Scully Royalty .(SRL)
Salazar Resources Announces Closing of Private Placement
Newsfile· 2024-08-29 18:45
Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 29, 2024) - SALAZAR RESOURCES LIMITED (TSXV: SRL) (OTCQX: SRLZF) (FSE: CCG) ("Salazar" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the closing of the non-brokered private placement financing (the "Private Placement") announced on August 20, 2024. The Company has issued a total of 7,140,000 shares (the "Shares") at a price of $0.07 per Share to raise $499,800.All securities issued in the Private Placement are subject to a four-month hold period and to all n ...
Salazar Resources Announces Private Placement
Newsfile· 2024-08-20 18:45
Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 20, 2024) - SALAZAR RESOURCES LIMITED (TSXV: SRL) (OTCQX: SRLZF) (FSE: CCG) ("Salazar" or the "Company") announces that further to a price reservation filed on August 7, 2024, the Company has arranged a non-brokered private placement financing of up to 7,140,000 shares at a price of $0.07 per share to raise up to $499,800. Certain insiders will participate in the financing. There is no finder's fee payable and proceeds will be used for working capital a ...
Prnewswire· 2024-08-03 05:30
SHANGHAI, Aug. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Scully Royalty Ltd. (the "Company") (NYSE: SRL) is saddened to announce the passing of Indrajit Chatterjee, a valued member of the Company's board of directors. Mr. Chatterjee had been a director for the Company since 2017 and was the Chairman of the Compensation Committee and a member of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee.Mr. Chatterjee was a retired businessman and was an Executive Committee member of the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heri ...
Salazar Resources Announces Change of Directors
Newsfile· 2024-07-30 18:45
Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 30, 2024) - SALAZAR RESOURCES LIMITED (TSXV: SRL) (OTCQB: SRLZF) (FSE: CCG) ("Salazar" or the "Company") is pleased to welcome back Ms. Jennifer Wu as a director of the Company. Ms. Wu has rejoined the Company to replace Ms. Mary Gilzean who has resigned from the Board. Ms. Wu has 25 years of experience in the financial industry. Most recently she was an executive at Citigroup, where she focused on Enterprise Risk Management and achieved major milestones ...
Scully Royalty .(SRL) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-04-29 20:34
U.S. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington D.C. 20549 FORM 6-K REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 UNDER THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the month of April, 2024 Commission File No.: 001-04192 (Translation of Registrant's name into English) Room 2103 Shanghai Mart Tower, 2299 Yan An Road West, Changning District, Shanghai China 200336 (Address of of ice) Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or ...
Scully Royalty .(SRL) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-04-29 20:31
Table of Contents UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 Form 20-F ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 Commission file number 001-04192 (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter) Cayman Islands (Jurisdiction of incorporation or organization) Room 2103 Shanghai Mart Tower, 2299 Yan An Road West, Changning District, Shanghai China 200336 (Address of office) Michael J. Smith ...
Scully Royalty .(SRL) - 2022 Q4 - Annual Report
2023-04-26 00:00
U.S. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington D.C. 20549 FORM 6-K REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 UNDER THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the month of April, 2023 Commission File No.: 001-04192 (Translation of Registrant's name into English) Room 2103 Shanghai Mart Tower, 2299 Yan An Road West, Changning District, Shanghai China 200336 (Address of office) Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or ...
Scully Royalty .(SRL) - 2022 Q4 - Annual Report
2023-04-26 00:00
财务信息和经营模式 - 所有财务信息均按照国际财务报告准则(IFRS)编制[47] - 公司的竞争对手包括商业银行、私募股权公司、对冲基金等[66] - 公司的收入中约45%来自铁矿石的版税利益[69] - 公司的盈利受各种产品价格波动影响[70] - 公司无法控制铁矿石矿山的运营方式,这可能对公司的盈利能力、运营结果和财务状况产生重大不利影响[73] - 公司的业务受到与交易对手履行义务相关的对手方风险的影响[77] - 公司可能面临适合的收购、合并或其他专有投资候选人的缺乏,这可能限制公司的增长[71] - 公司可能需要未来大幅增加债务,这可能会对盈利能力产生不利影响[108] - 公司在全球运营中面临政治、经济、法律、运营等风险,可能对业务、业绩、财务状况和现金流产生不利影响[109] - 公司面临可能对业务、运营结果、财务状况和现金流产生重大不利影响的交易风险[79] - 公司通过资本投资来管理交易风险,但交易风险可能来自专有投资活动,包括市场和信用风险[80] - 公司使用各种工具和策略来管理各种类型的风险,例如使用衍生外汇合约来管理外汇汇率风险[82] - 公司的长期资产价值低于账面价值时,将需要记录非现金减值损失,可能对业绩产生重大影响[84] - 公司的收入中约46%来自铁矿石的版税利益,这可能导致收入过于集中,对业绩产生更大影响[87] - 公司的版税利益收入取决于项目运营商的持续生产水平,存在运营风险[89] - 公司在进行战略投资或收购、合资企业或进入新业务领域时,可能面临额外的风险和不确定性[123] - 公司在进行战略投资、收购或进入合资企业时,预计将面临许多风险和不确定性,包括整合相关业务和系统的需求,可能显著影响运营结果的整合成本[125] 风险管理和内部控制 - 公司的业务受到与交易对手履行义务相关的对手方风险的影响[77] - 公司面临诉讼风险,可能导致大量法律费用支出[112] - 公司的信息技术系统的故障或安全漏洞可能会干扰运营并对业务产生负面影响[134] - 公司发行额外股份或通过出售股权证券筹集资金可能导致投资者权益被稀释,净账面价值每股可能受到稀释[138] - 公司的内部控制存在重大弱点、缺陷或未能维持内部控制,可能影响我们准确及及时地编制财务报表[142] - 投资者可能在保护自己的利益方面面临困难,他们通过美国法院保护自己的权利的能力可能受到限制,因为我们是根据开曼群岛法律设立的[143] Scully铁矿业务 - 公司核心资产是位于加拿大纽芬兰和拉布拉多省的Scully铁矿的净收入特许权益,目前运营商于2019年开始采矿[148] - Scully铁矿产出的高品位铁矿石销售价格较62%Fe铁矿石高出16%(19美元)[154] - Scully铁矿2022年出货铁矿产品总量为3,097,930吨[155] - Scully铁矿运营商计划将产量提升至每年至少600万吨,并进行资本改进项目[155] - 公司从Scully铁矿的铁矿石提取中获得的总收入约占2022年总收入的46%[165] - 我们的核心资产是位于加拿大纽芬兰和拉布拉多省的Scully铁矿的净收入特许权益,铁矿的特许权益率为7.0%[193] - Scully铁矿生产的高品位铁矿含铁量超过65%,并具有其他有利特性,如相对较低的污染物比率。2022年,Scully铁矿的产品以65%铁含量的价格约为62%铁含量的铁矿的16%(19美元)溢价销售[198] - Scully铁矿是一个处于生产阶段的铁矿,作为露天开采项目运营。铁矿位于加拿大纽芬兰和拉布拉多省,矿区包括一个年产量为660万吨的铁矿浓缩厂[205] - Scully矿山是一个生产阶段的物业,包括露天矿和铁矿石浓缩厂[218] - 铁矿石浓缩厂以每小时最高达2400吨的速率生产铁矿石浓缩,品位为65.9% Fe,超过行业标准62%和高品位65%的基准[221] - Scully矿山有超过25年的预测寿命,铁矿石浓缩通过铁路运往Sept-Iles港口[222] - 2022年和2021年,Scully矿山运输的总铁矿石产品量分别为309.79万吨和318.40万吨[235]