TDS Completes OneNeck Sale: Will it be Beneficial for the Stock?
ZACKS· 2024-09-05 00:16
文章核心观点 - 电话和数据系统公司(TDS)完成了其子公司OneNeck IT Solutions LLC和OneNeck Data Center Holdings LLC的剥离,出售给了US Signal Company, LLC [1] - 这次剥离符合TDS的资本配置策略,将为公司的光纤网络建设提供额外资金支持,增强其在美国各地社区的网络基础设施 [1] - TDS正在大力推进光纤网络的建设,目前49%的服务地址已覆盖光纤,并计划在2024年达到60%的目标 [2][3] - 这次剥离有利于TDS将业务重心从电信服务提供商转向光纤网络提供商 [2] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 TDS的光纤网络建设 - TDS总部位于芝加哥,是一家多元化的电信服务提供商,提供无线和有线服务 [2] - 公司正在大力推进中频段网络部署,以提升速度和容量,其塔台租赁业务在各主要运营商中保持良好平衡和地域多样性 [2] - 公司正积极扩展光纤网络,目前49%的服务地址已覆盖光纤,并计划在2024年达到60%的目标 [2][3] - 公司正在加大投资,以加强其基于光纤的宽带网络,体现了其从电信服务提供商向光纤网络提供商转型的战略 [2] 此次剥离对TDS的影响 - 此次交易标志着电信行业的一次大规模整合,体现了企业为适应市场变化和技术发展而调整业务组合的趋势 [4] - 此次交易有利于TDS集中精力提供更好的客户服务,并为客户提供更强大的技术支持 [4] - 过去一年,TDS股价上涨15.1%,优于行业下跌1.1%的表现 [5]
US Signal Completes Acquisition of OneNeck
Prnewswire· 2024-09-03 22:00
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- US Signal Company, LLC (US Signal), a leading digital infrastructure provider and portfolio company of Igneo Infrastructure Partners, has completed its acquisition of OneNeck IT Solutions LLC and OneNeck Data Center Holdings LLC (OneNeck) from Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. (NYSE: TDS), a provider of wireless, broadband, video, voice, hosted and managed services to U.S. businesses.Headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin, OneNeck provides secure hybrid IT and ...
TDS Telecom and UScellular participating in upcoming September conferences
Prnewswire· 2024-08-27 04:05
CHICAGO, Aug. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- TDS Telecom, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. (NYSE: TDS) and United States Cellular Corporation (NYSE:USM), will each be attending the following September conferences.Citi's 2024 Global TMT ConferenceTDS Telecom webcasted presentation on September 5, 2024 at 7:30 a.m. ET Michelle Brukwicki, TDS Telecom senior vice president of finance & chief financial officer is scheduled to speak. The presentation will be webcast live. Management will al ...
Telephone and Data Systems (TDS) to Divest Assets for Core Focus
ZACKS· 2024-08-23 01:51
文章核心观点 - 电话和数据系统公司(TDS)宣布出售其在德克萨斯州的有线电视业务,这代表了公司战略转型,专注于核心市场并提高盈利能力[1][2][5] - 该交易预计将在2024年第四季度完成,Poka Lambro公司将收购TDS在Seminole、Seagraves和Denver City的有线电视资产,而Nevill Holdings将收购TDS在Alpine和Fort Stockton的有线电视资产[2][3][4] - 这笔交易代表了电信行业内的重大整合,各公司正在调整自己的业务组合和战略,以适应不断变化的市场条件和技术进步[5] - 该交易预计将增强TDS的服务能力,提高其在电信行业的领导地位,并提高其未来几个季度的收入[5] 公司概况 - Poka Lambro公司从提供农村地区的电话服务发展成为南德克萨斯州4,000平方英里范围内光纤到户设施的领先提供商,拥有先进的电信服务能力[3] - Nevill Holdings公司通过其子公司Big Bend Telephone Company和Big Bend Telecom Ltd.在西德克萨斯州为农村地区提供高速光纤互联网、语音服务和数据中心解决方案,致力于缩小数字鸿沟,提高农村地区的数字可访问性[4] 行业动态 - 该交易代表了电信行业内的重大整合,各公司正在调整自己的业务组合和战略,以适应不断变化的市场条件和技术进步[5] - TDS的股价在过去一年中上涨了16.9%,而同期行业下跌了0.6%[5]
TDS Telecom to transfer ownership of its Texas cable operations
Prnewswire· 2024-08-21 19:30
文章核心观点 TDS Telecommunications LLC(TDS)将其在德克萨斯州的有线电视业务转让给Poka Lambro Telecommunications, Ltd.和Nevill Holdings, Inc.[1] 关键要点总结 公司概况 - Poka Lambro成立于1950年,为德克萨斯州南部农村地区提供电话服务,现已发展成为该地区主要的宽带互联网和电信服务提供商[2] - Big Bend Telephone Company和Big Bend Telecom Ltd.(BBT)在西德克萨斯地区服务60多年,提供高速光纤互联网、语音和数据中心解决方案[3] - TDS自2013年通过收购Baja Broadband进入德克萨斯州市场,提供有线电视、语音和互联网服务[4] 交易细节 - TDS将其在Seminole、Seagraves和Denver City的有线电视业务转让给Poka Lambro,在Alpine和Fort Stockton的业务转让给BBT的母公司Nevill Holdings, Inc.[1] - 交易预计将于2024年第四季度完成,8名TDS现场服务人员也将转至新公司[1][4] 交易目的 - Poka Lambro和BBT表示将继续为客户提供优质服务,并致力于提升当地的互联网连接性[5][6] - TDS表示相信客户会继续获得优质服务,并将协助员工顺利过渡[5]
TDS announces third quarter 2024 dividends
Prnewswire· 2024-08-09 04:05
CHICAGO, Aug. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The board of directors of Telephone and Data Systems, Inc. (NYSE: TDS), a leading provider of telecommunications services, has declared third quarter 2024 dividends on its Common Shares, Series A Common Shares, Series UU Preferred Shares and Series VV Preferred Shares.TDS is paying a quarterly dividend of $0.04 per Common Share and Series A Common Share payable on September 30, 2024, to holders of record on September 16, 2024. TDS is paying a quarterly dividend of $414. ...
