Schlumberger (SLB) Advances While Market Declines: Some Information for Investors
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-05 07:56
Schlumberger (SLB) 股价 - Schlumberger (SLB) 最新收盘价为 $49.42,较前一个交易日上涨了 +0.14% [1] Schlumberger (SLB) 每股收益 - 预计 Schlumberger 将发布每股收益为 $0.75,较去年同期增长了 19.05% [2] - Zacks Consensus Estimates 预测 Schlumberger 整个财政年度的每股收益为 $3.54,较去年同期增长了 +18.79% [3] Schlumberger (SLB) 财务状况 - Zacks Consensus Estimates 预测 Schlumberger 整个财政年度的营收为 $37.29 亿美元,较去年同期增长了 +12.54% [3] Schlumberger (SLB) 评级 - Schlumberger 目前持有 Zacks Rank 3 (Hold) [6]
Schlumberger (SLB) Is Considered a Good Investment by Brokers: Is That True?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-04 23:36
When deciding whether to buy, sell, or hold a stock, investors often rely on analyst recommendations. Media reports about rating changes by these brokerage-firm-employed (or sell-side) analysts often influence a stock's price, but are they really important?Before we discuss the reliability of brokerage recommendations and how to use them to your advantage, let's see what these Wall Street heavyweights think about Schlumberger (SLB) .Schlumberger currently has an average brokerage recommendation (ABR) of 1.1 ...
Schlumberger Has High Growth Potential And Its Stock Should Reflect This
Seeking Alpha· 2024-03-04 09:09
SimonSkafar/E+ via Getty Images Schlumberger (NYSE:SLB) is in a strong global position for the next oil megatrend as more operators turn to offshore and deepwater production and seek out well optimization onshore. I believe that with the combined strength of SLB’s digital platform and subsea services, the firm is well-positioned for strong cash flow accretion, resulting in stronger shareholder returns through future dividend increases and share buybacks. I provide SLB shares a BUY recommendation with a ...
Schlumberger (SLB) Registers a Bigger Fall Than the Market: Important Facts to Note
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-27 07:51
Schlumberger (SLB) ended the recent trading session at $48.56, demonstrating a -0.53% swing from the preceding day's closing price. This change lagged the S&P 500's daily loss of 0.38%. Meanwhile, the Dow lost 0.16%, and the Nasdaq, a tech-heavy index, lost 0.13%.The world's largest oilfield services company's shares have seen a decrease of 7.75% over the last month, not keeping up with the Oils-Energy sector's gain of 5.11% and the S&P 500's gain of 4.74%.The investment community will be closely monitoring ...
Schlumberger Limited (SLB) is Attracting Investor Attention: Here is What You Should Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-21 23:05
Schlumberger (SLB) is one of the stocks most watched by Zacks.com visitors lately. So, it might be a good idea to review some of the factors that might affect the near-term performance of the stock.Shares of this world's largest oilfield services company have returned -3.8% over the past month versus the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +3% change. The Zacks Oil and Gas - Field Services industry, to which Schlumberger belongs, has gained 0.2% over this period. Now the key question is: Where could the stock be head ...
Schlumberger Limited (SLB) Is a Trending Stock: Facts to Know Before Betting on It
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-05 23:01
Schlumberger (SLB) is one of the stocks most watched by Zacks.com visitors lately. So, it might be a good idea to review some of the factors that might affect the near-term performance of the stock.Shares of this world's largest oilfield services company have returned -5.5% over the past month versus the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +4.6% change. The Zacks Oil and Gas - Field Services industry, to which Schlumberger belongs, has lost 6.8% over this period. Now the key question is: Where could the stock be head ...
