NOVONIX Announces Participation in the H.C. Wainwright Conference
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-09 06:55
BRISBANE, Australia, Sept. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NOVONIX Limited (NASDAQ: NVX, ASX: NVX) (“NOVONIX”), a leading battery materials and technology company, today announced that the company is scheduled to participate in the following upcoming investor event in September 2024: H.C. Wainwright 26th Annual Global Investment Conference to be held in New York, NY on September 10th and 11th Presentation materials will be available prior to the event at the NOVONIX investor relations website. This announcemen ...
NOVONIX(NVX) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-08-27 04:53
财务表现 - 公司在2024年上半年亏损2870万美元,现金和现金等价物为4710万美元[7] - 公司总收入下降30%至270万美元,主要由于硬件销售和服务销售下降[7] - 公司2024年上半年的营业收入为361.47万美元[78] - 公司2024年上半年的经营活动现金流出为2,216.22万美元[78] - 公司2024年上半年的投资活动现金流出为936.80万美元[78] - 公司2024年上半年的融资活动现金流出为91.74万美元[78] - 公司2024年上半年亏损2871万美元,经营活动现金流出2216万美元,需要筹集额外资金以支持持续扩张活动[164] - 公司2024年上半年收入和其他收入为274万美元,同比下降30%[161] - 公司2024年上半年税前亏损2871万美元,同比增加2%[161] - 公司2024年6月30日每股有形资产净值为0.30美元,2023年6月30日为0.39美元[161] 产能扩张 - 公司计划在2024年底前将合成石墨产能扩大至3000吨/年,并于2025年开始商业生产[11] - 公司计划未来将合成石墨产能扩大至15万吨/年以满足客户需求[16] - 正在安装和调试位于田纳西州查塔努加的400,000平方英尺的Riverside设施的额外生产设备,计划将产能扩大至每年20,000吨[25] - 正在规划新建30,000吨/年的绿地生产设施,包括选址、环境评估、布局和工程设计[25] - 公司的长期目标是在北美实现至少150,000吨/年的总产能[25] - 公司继续投资以满足其在Riverside工厂的产能计划,在六个月内购买了更多的炉系统和其他生产设备[104] 战略合作 - 公司与松下能源签订了4年期供应协议,承诺供应1万吨石墨负极材料[14] - 公司与KORE Power签订了独家供应石墨负极材料的协议[14] - 公司与德国PowerCo签订了测试和开发协议,开发定制的合成石墨负极材料[14] - 与Panasonic Energy和KORE Power签订供应协议,并与LGES签订联合研发协议,正在执行关键里程碑以开始生产[25] - 与Panasonic Energy签订了2025-2028年期间供应至少10,000吨阳极材料的协议[28] - 与Volkswagen集团的电池公司PowerCo签订了技术开发协议,开发定制的合成石墨阳极材料[29] 政府支持 - 公司获得了1.03亿美元的美国政府先进能源项目税收抵免[9] - 获得了1.03亿美元的48C税收抵免,以及1亿美元的DOE制造和能源供应链补助金,用于Riverside设施的生产[30][31][33] - 公司在2024年上半年从美国能源部制造和能源供应链办公室获得110万美元的报销[83] - 公司在2024年上半年获得了1.03亿美元的48C投资税收抵免[84] - 公司正在与美国能源部贷款计划办公室申请贷款以资助新的绿地生产设施[85] - 公司收到的3,000,000美元政府补助款将于2026年3月前根据在田纳西州创造和维持290个就业岗位的完成情况确认收入或全额偿还[132,133] 技术创新 - 公司在日本获得了全干法零废弃合成正极材料的专利[9] - 公司的无水、零废弃物正极材料合成技术获得路透社全球能源转型奖的R&D成就奖[47] - 公司正极材料与商业材料相比具有相当的电化学性能[48] 资产重组 - 公司将其在Mount Dromedary的天然鳞片石墨勘探权益出售给Axon Graphite Limited[50][51][53] - Axon Graphite将在澳交所上市,NOVONIX和Lithium Energy Limited将各持有22.22%-28.57%的股权[51][53] 股权投资 - 公司于2022年1月31日以2500万美元的价格收购了KORE Power Inc.约5%的股权[107] - 公司于2022年11月对KORE Power的股权投资进行了重估,每股价格为5.00美元,这是KORE Power进行重大资本募集的股价[108] - 截至2024年6月30日,公司在KORE Power的投资占KORE Power普通股权的约3.7%[108] - 公司将KORE Power的非上市股票归类为公允价值层级中的第3级,因为一个或多个重要输入并非基于可观察市场数据[111] - 公司确定KORE Power投资的公允价值主要参考了KORE Power2022年11月进行的重大外部资本募集的定价[112] 融资活动 - 公司于2023年6月发行了4,522.1586万份面值为1.00澳元的可转换债券,募集资金3000万美元[123] - 可转换债券的转换价格为1.60澳元/股,并将于LGES首次下订单时强制转股,LGES也可选择提前转股[123] - 公司有能力从债务和股权来源筹集资金的良好记录,最近发行了3000万美元的无担保可转换贷款票据[84] - 公司正在积极与战略合作伙伴、客户和投资者接触,以获得额外资金支持公司的增长和扩张计划[84] - 公司在2024年6月30日后又发行了314,569股普通股用于兑现绩效权利,以及3,415,759股普通股用于期权行权[149] 股权激励 - 公司向高管人员授予了共计6,132,800份绩效权利,2024年上半年确认的相关费用为135.3万美元[140,141,142,146,148] - 公司在2024年上半年确认了474.67万美元的股份支付费用[145] 持续经营能力 - 公司的电池材料、电池咨询和电池技术业务的成功和
NOVONIX to Appoint Robert Long as Chief Financial Officer
Newsfilter· 2024-08-01 06:45
BRISBANE, Australia, Aug. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NOVONIX Limited (NASDAQ:NVX, ASX: NVX))), a leading battery materials and technology company, is pleased to announce that Robert Long will be appointed as the Company's Chief Financial Officer (CFO) effective September 1, 2024. Mr. Long brings over 25 years of experience in finance and executive leadership with both public and private companies. The Company previously announced that CFO Nick Liveris will transition to the Company's Board of Directors up ...
