Patterson panies(PDCO)
Broad Portfolio to Aid Patterson Companies' (PDCO) Q1 Earnings
ZACKS· 2024-08-23 22:45
Patterson Companies, Inc. (PDCO) is set to release first-quarter fiscal 2025 results on Aug 28, before the opening bell. The company missed on earnings in the last reported quarter. Its earnings missed the Zacks Consensus Estimate in three of the trailing four quarters and met in one, delivering a negative average surprise of 4.53%. Q1 Estimates The Zacks Consensus Estimate for the company's revenues is pegged at $1.60 billion, up 1.4% year over year. The consensus mark for adjusted earnings per share is pi ...
Stay Ahead of the Game With Patterson Cos. (PDCO) Q1 Earnings: Wall Street's Insights on Key Metrics
ZACKS· 2024-08-23 22:21
Wall Street analysts forecast that Patterson Cos. (PDCO) will report quarterly earnings of $0.32 per share in its upcoming release, pointing to a year-over-year decline of 20%. It is anticipated that revenues will amount to $1.6 billion, exhibiting an increase of 1.4% compared to the year-ago quarter. The consensus EPS estimate for the quarter has remained unchanged over the last 30 days. This represents how the covering analysts, as a whole, have reassessed their initial estimates during this timeframe. Be ...
Reasons to Hold Patterson Companies (PDCO) in Your Portfolio Now
ZACKS· 2024-08-09 22:16
Patterson Companies, Inc. (PDCO) is well poised for growth in the coming quarters, courtesy of its broad product line. The optimism, led by a strong performance of certain business segments during fourth-quarter fiscal 2024 and a few notable acquisitions, is expected to contribute further. Integration risks and stiff competitive forces persist. Shares of this Zacks Rank #3 (Hold) company have lost 14.2% year to date against the industry's 0.5% growth. The S&P 500 Index has increased 9.2% during the same tim ...
Patterson (PDCO) Expands AI Solutions in Canada via Alliance
ZACKS· 2024-07-19 23:36
Patterson's longstanding commitment to tailored dental solutions, combined with Pearl's innovative AI technology, promises to bring advanced clinical AI benefits to thousands of dental practices in Canada. This alliance underscores the shared mission of both companies to enhance the quality of dental care and improve patient outcomes through cutting-edge technology. Per a report in Yahoo Finance, the global dental software market was valued at $2911.21 million in 2023. It is anticipated to reach $6519.04 mi ...
Patterson Companies (PDCO) Q4 Earnings Miss, Sales Rise Y/Y
ZACKS· 2024-06-20 21:05
Patterson Companies, Inc. (PDCO) reported fourth-quarter fiscal 2024 adjusted earnings per share (EPS) of 82 cents, which missed the Zacks Consensus Estimate of 83 cents by 1.2%. The bottom line also declined 2.4% from the prior-year quarter’s level.GAAP EPS in the quarter was 74 cents, down 3.9% from the bottom line recorded in the year-ago period.Adjusted EPS for full-year fiscal 2024 was $2.30, down 5% from the prior-year period’s level.Revenue DetailsNet sales in the quarter were $1.72 billion, in line ...
Patterson Companies: Something To Smile About
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-19 21:00
Drazen Zigic/iStock via Getty Images Patterson Companies overview In this market, investors can be quite fickle. But a beautiful thing happens when you have a company that's trading on the cheap and that happens to beat analysts' forecasts when it comes to both revenue and profits. A great example of this can be seen by looking at Patterson Companies (NASDAQ:PDCO), a business that is engaged in distributing dental and animal health products throughout the US and Canada. After reporting financial results for ...