ITTI(TDS) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-08-04 16:20
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 总收入下降2%,主要由于平均用户基数减少,但被更高的后付费ARPU部分抵消 [33] - 调整后OIBDA增长14%,持续降低现金支出 [33] - 系统运营费用下降5%,由于成本优化措施抵消了5G部署带来的增加 [34] - 销售、一般及管理费用下降5%,剔除战略选择相关费用后下降9% [34][35] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 无线业务: - 总净增加用户数同比改善15,000,主要由于保留和获取用户的措施 [23][24][28] - 后付费手机ARPU同比增长2% [24] - 固定无线用户增长40%至134,000 [25] - 塔业务: - 第三方塔业务收入增长1%,受到新增共址放缓和退租影响 [37][38] - 预计交易完成后,塔业务调整后OIBDA率将超过50% [41][42] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 无线业务面临激烈竞争,电缆无线业务仍是强劲竞争对手 [25][26] - 电缆无线业务有成本优势,可以将大部分流量卸载到Wi-Fi [26] - 整体可切换用户池下降9% [26] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司宣布与T-Mobile达成交易,出售无线业务,保留塔资产和部分频谱 [11][12][18][19] - 公司正积极推进中频5G部署,到2024年底将覆盖近50%的数据流量 [31] - TDS电信正在推进光纤网络建设,到2024年底目标达到125,000个可服务光纤地址 [45][49] - TDS电信计划推出MVNO无线业务,以增强与宽带业务的捆绑销售 [46][47] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 无线业务面临激烈竞争,但公司正采取措施改善用户增长和ARPU [23][24][25][26][28] - 塔业务长期前景看好,但短期新增共址放缓 [37][38][39] - TDS电信宽带业务增长强劲,但受到一些特殊因素和行业竞争压力影响 [53][54][55][57][59] 其他重要信息 - 公司整体财务状况良好,现金流和负债水平均有所改善 [14][15][16] - TDS电信调整了2024年财务指引,收入略有下调但利润指引上调 [63][64] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Sergey Dluzhevskiy 提问** 对公司塔业务资产组合的看法,包括优势和改善空间 [68][69] **LT Therivel 回答** 公司塔资产地理位置优势明显,未来通过提高共址率可持续提升盈利能力 [69][70][71] 问题2 **Sergey Dluzhevskiy 提问** 对于公司保留的部分频谱资产,未来的处置计划 [74][75] **LT Therivel 回答** 公司正在积极推进频谱资产的变现,但出于商业考虑暂不透露具体计划 [121][122][123] 问题3 **Jonathan Atkin 提问** 对于塔业务未来是否有建塔计划,以及现有塔资产是否需要追加资本支出 [129][130][131][132][133] **LT Therivel 回答** 公司目前没有具体的建塔计划,但会根据未来战略需要进行评估;现有塔资产可以通过提高共址率来提升收益,无需大量追加资本支出 [130][131][132][133][137][138][139]
ITTI(TDS) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-08-03 23:56
Second Quarter 2024 Results August 2, 2024 Safe Harbor Statement Under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 All information set forth in this presentation about Telephone and Data Systems, Inc., including its subsidiaries UScellular and TDS Telecom, except historical and factual information, represents forward-looking statements. This includes all statements about the company's plans, beliefs, estimates, and expectations. These statements are based on current estimates, projections, and assu ...
Compared to Estimates, TDS (TDS) Q2 Earnings: A Look at Key Metrics
ZACKS· 2024-08-03 01:30
For the quarter ended June 2024, Telephone & Data Systems (TDS) reported revenue of $1.24 billion, down 2.3% over the same period last year. EPS came in at -$0.13, compared to -$0.17 in the year-ago quarter.The reported revenue compares to the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $1.24 billion, representing a surprise of +0.02%. The company delivered an EPS surprise of +18.75%, with the consensus EPS estimate being -$0.16.While investors closely watch year-over-year changes in headline numbers -- revenue and earning ...
Telephone & Data Systems (TDS) Reports Q2 Loss, Tops Revenue Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-08-02 21:40
Telephone & Data Systems (TDS) came out with a quarterly loss of $0.13 per share versus the Zacks Consensus Estimate of a loss of $0.16. This compares to loss of $0.17 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items.This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of 18.75%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this parent of U.S. Cellular and TDS Telecom would post a loss of $0.22 per share when it actually produced earnings of $0.10, delivering a surprise of 145.45%.Over the l ...