NOVONIX to Appoint Robert Long as Chief Financial Officer
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-01 06:45
BRISBANE, Australia, Aug. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NOVONIX Limited (NASDAQ: NVX, ASX: NVX), a leading battery materials and technology company, is pleased to announce that Robert Long will be appointed as the Company’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) effective September 1, 2024. Mr. Long brings over 25 years of experience in finance and executive leadership with both public and private companies. The Company previously announced that CFO Nick Liveris will transition to the Company’s Board of Directors upo ...
NOVONIX to Host Second Quarter 2024 Operations Update
Newsfilter· 2024-07-15 06:42
文章核心观点 - NOVONIX是一家领先的电池技术公司,正在通过创新的可持续技术、高性能材料和更高效的生产方法,革新全球锂离子电池行业 [4] - 公司制造业内领先的电池单元测试设备,正在扩大高性能合成石墨阳极材料的生产,并开发了一种全干法、零废弃的正极合成工艺 [4] - 通过先进的研发能力、专有技术和战略合作,公司已在电动车和储能系统电池行业占据了重要地位,正在推动更清洁的能源未来 [4] 公司概况 - NOVONIX是一家总部位于澳大利亚布里斯班的上市公司,股票代码为NASDAQ:NVX和ASX:NVX [1] - 公司于2024年7月15日发布了2024年第二季度的季度活动报告 [1] - NOVONIX首席执行官Chris Burns博士将就第二季度的活动情况发表准备好的讲话 [1] - 公司网络直播和演示文稿将于2024年7月14日晚上6:30 EDT(美国东部时间)在NOVONIX投资者关系网站上提供 [2] - 本公告已获NOVONIX董事长、美国海军退役上将Robert J. Natter授权发布 [3]
NOVONIX to Host Second Quarter 2024 Operations Update
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-15 06:42
BRISBANE, Australia, July 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NOVONIX Limited (NASDAQ: NVX, ASX: NVX) (“NOVONIX” or “the Company”), a leading battery materials and technology company, today announced that it released its second quarter 2024 Quarterly Activities Report today, Monday, July 15, 2024. Dr. Chris Burns, CEO of NOVONIX, will also provide prepared remarks of the quarterly activities for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. The webcast link and presentation materials are available at 8:30 am AEST or Sunday, Ju ...
NOVONIX Granted Patent for All-Dry, Zero-Waste Cathode Synthesis
Newsfilter· 2024-06-27 06:27
BRISBANE, Australia, June 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NOVONIX Limited (NASDAQ: NVX, ASX: NVX) (“NOVONIX” or “the Company”), a leading battery materials and technology company, today announced it has been granted a patent for its proprietary all-dry, zero-waste cathode synthesis technology in Japan. This patent (Patent JP7504195) furthers NOVONIX’s position as a leading provider of innovative technologies serving the electric vehicle and energy storage sectors by utilizing its all-dry, zero-waste cathode pr ...
NOVONIX Granted Patent for All-Dry, Zero-Waste Cathode Synthesis
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-06-27 06:27
BRISBANE, Australia, June 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NOVONIX Limited (NASDAQ: NVX, ASX: NVX) (“NOVONIX” or “the Company”), a leading battery materials and technology company, today announced it has been granted a patent for its proprietary all-dry, zero-waste cathode synthesis technology in Japan. This patent (Patent JP7504195) furthers NOVONIX’s position as a leading provider of innovative technologies serving the electric vehicle and energy storage sectors by utilizing its all-dry, zero-waste cathode pr ...
NOVONIX Completes Independent Engineering Assessment of Riverside Facility
Newsfilter· 2024-05-30 06:31
BRISBANE, Australia, May 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NOVONIX Limited (NASDAQ: NVX, ASX: NVX) (“NOVONIX” or “the Company”), a leading battery materials and technology company, has announced that an independent assessment of the Company's Riverside production facility in Chattanooga, Tennessee has been completed by Hatch Ltd, a global engineering and consulting firm. The assessment considered various topics including the evaluation of operations, project execution, and financial model assumptions as well as ...
NOVONIX Completes Independent Engineering Assessment of Riverside Facility· 2024-05-30 06:31
BRISBANE, Australia, May 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NOVONIX Limited (NASDAQ: NVX, ASX: NVX) (“NOVONIX” or “the Company”), a leading battery materials and technology company, has announced that an independent assessment of the Company's Riverside production facility in Chattanooga, Tennessee has been completed by Hatch Ltd, a global engineering and consulting firm. The assessment considered various topics including the evaluation of operations, project execution, and financial model assumptions as well as ...