Nokia and OTE Group set dual world-record optical transmission rates over ultra long distances
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-12 15:00
Press Release   Nokia and OTE Group set dual world-record optical transmission rates over ultra long distances Companies set new transmission rate records of 800Gbps over 2580 km and 900Gbps over 1290 km.Nokia’s sixth generation of super-coherent Photonic Service Engine technology can reduce energy consumption. 12 September 2024Athens, Greece: Nokia together with OTE Group, a member of Deutsche Telekom (DT), today announced two new optical transmission rate world records using Nokia’s sixth generation of s ...
Nokia Solutions to Boost Armenia's Broadband Speed: Stock to Gain?
ZACKS· 2024-09-10 22:30
Nokia Corporation (NOK) recently inked an agreement with Team Telecom Armenia to deploy its 25G passive optical network (PON) fiber solution across the Asian country. With this, the telecom operator became one of the first carriers in the Caucasus and Central Asia regions to provide some of the fastest Internet speeds commercially available.How NOK Powers the PON Fiber SolutionA PON is designed to provide a single fiber with the ability to maintain an efficient broadband connection for multiple end users. T ...
Can Nokia Stock Gain on Multi-Year AT&T Fiber Deal After Earlier Snub?
ZACKS· 2024-09-04 22:11
文章核心观点 - 诺基亚与AT&T签署了一项为期5年的合作协议,帮助AT&T现代化其光纤基础设施 [1] - 诺基亚正在推进其价值创造的三阶段旅程:重置、加速和扩张,并专注于资本配置和技术领导力,预计将实现可持续的盈利增长和技术领导地位 [2] - 诺基亚正在加大5G投资,5G产品组合正在获得企业客户的青睐,目前已有319个5G商业合同和110个5G网络 [2] - 诺基亚正在向高增长和高利润的垂直行业市场扩展业务,以应对其传统主要市场之外的增长机会 [3] - 尽管之前被AT&T边缘化,但诺基亚的光纤产品现已获得重大进展,并从铜缆和光纤无源光网络部署中获益 [5] - 诺基亚正在推动全球企业向智能虚拟网络的转型,提供5G、超宽带接入、IP和软件定义网络、云应用和物联网等技术 [6] - 诺基亚在5G技术开发方面处于领先地位,拥有约20,000个专利家族,其中6,000多个专利被认为对5G技术至关重要 [7] 行业概况 - 诺基亚正在推动从规模经济网络运营模式向需求驱动的运营模式转变,提供易编程性和灵活自动化,以支持动态运营、降低复杂性和提高效率 [3] - 诺基亚正在推动开放式无线接入网络(O-RAN)架构,促进供应商之间的健康竞争,减少对单一制造商的依赖,提供更大的灵活性和降低成本 [4] - 诺基亚的C频段产品组合支持5G独立和非独立网络、基于云的实施和O-RAN产品 [5] 公司表现 - 诺基亚的AirScale产品安装基数正在快速增长,使客户能够快速升级到5G [5] - 诺基亚与AT&T的合作协议可能会带来额外收入,并促进其他运营商的类似交易 [7] - 诺基亚股价在过去6个月内上涨了24.5%,优于行业16.4%的增长 [7]
Nokia to Expand Research Facility in Chennai: Stock to Benefit?
ZACKS· 2024-09-04 01:06
文章核心观点 - 诺基亚与印度泰米尔纳德邦政府签署谅解备忘录,扩大其在钦奈的固定网络研发实验室 [1] - 该实验室将成为诺基亚固定网络业务的关键枢纽,支持10G、25G、50G和100G无源光纤网络、Wi-Fi、固定无线技术和多户型住宅解决方案的技术创新 [2] - 这突出了诺基亚在关键网络部署方面的专业优势,以及其在智能虚拟网络转型方面的领导地位 [3][4] - 该合作有助于诺基亚在印度市场的进一步扩张,并巩固其在现代电信解决方案领域的主导地位 [5] 行业分析 - 随着智能手机市场的兴起和移动宽带的广泛使用,用户对网络覆盖速度和质量的需求不断增加 [3] - 为维持网络性能,需要持续进行网络调整和优化 [3] - 诺基亚在关键网络部署方面拥有丰富经验,已在全球2,600多家领先企业客户中部署 [3] - 诺基亚正在推动全球公司向智能虚拟网络过渡,开发一体化网络解决方案 [3][4] 公司分析 - 此次合作突出了钦奈在诺基亚全球业务中的战略重要性,并强调了其在印度进一步扩张的承诺 [5] - 扩建后的新实验室将成为诺基亚固定网络业务中最大的研发中心之一 [5] - 这不仅确认了公司在现代电信解决方案领域的主导地位,也突出了该地区作为技术创新中心的重要性 [5] - 这些创新有望带来对诺基亚产品和服务的增量需求,从而提高收入 [5] - 与行业相比,诺基亚股价过去一年涨幅较小 [6]
Nokia comments on trading activity of its stock
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-30 03:30
Nokia CorporationStock Exchange Release29 August 2024 at 22:30 EEST Nokia comments on trading activity of its stock Espoo, Finland - Nokia is issuing this stock exchange release in response to the recent trading activity of its stock due to a market rumour. Nokia has nothing to announce in relation to the speculations published in an article today, and no related insider project exists. Nokia is committed to the success of its Mobile Networks business, a highly strategic asset for both Nokia and its custome ...
