LyondellBasell Reports 2023 Earnings
Prnewswire· 2024-02-02 19:30
公司财务表现 - 公司第四季度2023年净收入为1.85亿美元,每股收益为0.56美元,EBITDA为6.39亿美元,其中排除特定项目后净收入为4.11亿美元,每股收益为1.26美元[1] - 公司全年2023年净收入为21亿美元,每股收益为6.46美元,EBITDA为45亿美元,其中排除特定项目后净收入为28.38亿美元,每股收益为8.65美元[2] - 公司在2023年从运营活动中获得了49亿美元的现金,同时保持了资本分配的纪律性,将15亿美元再投资于业务,18亿美元通过季度股息和股票回购返还给股东[3] 公司战略和增值计划 - 公司宣布了第一个商业规模催化剂先进回收工厂的最终投资决定,以利用LYB的专有MoReTec技术,同时宣布以7亿美元出售乙烯氧化物和衍生品业务[1] - LYB的战略旨在通过决定性的组合管理、扩大制造中心以满足对回收和可再生解决方案不断增长的需求以及推动拥有文化的举措来加速创造附加值增长,LYB增值计划支撑着这种文化转变,通过我们的价值增强计划交付了2023年年底超过3亿美元的净收入和4亿美元的年度重复EBITDA[4] 财务指标和减值 - EBITDA不应被视为任何时期的利润或营业利润的替代指标[21][22] - EBITDA、净收入和摊薄每股收益不包括已识别项目[21] - 资产、设备按历史成本记录,如果未来现金流不足以收回资产成本,将确认减值损失[21] - Goodwill每年进行减值测试,如果超过公允价值,将确认减值损失[21] - 对股权投资进行减值测试,如果价值下降被认为是非暂时性的,将减值至估计公允价值[21] 公司运营和财务信息 - 公司网站上可以找到更多运营和财务信息[26]
LyondellBasell (LYB) MSI Technology Tie Up for Consumer Packaging
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-31 20:41
LyondellBasell Industries N.V.与MSI Technology达成协议 - LyondellBasell Industries N.V.与MSI Technology达成协议,将在北美为LyondellBasell Polybutene-1 (PB-1)树脂线提供消费品包装应用服务[1] - LyondellBasell PB-1树脂广泛应用于消费品包装领域,具有易开启包装和薄膜改性等特点[3] - LyondellBasell计划在第四季度根据市场需求运营其资产,北美烯烃和聚烯烃(O&P)资产的平均运营率为85%,欧洲O&P资产为75%,中间体和衍生品资产为70%[6]
LyondellBasell & MSI Technology, LLC Collaborate on Innovative Consumer Packaging
Prnewswire· 2024-01-31 05:00
HOUSTON, Jan. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LyondellBasell (NYSE: LYB) and MSI Technology, LLC announced today they have entered into an agreement for MSI Technology to serve the LyondellBasell Polybutene-1 (PB-1) resin line into consumer packaging applications for North America. MSI Technology is also the sales representative for the LyondellBasell Plexar product line. The expansion of the relationship is a strategic fit relative to the markets MSI Technology serves today. MSI Technology will use its technical ...
