Safety Shot(SHOT)
Safety Shot Announces Notice of Allowance for New Patent to Secure IP and Enforce Clinically Backed Claims
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-06 20:30
New Patent is Added to the Company’s Portfolio of Formulations that Rapidly Reduce Blood Alcohol Content JUPITER, Fla., Sept. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Safety Shot, Inc. (Nasdaq: SHOT) (“Safety Shot” or “the Company”), a wellness company behind the world's first rapid alcohol reducer that lowers blood alcohol content (“BAC”) by supporting its metabolism in as little as 30 minutes, has announced the Notice of Allowance of for a U.S. patent that covers its newest clinically-backed formula. “This latest pat ...
Safety Shot President Jordan Schur Invests an Additional $3.4 Million in the Company Through His Family Fund, Core 4 Capital Corp.
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-05 02:00
JUPITER, FL, Sept. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Safety Shot, Inc. (Nasdaq: SHOT) (the “Company” or “Safety Shot”) is pleased to announce that Safety Shot President Jordan Schur has invested in a $3.4 million private placement in the Company through his family investment group, Core 4 Capital Corp. (“Core 4”). In addition to gross proceeds of $5 million that were raised in April and $1 million in June from Core 4, Safety Shot just raised an additional $3.4 million from the issuance of 3,370,787 Shares at a p ...
Safety Shot Clinical Data Results Confirm Breakthrough in Dramatic Reduction of Morning-After Symptoms Associated with Excessive Drinking
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-29 20:30
文章核心观点 - 公司最新的临床研究发现,其产品Safety Shot能够大幅降低重度饮酒后的不适感,主要通过支持酒精代谢来快速降低血液中的乙醛含量[1][2] - 这一发现证明了通过支持酒精代谢,可以比人体自身更快地去除与酒精消费相关的毒素[1][2] - 公司正致力于通过持续的研发,进一步推动这一新兴功能性产品类别的发展[2] 公司概况 - 公司是一家健康和膳食补充剂公司,开发了世界上第一个专利的健康产品Safety Shot,能够通过支持酒精代谢来降低血液酒精含量,同时提升清晰度、精力和情绪[3] - 公司正在2024年内向经销商、零售商、餐厅和酒吧等商业客户推广销售Safety Shot[3] 前瞻性声明 - 公司未来的发展和商业化计划存在诸多不确定性,包括产品开发、临床试验进度和结果、合规性、产品责任等方面的风险[4]
Safety Shot Announces Partnership with Digital Growth Platform VENDO
Prnewswire· 2024-08-29 09:35
As Masters in the E-Commerce Space VENDO is Anticipated to Significantly Help to Grow the Safety Shot Brand Online. JUPITER, Fla., Aug. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Safety Shot, Inc. (Nasdaq: SHOT) ("Safety Shot" or "the Company"), a wellness company behind the world's first alcohol detoxifier that reduces blood alcohol content by supporting its metabolism in as little as 30 minutes, today announced a partnership with fully-customizable multi-purpose eCommerce platform VENDO.Identifying themselves as Amazon exp ...
Safety Shot Releases Second Quarter 2024 Results and Corporate Highlights
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-16 20:30
- Q2 Revenues Increased 40%- Q2 Operating Expenses Decreased 17.7%- Recent Clinical Trial Confirms Dramatic Reduction of Blood Alcohol Content- Revolutionary Formula to be Soon Released in Convenient 4-ounce Bottles- Powdered Version of Alcohol-reducing Nutraceutical to be Released in Q4 JUPITER, Fla., Aug. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Safety Shot, Inc. (Nasdaq: SHOT) (the Company) the revolutionary wellness and dietary supplement company dedicated to the promotion of responsible consumption of alcohol, has ...