Nokia, Bite Group to Drive 5G Evolution in Latvia and Lithuania
ZACKS· 2024-08-30 02:06
Nokia Corporation (NOK) recently announced that Bite Group had decided to deploy  its state-of-the-art Cloud Packet Core solution to propel the latter’s transition toward advanced 5G services and streamline network architecture across Latvia and Lithuania. This strategic move is set to revolutionize the capacity and performance of Bite Group’s core network, aiming to deliver more efficient and high-speed mobile services to its growing customer base.NOK’s Modular and Flexible Network ArchitectureNokia’s Clou ...
Nokia Corporation Q2 FY2024 Financial Research Brief
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-29 22:21
文章核心观点 - 该报告提供了诺基亚公司2024年第二季度的全面财务和战略分析 [1][2] - 报告涵盖了诺基亚在2024年4月1日至6月30日期间的财务表现,包括关键财务指标和整体业务表现 [1] - 报告还深入探讨了诺基亚在不同地区的战略表现,分析了各地区对公司财务成果的贡献 [2] - 报告还分析了诺基亚网络业务分部的财务业绩和战略举措 [2] - 报告最后提供了出版商的观点,对诺基亚2024年第二季度的财务业绩和战略方向提供了专业见解和解释 [2] 财务业绩总结 - 诺基亚2024年第二季度营收同比下降18%,从54.38亿欧元下降至44.66亿欧元 [3] - 报告毛利率同比上升380个基点至43.3%,从39.5%增长 [3] - 报告EBITA利润率同比上升110个基点至9.7%,从8.6%增长 [3] 业务分部表现 - 诺基亚各业务分部的销售情况如下 [5]: - 表1: 各分部销售额(百万欧元), 2023年第一季度至2024年第二季度 - 表2: 各分部销售占比(%), 2023年第一季度至2024年第二季度 - 诺基亚2024财年和2026财年的财务目标如下 [5]: - 表3: 2024财年整体财务目标 - 表4: 2024财年各业务分部财务目标 - 表5: 2026财年整体财务目标 - 表6: 2026财年各业务分部财务目标 区域表现 - 诺基亚2024年第二季度各地区销售情况如下 [5]: - 图2: 各地区销售额(百万欧元), 2024年第二季度vs.2023年 - 图3: 2024年第二季度各地区销售占比 - 图4: 移动网络业务各地区销售额(百万欧元), 2024年第二季度vs.2023年
Nokia Shares Gain 20% in the Past 6 Months: Reason to Buy NOK Stock?
ZACKS· 2024-08-28 22:25
Buoyed by a holistic growth model, Nokia Corporation (NOK) is currently trading at $4.22, close to its 52-week high of $4.225. The stock has gained 19.6% over the past six months compared with the industry’s growth of 19.1%, outperforming peers like Comtech Telecommunications Corp. (CMTL) but lagging Ericsson (ERIC) .Nokia is well-positioned for the ongoing technology cycle, given the strength of its end-to-end portfolio. The company’s deal win rate is encouraging with notable successes in the key 5G market ...
Nokia brand owner launches Barbie phone for $130 — with no internet
CNBC· 2024-08-28 22:13
文章核心观点 - HMD与玩具制造商Mattel合作推出了一款Barbie品牌手机 [2][3][4] - 这款手机采用翻盖设计,没有互联网和社交媒体应用 [6][7] - 这款手机旨在满足消费者对"数字戒断"的需求 [7][9][10] - 该手机的推出与2023年Barbie电影的热度有关 [12][13] - 尽管推出时间较电影上映已过一年,但预计仍会有不错的销量 [15][16] 公司相关 - HMD是诺基亚手机品牌的授权方,与富士康合作 [18][19] - 诺基亚会从HMD销售使用其品牌的手机中获得版税收入 [19] 行业相关 - 近年来"哑手机"(不联网仅提供基本功能)趋势兴起,主要受到Z世代消费者的青睐 [7] - "数字戒断"概念越来越受欢迎,消费者希望减少社交媒体对日常生活的负面影响 [8]
Bite Group selects Nokia's Packet Core to drive 5G evolution and to simplify and enhance network capacity
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-28 15:00
Press release Bite Group selects Nokia’s Packet Core to drive 5G evolution and to simplify and enhance network capacity Deployment will increase Bite Group’s business agility, optimize network operational costs, and enable more rapid delivery of new services. Nokia’s appliance-based Packet Core solution seamlessly integrates 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G technologies into a single set of servers for millions of subscribers. 28 August 2024Vilnius, Lithuania and Espoo, Finland – Bite Group has selected Nokia’s Packet C ...