Unveiling LyondellBasell (LYB) Q4 Outlook: Wall Street Estimates for Key Metrics
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-30 23:21
LYB季度盈利预测 - 分析师预计LyondellBasell(LYB)将在即将发布的季度报告中每股盈利为1.29美元,与去年同期持平[1] - 预计收入为103.8亿美元,比去年同期增长1.8%[1] - 过去30天,对该季度的每股盈利共识预期进行了0.5%的下调,导致当前水平[2] - 在公司披露收益之前,重要考虑盈利预期的变化,这些修订是预测投资者对股票可能反应的一个重要因素[3] LYB各业务部门收入预测 - 分析师的评估指向'高级聚合物解决方案'的收入预计将达到9.6684亿美元,同比下降12.4%[6] - 预计'美洲烯烃和聚烯烃'的收入将达到30.8亿美元,同比增长13.7%[7] - 预计'欧洲、亚洲、国际烯烃和聚烯烃'的收入将达到26.6亿美元,同比增长11%[8] - 分析师平均预测'精炼和氧燃料'的收入为19.8亿美元,同比下降24.7%[9] - 预测'技术'的收入将达到1.5593亿美元,同比增长7.5%[10] - 分析师的综合评估显示,'中间体和衍生物'的预计收入为29.1亿美元,同比增长13.7%[11]
LyondellBasell (LYB) to Post Q4 Earnings: What's in Store?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-30 21:41
LYB财报预测 - LyondellBasell Industries N.V. (LYB) 将于2月2日在开盘前公布2023年第四季度财报[1] - LYB在过去四个季度中均超过Zacks Consensus Estimate,平均盈利惊喜约为22%[2] - LYB的第四季度业绩可能受到较高的原料和能源成本以及需求疲软的影响[12] - LYB的不同部门预计在第四季度的营收表现各不相同,其中Advanced Polymer Solutions部门预计年同比下降12.4%[9] - Zacks Model并不确定LYB本季度会取得盈利超出预期[14] - LYB的Earnings ESP为-1.01%,目前Zacks Consensus Estimate为每股1.29美元[15]
LyondellBasell (LYB) Reports Next Week: What to Expect
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-27 00:06
The market expects LyondellBasell (LYB) to deliver flat earnings compared to the year-ago quarter on higher revenues when it reports results for the quarter ended December 2023. This widely-known consensus outlook is important in assessing the company's earnings picture, but a powerful factor that might influence its near-term stock price is how the actual results compare to these estimates. The earnings report, which is expected to be released on February 2, 2024, might help the stock move higher if these ...
LyondellBasell's (LYB) Petrothene T3XL7420 to Optimize Production
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-26 23:11
LyondellBasell Industries N.V. (LYB) recently launched Petrothene T3XL7420, a cross-linkable, all-in-one flame-retardant compound that is projected to result in significant cost reductions while streamlining manufacturing processes. This product offering also raises the quality of end products for wire makers in the automotive and appliance industries. LyondellBasell developed this novel compound in response to customer demand and industry needs to optimize production line speeds and improve manufacturing e ...
LyondellBasell: Strong Cash Flow And A Nice Dividend Make It Appealing
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-26 18:05
BlackJack3D A huge global company making plastic resins and other chemicals, LyondellBasell Industries (NYSE:LYB) is a huge company operating internationally, and they are also operating an oil refinery in Houston, Texas. One of the world's largest providers of Olefins and Polyfins, LyondellBasell offers products to different industries, and has steadily been expanding their business with generated cash flow. Understanding LyondellBasell One word: plastics. Actually it might take more than one word to speci ...
LyondellBasell (LYB) Recycling Project Chosen for EU Fund Grant
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-23 20:46
欧盟创新基金资助 - 欧盟创新基金将向LyondellBasell Industries N.V.提供4,000万欧元的资助,用于在德国韦塞林建设全电动、工业规模的先进回收示范工厂[1] - 欧盟创新基金的“大型项目第三轮征集”选择了41个项目,其中包括LYB的MoReTec设施。欧盟已承诺36亿欧元用于资助创新的清洁技术项目[2] 公司发展 - 投资于LyondellBasell的第一个工业规模先进回收示范设施将为公司提供重要的运营经验,进一步提升MoReTec技术的技术知识,以便扩大规模并商业化该技术[3]
LyondellBasell: Good Value And Appealing Yield
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-20 00:27
公司概况 - LYB 是全球化的化工公司,是聚合物和聚烯烃技术的最大生产商之一[7] - LYB 保持相对稳定,股价较一年前基本持平,但给投资者带来了7%的总回报,包括股息[4] 财务表现 - LYB 的销售额同比下降了13%,但由于一次性事件,其 EBITDA 毛利率增长了370个基点[10] - LYB 过去12个月中的现金转换率为102%,高于上次关注时的89%[11] 发展战略 - LYB 通过收购沙特阿拉伯国家石化工业公司的35%股权,进一步支持了其增长前景,扩大其聚丙烯业务[15] - LYB 保持着强劲的资产负债表,资产负债表上有28亿美元的现金及等价物,净债务与 EBITDA 比率为1.6倍[16] 股息与估值 - LYB 的股息率为5.4%,由56%的派息比率支持,连续10年的增长[19] - LYB 在当前价格下仍然具有良好的价值,前瞻市盈率为10.6,分析师预计未来2年每股收益将实现强劲的5.7%到12.9%的年增长率[21]