SLB Reaffirms 2024 Financial Guidance
Businesswire· 2024-01-31 08:00
SLB财务状况 - SLB宣布重申2024年全年财务指引[1] 沙特阿美产能 - SLB首席执行官Olivier Le Peuch表示,沙特阿美决定将最大可持续产能维持在每日1200万桶,并不会继续增加到1300万桶[1] 沙特阿拉伯市场预测 - SLB对2024年沙特阿拉伯市场的显著增长预测保持不变[2] 全球能源需求 - 全球能源需求持续增长,国际产量预计将在本十年末起关键作用[3]
SLB and Equinor Drill Most Autonomous Well Section To-Date
Businesswire· 2024-01-30 22:04
SLB数字技术应用 - SLB宣布在Equinor的巴西Peregrino C平台实现了全自主钻井操作的重要进展[1] - SLB数字技术结合,使得99%的2.6公里段在自主控制模式下完成钻井[1] - 在五口井项目中,实现了60%的钻进速度提升,加快了井的交付速度,同时降低了成本和碳排放[1] - SLB总裁Jesus Lamas表示,通过利用人工智能和整合先进数字工作流程,客户通过数字转型实现了安全性和性能的提升[1] 自主工作流程设计 - 多学科专家合作设计和实施了相互连接的自主工作流程,使系统能够无缝地钻井[2] - 在钻机平台上,使用DrillPilot™软件自动化了手动管柱处理和设备排序任务[2] - 使用AI驱动技术的DrillOps™自动化解决方案最大化了底部钻进性能[2] - Neuro™自主解决方案确定了最佳轨迹并交付了井计划,调整了转向序列和钻进参数以达到DrillPlan™一致的井建设计解决方案[2] Delfi™数字平台应用 - DrillOps和DrillPlan解决方案是Delfi™数字平台上的基于云的应用程序[3] - 该平台结合了应用程序、人工智能、基于物理的科学和自由流动的数据,加速和改善了勘探、开发、钻井、生产和新能源运营[3]
Tax Reform Winners: 3 Stocks Set to Soar in 2024
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-30 14:21
Many companies have tax shields and can benefit from them during a tax reporting period, but not only do they benefit, they can also offer excellent benefits to their users and thus generate a great loyalty to their products and services, which eventually would translate into financial growth for the company and good returns for investors. Here are three tax reform stocks that you can add to your portfolio.Schlumberger (SLB)Source: Maksim Shmeljov / Shutterstock.comOne of the companies with good opportuniti ...
Schlumberger(SLB) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-01-24 00:00
全球业务影响 - 公司全球技术业务中,非美国业务占比约84%,地缘政治不稳定性和市场变化可能对产品需求、声誉、财务状况和运营结果产生不利影响[84] - 公司决定暂停对俄罗斯的新投资和技术部署,全球收入中俄罗斯占比约5%,对俄罗斯的净资产价值约为6亿美元[86] 技术和服务风险 - 公司产品和服务需求受油气价格波动影响,过去和未来可能对财务状况、运营结果和现金流产生重大不利影响[78] - 公司需有效应对能源转型,否则可能对业务、运营结果和现金流产生不利影响[88] - 公司数字技术和服务面临网络安全风险,可能对业务、财务状况、运营结果和现金流产生重大不利影响[90] 法律合规风险 - 公司需遵守各地复杂的法律法规,违规可能对声誉、财务状况、运营结果或现金流产生重大不利影响[102] - 公司知识产权受限制可能导致收入损失和竞争优势丧失[98] 环境和可持续性风险 - 现有或未来的法律、法规、法院命令或其他限制温室气体排放的公共或私营部门倡议可能减少对公司产品和服务的需求[105] - 公司面临着来自投资者和其他利益相关者对可持续性活动的增加审查[116] 人力资源风险 - 公司的未来成功取决于招聘、培训和留住合格人员[117] 自然灾害风险 - 严重天气事件,包括与气候变化相关的极端天气条件,过去和将来可能对公司的运营和财务结果产生不利影响[118] - 公共卫生紧急情况,如COVID-19大流行,以及由此导致的不利经济状况,对公司的财务状况、运营结果和现金流量产生了重大不利影响[120] 货币和汇率风险 - 公司的功能货币主要是美元。2023年,约72%的收入以美元计价[217] - SLB使用跨货币利率互换来对冲现金流风险,并有效地将债务转换为以美元计价的固定利率债务[218] - SLB通过衍生工具来管理外汇风险,以应对外汇汇率对其收益的影响。SLB签订外汇远期合约,以对冲货币资产和负债以及以非功能货币计价的某些费用的货币波动[219] - 如果美元从2023年12月31日的市场汇率升值10%,SLB的远期合约的未实现价值将减少1.03亿美元。相反,如果美元从2023年12月31日的市场汇率贬值10%,SLB的远期合约的未实现价值将增加1.13亿美元。在任何情况下,远期合约的收益或损失将被基础交易的收益或损失抵消,因此对未来收益没有影响[220] - 截至2023年12月31日,SLB在各种外币中的合同总额为106亿美元,其中53亿美元与以非功能货币计价的债务余额的对冲有关[221] 网络安全风险 - 公司面临来自网络安全威胁的风险,可能对业务、财务状况、运营结果、现金流量或声誉产生重大不利影响[129]