Patterson panies(PDCO) - 2024 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-06-19 02:13
公司业务 - 公司通过两个战略业务单位,Patterson Dental和Patterson Animal Health,在美国和加拿大牙科和动物保健市场提供增值分销服务[8][9] - 公司在2024财年的财务报告显示,牙科部门销售额为2,489百万美元,动物保健部门销售额为4,067百万美元,总体销售额为6,568百万美元[10] - 公司通过战略布局的配送中心,提供便捷的订单服务和高效的运营效率[10] - 公司在牙科和动物保健供应市场竞争激烈,主要竞争对手包括Henry Schein, Inc., Benco Dental Supply Company, Cencora/MWI Animal Health等[26][31] - 公司致力于提供广泛的产品和服务,包括消耗品、设备、软件和各种技术,以及提供实用的价值增值服务,如办公室设计、设备安装和维护、融资等[34] - 公司通过技术创新提升客户服务水平,提供便捷的订单下单平台,如、www.pattersonvet.com等[39] - 公司在2024财年向超过10万客户销售产品或服务,没有任何单一客户占销售额的10%以上[46] - 公司在美国和加拿大设有多个办事处,以提供市场存在和决策支持[47] - 公司的销售和支持组织是价值增值的关键组成部分,通过现场和呼叫中心销售团队提供差异化的客户体验[48] - 公司提供多种购物体验,包括在线和印刷展示,以及通过出版物、社交媒体和参加展会等方式推广产品和服务[50] - 公司通过位于美国和加拿大的履行中心快速准确地发货消耗品,保证客户满意度[51] - 公司必须在履行中心保持足够的库存以确保广泛产品线的及时交付[52] 产品销售 - Patterson Dental是北美最大的牙科产品分销商之一,2024财年净销售额为25亿美元[42] - Patterson Dental的主要产品销售中,消耗品占比57%,设备占比31%,增值服务和其他占比12%[43] - Patterson Animal Health是美国、加拿大和英国的动物保健产品领先分销商,2024财年净销售额为41亿美元[44] - Patterson Animal Health的主要产品销售中,消耗品占比95%,设备占比3%,增值服务和其他占比2%[45] 法律法规 - FDA负责确定物质的安全性,包括“一般认为安全”的物质、食品添加剂和色素添加剂,并规定它们的安全使用条件[70] - 美国联邦法律适用于公司,包括受控物质法案、联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案第361条,以及监管政府计划的账单和报销法律[86] - 美国食品药品管理局修订法案要求实施医疗器械的独特设备识别(UDI)系统,规定了UDI规则的实施阶段[90] - 加州Prop 65法案旨在保护加州饮用水源免受致癌、致畸或其他生殖危害化学物质的污染[97] - Animal Health International因未遵守联邦法律而被罚款5280万美元[100] - 兽医混合药房必须遵守州和联邦法律,规范药房与转诊来源之间的关系[101] - 各州已颁布业务和保险法规,禁止引荐安排导致提供折扣或其他报酬[102] - 许多国家对受监管的动物保健产品的推广进行控制,限制广告和推广[103] - 美国联邦政府、大多数美国州和许多外国国家都有反垄断法,禁止某些被视为反竞争的行为[105] 数据安全和隐私 - 公司的一些实践管理产品包括存储和处理个人健康、临床、财务和其他敏感信息的电子信息技术系统,可能容易受到破坏、非法侵入、数据泄露和恶意攻击[122] - 隐私和数据保护法律法规不断演变,可能存在不一致性和冲突,公司未遵守可能导致巨额罚款和声誉损害[123] - HITECH法案加强了对受保护健康信息的隐私和安全规定,公司的某些业务作为“业务伙伴”受到额外义务的约束[125] - GDPR增加了个人隐私权利,公司需遵守更严格的数据控制和处理要求,违规可能面临高额罚款[126] - CCPA和CPRA要求公司加强对加州居民个人信息的收集、使用和披露的保护,违规可能导致罚款和诉讼[128] - 公司需遵守GDPR、CCPA、CPRA和州法律要求,可能增加成本,不确定性可能对业务产生重大不利影响[129] - 公司销售的产品用于存储和管理患者牙科记录,需遵守HIPAA等法规,产品安全漏洞可能导致声誉损害和法律责任[130] - OIG实施信息阻塞罚款规则,公司产品可能需要增加复杂功能以满足法律要求,未能实施可能对业务产生重大不利影响[131] 财务状况 - 2024财年公司净销售额为6,568,272千美元,较上一财年增长1.5%[368] - 2024财年公司净利润为185,519千美元,较上一财年下降10.2%[368] - 2024财年公司每股收益为2.00美元,较上一财年下降6.5%[368] - 2024财年公司现金及现金等价物净变动为-45,207千美元[370] - 公司采用LIFO方法估值的存货占总存货的比例为81%[377] - 公司资产和负债中包括PDC Funding Company, LLC等全资子公司的资产和负债[372] - 公司财年以52-53周制度运作,2024财年为52周,2023财年为52周,2022
Patterson panies(PDCO) - 2024 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-06-19 00:26
