司未来是否会继续寻求类似的资产出售机会,以及对于未来的杠杆目标 [86] **Saum Sutaria 回答** 公司保持谨慎和战略性的资产组合优化,未来仍将保持这种方式。同时公司将致力于降低杠杆水平,提高自由现金流 [88][89]