Why 3M Stock Was Moving Higher Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-02 05:06
Shares of 3M (MMM -11.36%) finished the day higher after the industrial conglomerate completed the spin-off of its healthcare business, which is now known as Solventum (NYSE: SOVL). Investors cheered the spin-off for a number of reasons, and 3M closed Monday's session up 6.1%. Solventum, however, finished the day down 0.7%. 3M completes the spin-off ...
3M's $10.3B settlement addressing PFAS in drinking water wins final court approval
Proactive Investors· 2024-04-02 01:14
Proactive团队报道范围 - Emily Jarvie在澳大利亚和加拿大从事政治新闻和商业报道[1] - Proactive的新闻团队遍布全球金融和投资中心[2] Proactive团队关注领域 - Proactive团队专注于中小市值市场,同时也关注蓝筹公司、大宗商品和更广泛的投资故事[3] Proactive团队提供的市场新闻和见解 - Proactive团队提供关于生物技术和制药、矿业和自然资源、电池金属、石油和天然气、加密货币以及新兴数字和电动汽车技术等市场的新闻和独特见解[4]
3M Completes Health Care Spinoff, and a Court Finalizes 'Forever Chemicals' Settlement
Investopedia· 2024-04-01 23:50
Key Takeaways 3M completed the spinoff of its health care unit, called Solventum, which began trading on the New York Stock Exchange and entered the S&P 500 Monday. The conglomerate also announced a federal court has approved its $10.3 billion "forever chemicals" settlement. Shares of 3M rose on the news, while Solventum shares slid. Two big announcements from 3M (MMM) sent shares of the conglomerate higher Monday. The first involved the completion of the spinoff of Solventum, 3M’s health care business, whi ...
3M Settlement with Public Water Suppliers to Address PFAS in Drinking Water Receives Final Court Approval
Prnewswire· 2024-04-01 18:45
Agreement includes pre-tax present value commitment of up to $10.3 billion payable over 13 years Supports PFAS remediation for U.S. public water suppliers (PWS) across the country that have detected any form of PFAS at any level or may do so in the future ST. PAUL, Minn., April 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- 3M today announced that on Friday, March 29, the company's previously announced settlement agreement with U.S. public water suppliers (PWS) received final approval from the U.S. District Court in Charleston, S ...
3M stock is down 15% on Monday: what happened?
Invezz· 2024-04-01 18:44
分组1 - Solventum是3M公司在三月份分拆出来的医疗部门,在纽约证券交易所上市[1] - 3M股东将在Solventum上获得相应的股份,每四股3M股票将获得一股Solventum股票[2] - 3M股票在年初创下低点[4] - 3M公司计划在四月底公布其第一季度财务业绩[9] 分组2 - 分析师对这次分拆持谨慎态度,认为3M股票存在下行风险[3] - 多家机构减持3M股票,包括L. Roy Papp & Associated LLP和Patriot Financial[7] - 内部人士对这家制造巨头的情绪也是负面的,高管在过去一个季度卖出的股票比一年前更多[8] - RBC Capital Markets上个月发出了更为悲观的警告,称这家总部位于明尼苏达州的公司可能进一步下滑至84美元[9] - 3M股票在周一下跌了15%[10]
3M Completes Spin-off of Solventum
Prnewswire· 2024-04-01 18:30
公司分拆 - 3M公司完成了计划中的医疗保健业务分拆,正式将Solventum Corporation作为独立公司推出[1] - 3M保留了Solventum普通股的19.9%,将在分拆后的五年内变现[3] - Solventum公司的股票代码为SOLV,上市于纽约证券交易所[1] - 3M普通股持有者在2024年3月18日收盘时,每持有四股3M普通股将获得一股Solventum普通股,用于分配[2] - 分拆后的Solventum公司将在未来五年内变现3M持有的19.9%的普通股[3] 公司愿景 - 3M相信科学有助于为每个人创造更美好的世界,通过解锁人力、思想和科学的力量,独特地解决客户、社区和地球的机遇和挑战[5]
3M: 5.7% Yielding Turnaround Story For Those Willing To Take Risk
Seeking Alpha· 2024-03-30 20:07
公司挑战与应对措施 - 3M公司在2023年面临挑战,工业公司整体PMI信号收缩,公司也没有表现出韧性[1] - 公司采取了一系列措施改善其萎缩的有机销售和萎缩的盈利能力,包括剥离其医疗保健业务,裁员和转向出口导向模式[2] 股价表现与盈利情况 - 3M公司的股价在过去十年中波动较大,尽管股息率处于历史高位,但总回报率仅为11%[4] - 公司在2023年全年实现了每股收益9.24美元,较原始指导范围8.50至9.00美元高出很多,但仍比上一年下降了9%[10]
3M Raises Guidance and Changes CEO: Is the Stock a Buy?
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-23 15:31
3M公司CEO变动 - 3M公司CEO将有变动,新CEO将是L3 Harris Technologies的前CEO William Brown[1] - 3M公司CEO变动可能不会导致战略上的剧变[5] 3M公司财务状况 - 3M公司预计第一季度收入为76亿美元,调整了每股收益指导范围[2] - 3M公司管理层表示,Solventum分拆后的滞留成本将比最初预计的要低[3] - 3M公司的重组计划将有助于提高利润表现,包括裁员、简化供应链、调整全球市场模式等[7] 3M公司投资策略 - 3M公司股价上涨并且被低估,具有潜在的投资机会[1] - 如果3M公司削减股息并且重组计划取得实质进展,公司将更具吸引力[11] 3M公司市场展望 - 3M公司展望显示一些关键市场有改善迹象,如半导体市场和汽车售后市场[6] - 投资者应关注3M公司的利润率进展,这将是长期价值创造的关键[12]
3M Stock Alert: 7 Things to Know About the Upcoming 3M Healthcare Spinoff
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-23 02:42
Solventum分拆 - Solventum将代表3M的医疗保健业务分拆,这是其增长最快的部门[1] - Solventum将于4月1日在纽约证券交易所以SOLV股票代码上市[2] - 3M股票在Solventum上市后可能会下跌,因为想通过股份分配持有分拆公司的投资者会抛售他们的MMM股票[5] 股息和股票回购 - 3M在2023年非常慷慨地支付股息和股票回购,公司支付了32.亿美元的股息和3300万美元的回购[3] - 一些人怀疑3M在推出Solventum后可能会重设其高股息,这对其收入和利润贡献很大,这也是分拆公司的常见举措[6] 公司任命新首席执行官 - 本月初,3M任命了新的首席执行官William Brown,他曾是国防承包商L3Harris Technologies的董事长兼首席执行官,Brown将于5月1日开始新的职务[7]
Dear 3M Stock Fans, Mark Your Calendars for April 1
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-22 00:17
Solventum上市 - 3M公司即将在4月1日推出其医疗业务Solventum的上市,引起了投资者的关注[1] - Solventum将在纽约证券交易所以SOLV股票代码进行交易[2] - 3M股东将根据3M股票持有量在3月18日作为记录日期,每持有四股3M股票将获得一股Solventum股票[3] 3M医疗部门 - 3M的医疗部门近年来增长迅速,是其众多工业、健康和消费品中的一部分[4]