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 2024财年第四季度合并营收17.2亿美元,同比增长0.1% [27] - 2024财年全年合并营收66亿美元,同比增长1.5% [27] - 2024财年第四季度调整后毛利率21.8%,同比下降90个基点 [28][29] - 2024财年全年调整后营业利润率4.6%,同比下降40个基点 [31] - 2024财年第四季度调整后每股收益0.82美元,同比下降2美分 [32][33] - 2024财年全年调整后每股收益2.30美元,同比下降12美分 [33] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 牙科业务 - 2024财年第四季度牙科内部销售增长3.8%,其中耗材内部销售增长3.7% [34][35] - 2024财年全年牙科耗材内部销售增长4.4% [35] - 2024财年第四季度牙科设备内部销售下降11.9%,全年下降6.9% [35][36] - 2024财年第四季度牙科增值服务内部销售下降11%,全年下降0.8% [36][37] - 2024财年第四季度牙科调整后营业利润率10%,同比下降210个基点 [37] 动物健康业务 - 2024财年第四季度动物健康内部销售增长2.5%,全年增长1.3% [38][39] - 2024财年第四季度生产动物内部销售增长8.8%,全年增长4.2% [38][39] - 2024财年第四季度伴侣动物内部销售下降2.7%,全年下降1.1% [40] - 2024财年第四季度动物健康调整后营业利润率5.8%,同比增长30个基点 [41] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司未具体披露各个地区市场的数据和指标变化 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司长期战略包括:1)实现高于市场的收入增长 2)提升利润率 3)不断优化产品、渠道和服务 4)提高运营效率 [12] - 公司在2024财年持续投资软件和增值服务,如推出牙科患者融资和保险解决方案、与人工智能公司合作开发牙科诊断工具等 [13][14][15][16] - 公司在动物健康业务投资了牛场管理系统Turnkey以及与宠物诊所客户关系管理平台LEED的合作 [14][15][16] - 公司将继续通过有机增长和并购来实现战略目标,并保持成本管控 [17] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司在动态和不确定的宏观环境中保持良好表现,体现了团队实力和竞争地位,以及所服务行业的吸引力和抗风险能力 [11] - 公司预计2025财年收入将实现低单位数增长,利润率将保持平稳 [43][44] - 公司对牙科耗材和动物健康业务保持乐观,但对牙科设备市场持谨慎态度 [49][52][102][103] 其他重要信息 - 公司2024财年通过股息和股票回购向股东返还3.28亿美元 [42] - 公司将继续保持平衡的资本配置策略,包括适度的股票回购 [119][120] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Kevin Caliendo 提问** 询问公司牙科耗材业务的市场份额和增长情况 [48][49][50][51] **Don Zurbay 和 Kevin Barry 回答** 公司在牙科耗材业务连续6个季度实现高于市场的增长,主要得益于销售团队的出色执行和公司的价值主张 [49][50][51][53] 问题2 **Nathan Rich 提问** 询问公司动物健康业务中伴侣动物板块的表现和策略调整 [59][60][61][62][63] **Kevin Barry 和 Don Zurbay 回答** 公司在动物健康业务中做出了一些战略调整,集中资源于更有利润贡献的客户和产品,尽管短期内会对收入产生一定影响,但有利于提升整体盈利能力 [60][61][62][63] 问题3 **Elizabeth Anderson 提问** 询问公司牙科设备业务在第四季度和未来一年的表现预期 [72][73][74][102][103] **Kevin Barry 和 Don Zurbay 回答** 公司对牙科设备市场持谨慎态度,预计未来一年该业务将呈现低至中单位数的下滑,主要受到创新乏力和经济环境不确定性的影响 [73][74][102][103]
Patterson Cos. (PDCO) Q4 Earnings: Taking a Look at Key Metrics Versus Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-06-18 22:31
Patterson Cos. (PDCO) reported $1.72 billion in revenue for the quarter ended April 2024, representing a yearover-year increase of 0.1%. EPS of $0.82 for the same period compares to $0.84 a year ago. The reported revenue compares to the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $1.72 billion, representing a surprise of +0.02%. The company delivered an EPS surprise of -1.20%, with the consensus EPS estimate being $0.83. While investors closely watch year-over-year changes in headline numbers -- revenue and earnings -- and ...
Patterson Cos. (PDCO) Misses Q4 Earnings Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-06-18 21:11
Patterson Cos. (PDCO) came out with quarterly earnings of $0.82 per share, missing the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $0.83 per share. This compares to earnings of $0.84 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items.This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of -1.20%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this medical supplies maker would post earnings of $0.60 per share when it actually produced earnings of $0.59, delivering a surprise of -1.67%.Over the last four quarters ...