The Only Invited Chinese Enterprise On the Stage! NaaS Technology Shares Green Practice and Proposal at UNEA-6
Prnewswire· 2024-03-01 20:55
BEIJING, March 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On February 26, the Sixth Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) kicked off at Nairobi, the Capital of Kenya. Environment ministers and heads of relevant authorities from more than 180 countries worldwide attended the conference. As the only Chinese enterprise invited and presented at the UN Science-Policy-Business Forum (UNSPBF), NaaS Technology (NASDAQ: NAAS) shared its green promises and digitalized practices on the scene, providing new proposal ...
NaaS Technology Collaborates with Geely Auto to Provide Millions of EV Owners with More Accessible Charging Services
Prnewswire· 2024-03-01 20:19
BEIJING, March 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lately, NaaS Technology (NASDAQ: NAAS), the first US listed EV charging service company in China, announced a partnership with Geely Holding Group Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Geely Auto), whereby the two parties will, through cooperation in connectivity of charging facilities, station data, payment service and plug and charge, facilitate Geely Auto to further improve charging service network and ease charging of Geely EVs. As agreed, NaaS and ...
NaaS Technology Joins Forces with Foshan Chancheng City Construction Group to Advance Regional New Energy Infrastructure Development
Prnewswire· 2024-02-22 17:16
BEIJING, Feb. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On Februray 20, NaaS Technology (NASDAQ: NAAS), the first US- listed EV charging service company in China, and Foshan Chancheng City Construction Group Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as Chancheng City Construction Group) signed a strategic cooperation agreement at NaaS' headquarters in Anji, Zhejiang. The two parties will establish a joint venture with a planned investment of RMB 1 billion, focusing on new energy infrastructure investment management, in an effort t ...
NaaS Technology Awarded by CDP a Global Above-average ESG Performance Rating
Prnewswire· 2024-02-22 14:59
BEIJING, Feb. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Global Environmental Information Research Center CDP (formerly known as Carbon Disclosure Project), also a leading global carbon emissions rating agency, has recently announced its latest CDP Score Report. NaaS Technology (NASDAQ: NAAS), participating for the first time in the assessment, achieved a "B" rating for Climate Change, surpassing the global average rating of "C". Established in the UK in 2000, CDP is widely recognized as a gold standard for corporate environ ...
财经网· 2024-02-21 17:38
近日,全球权威碳排放评级机构——全球环境信息研究中心(CDP)公布了全球企业最新一期评级结果,能链智电(NASDAQ:NAAS)首次参评并获评气 候变化“B级”评级,超过全球平均“C级”评级水平。 全球环境信息研究中心(前身为CarbonDisclosure Project,简称CDP)2000年成立于英国,其环境披露与评级标准被广泛认为是企业环境透明度的黄金准 则,仅“气候变化”这一项就会从排放方法、排放数据、排放分解情况等多个维度进行全方位的调查,以此得出最终的评级结果。 作为全球新能源资产运营商,能链智电已将ESG理念根植于产品、服务与公司治理之中。在绿色发展方面,能链智电面向新能源全产业链提供充电站选址咨 询、EPC工程、运营运维、储能、光伏、自动充电机器人等服务,并通过源头绿色化、场站绿色化和使用绿色化,实现充电服务各环节绿色低碳运营,持续 践行“让每个人都用上绿色能源”的愿景。 截至2023年上半年,能链智电实现碳减排146.3万吨。同时,能链智电开发推广碳普惠创新机制,联合战略合作伙伴快电,通过碳积分形式激励用户参与碳 ...
NaaS stocks jumped 70% in last two weeks. What happened?
Prnewswire· 2024-02-08 22:24
NaaS公司股价表现 - NaaS公司股价在短短两周内飙升近70%,达到每股1.81美元,较之前的低点高出70%[1] - NaaS公司吸引了至少五家国际知名投资机构的持续投资,包括Envestnet管理的ETF ELEC、积极管理的气候变化解决方案ETF CCSO以及Invesco旗下的Invesco WilderHill Clean Energy ETF (PBW)[3] NaaS公司业务发展 - NaaS公司充电网络服务在2024年1月首次实现净收入率,预计2023年全年收入将达到3.1亿至3.3亿人民币,是2022年的3.3至3.5倍[2] - NaaS公司继续受到多家国内外指数机构的认可,并被纳入WilderHill Clean Energy Index和Solactive Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Index等指数[4] NaaS母公司财务状况 - NaaS母公司NewLink宣布其精炼油业务已经盈利,公司的财务状况良好,收入和盈利持续增长,为NaaS股价稳步上涨奠定了坚实基础[5]
NaaS Technology Inc. Announces Positive NTR for January 2024 and Updates Revenue Guidance for Full Year 2023
Prnewswire· 2024-02-08 21:30
公司业绩 - NaaS科技公司在2023年全年预计营收将在3.1亿人民币至3.3亿人民币之间,同比增长234%至256%[3] - 公司在2024年1月实现了正面净收入率,同时保持了连接业务充电量同比增长49%[2] - 2023年第四季度充电量较2022年同期增长超过55%[2] 公司背景 - NaaS科技公司是中国首家在美国上市的电动汽车充电服务公司[1] - 公司是中国新联科技有限公司的子公司,是中国领先的能源数字化集团[4] - 截至2023年9月,NaaS已连接767,611个充电器,覆盖73,710个充电站,分别占中国公共充电市场份额的41.6%和50.0%[4]
NaaS Technology Achieves a S&P ESG Rating 98% Higher Than Its Global Peers
Prnewswire· 2024-02-06 16:25
可持续发展成绩 - NaaS Technology在S&P全球企业可持续发展评估中取得了出色的成绩[1] - NaaS Technology的ESG评分达到60分,超过了98%的全球同行[1] - NaaS Technology在2023年上半年减少了146.3万吨碳排放,并推动了包容性碳创新机制[5] - NaaS Technology的可持续发展实践得到了国际组织的认可,加入了科学基准目标倡议(SBTi)[6] 绿色能源发展 - NaaS Technology致力于推动绿色能源发展,通过低碳运营和技术创新实现绿色发展[3] ESG实践表现 - NaaS Technology在ESG实践方面表现突出,获得了多个奖项和认可[8]
NaaS Technology Secured Investment from TAMP Giant Envestnet's Mutual Fund
Prnewswire· 2024-02-02 19:55
BEIJING, Feb. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- NaaS Technology Inc. (Nasdaq: NAAS) ("NaaS" or the "Company"), the first U.S. listed EV charging service company in China, today announced that it has been included within the investment portfolio of PMC Diversified Equity Fund (PMDEX) in the fourth quarter of 2023. According to recently released SEC Form 13F data on US-based institutional investors, PMDEX, a mutual fund under the umbrella of global Turnkey Asset Management Platform (TAMP) giant Envestnet, has turned it ...
NaaS Technology Included in the Investment Portfolio of Carbon Collective Climate Change Solutions ETF (CCSO.O)
Prnewswire· 2024-01-26 19:45
BEIJING, Jan. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- NaaS Technology Inc. (Nasdaq: NAAS) ("NaaS" or the "Company"), the first U.S. listed EV charging service company in China, today announced that it has been included in the most recent investment portfolio of the Carbon Collective Climate Change Solutions ETF (CCSO.O). This is the first time for NaaS to be held by an actively managed ETF. Headquartered in San Francisco, the Carbon Collective is an online investment company that concentrates on climate change-related inv ...