Safety Shot(SHOT) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-08-15 04:48
产品收购与开发 - 公司于2023年8月完成了对GBB Drink Lab, Inc.的资产收购,获得了Safety Shot膳食补充剂的相关知识产权、商业秘密和商标[164] - Safety Shot膳食补充剂旨在通过支持酒精代谢来减少血液酒精含量积累,由28种GRAS级成分组成[165] - 公司计划继续开发新口味和剂型,如便携式粉末包装和4盎司规格,以满足消费者需求[167,168] - 公司已完成Safety Shot膳食补充剂的临床试验,结果显示能够显著降低参与者的血液酒精含量[170] 销售渠道与知识产权 - 公司主要通过电商平台如亚马逊销售产品,并计划于2024年二季度进入大型连锁店[171] - 公司拥有5项与Safety Shot膳食补充剂相关的专利,体现了公司在研发创新方面的投资和成果[177] - 公司的Safety Shot膳食补充剂符合FDA的GRAS标准,不需要经过药品审批[183] 公司概况 - 公司为新兴成长公司,可以享受相关报告和披露的豁免[189][190] - 公司采用美国通用会计准则编制财务报表,需要做出一些关键估计和假设[191] - 公司现金和现金等价物定义为购买时三个月内到期的短期投资[192] 财务表现 - 公司2024年上半年净亏损2,394.88万美元,每股亏损0.48美元[194][195][196] - 公司收入主要来自产品直接销售给终端用户或经销商[197][198][200] - 公司2024年上半年收入为880,972美元,较2023年同期增长[216] - 公司2024年上半年营业费用为2,157.52万美元,主要包括营销、研发、法律专业费用、股份支付等[217][218][219][220] - 公司2024年上半年其他收益包括利息收入、股票处置收益等[221] - 公司2023年上半年从已终止经营业务获得191,128美元收益[222] - 公司在2023年6月30日结束的六个月内的营业费用包括营销费用354.14万美元、研发费用369.28万美元、法律和专业费用949.066万美元、租金和公用事业费用107.323万美元、折旧和摊销费用43.319万美元、一般和行政费用1,594.642万美元以及220万美元的股票激励费用[223] - 公司在2023年6月30日结束的六个月内有19.1128万美元的已终止经营业务亏损[223] - 公司在2023年6月30日结束的六个月内有68,938美元的利息费用和119.0195万美元的有价证券未实现收益[224] - 公司在2024年6月30日和2023年6月30日分别录得2,394.8785万美元和166.7765万美元的净亏损[224] - 公司在2024年6月30日三个月内实现7.1024万美元的收入,而2023年同期为2.3305万美元,主要是由于2023年12月推出了Safety Shot膳食补充剂[227] - 公司在2024年6月30日三个月内的营业费用为861.8618万美元,而2023年同期为174.1739万美元,主要包括营销费用259.3322万美元、法律和专业费用187.9774万美元以及295.5135万美元的股票激励费用[229,230] - 公司在2024年6月30日三个月内有43.2548万美元的股票出售收益和19.8046万美元的有价证券出售损失[231] - 公司在2023年6月30日三个月内有20.689万美元的已终止经营业务收益[232] - 公司在2023年6月30日三个月内有119.0294万美元的有价证券未实现收益[233] - 公司在2024年6月30日三个月内录得827.4094万美元的净亏损,而2023年同期为35.9591万美元[233] - 公司在2024年6月30日三个月期间的其他费用包括:(i)320美元的利息收入;(ii)11,086美元的利息费用;以及(iii)1,190,294美元的有价证券未实现收益[233] - 公司在2024年6月30日和2023年6月30日三个月期间分别录得净亏损8,274,094美元和359,591美元[233] 内部控制与法律风险 - 公司的披露控制和程序在2024年6月30日季度末被认定为无效,但公司正在采取补救措施[234][235] - 公司在过去三个月和上一个财年内实施了重大措施来补救先前披露的内部控制报告无效的问题[236] - 公司管理层认为内部控制系统虽然设计和运行良好,但只能提供合理而非绝对的保证[238] - 公司可能不时面临与合同或其他事项相关的法律诉讼和索赔[239] - 公司正在就多起涉及认股权证和股票交易的诉讼进行积极抗辩[240][241][242][243][244][245][246][247]
Safety Shot Announces Powerful Data Analysis From Recent Clinical Trial Confirming Dramatic Reduction of Blood Alcohol Content
Prnewswire· 2024-08-12 20:49
First-of-its-kind wellness company Safety Shot announces clinical trials solidifying the brand's dietary supplement's ability to significantly reduce Blood Alcohol Content JUPITER, Fla., Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Safety Shot, Inc. (Nasdaq: SHOT) (the "Company"), the revolutionary wellness and dietary supplement company dedicated to the promotion of responsible consumption of alcohol, announces significant new findings from a recent clinical trial conducted at The Center for Applied Health Sciences ("CAH ...
Safety Shot to Release On-the-Go Powder Stick Packs of the World's First Alcohol Reducing Product
Newsfilter· 2024-08-05 20:30
With an Expected Launch in Early Q4, Safety Shot Powder Stick Packets Will Address an Anticipated $517M Market Size JUPITER, Fla., Aug. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Safety Shot, Inc. (NASDAQ:SHOT) (the "Company") is pleased to announce that the world's first product to reduce blood alcohol content will soon be available in an on-the-go powder format. Vigorous efforts have been made by the R&D team at Safety Shot to successfully create a powdered version of the Company's alcohol-reducing nutraceutical. Expec ...
Safety Shot Partners with KeHE Distributors to Expand Nationwide Access
Newsfilter· 2024-07-15 20:30
The Partnership Will Greatly Expand Market Reach for Safety Shot to Meet Increased Demand and a Broader Consumer Audience JUPITER, FL, July 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Safety Shot, Inc. (NASDAQ:SHOT) (the "Company), announced today its strategic partnership with KeHE Distributors, a leading natural and organic, specialty, and fresh food distributor in North America. This collaboration expands Safety Shot's presence to a broader audience and enhances consumer accessibility nationwide. KeHE Distributors, ren ...
Safety Shot Terminates Partnership With Brand Ambassador Ryan Garcia Following Disparaging Remarks
Prnewswire· 2024-07-08 21:00
Safety Shot Has Zero-Tolerance For Any Sort Of Hate Speech JUPITER, Fla., July 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Safety Shot, Inc. (Nasdaq: SHOT) announces the termination of its partnership with professional boxer Ryan Garcia.Safety Shot has a zero-tolerance policy towards discrimination and upholds the highest standards for its brand ambassadors. Safety Shot has effectively severed ties and terminated the relationship whereby Ryan Garcia no longer has any association with nor is a brand ambassador of Safety Shot."W ...