Lightwave Logic(LWLG)
Lightwave Logic Receives 2024 Industry Innovation Award for Hybrid PIC/Optical Integration Platform at the European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC)
Prnewswire· 2024-09-24 20:31
Award Granted by ECOC Exhibition Industry Awards Committee, Composed of Telecom and Datacom Industrial Corporations Award Again Recognizes Lightwave Logic's EO Polymer Material and Technology as a Leading Innovation Amongst the IndustryENGLEWOOD, Colo., Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lightwave Logic, Inc. (NASDAQ: LWLG), a technology platform company leveraging its proprietary electro-optic (EO) polymers to transmit data at higher speeds with less power in a small form factor, today announced that it has re ...
Prnewswire· 2024-09-09 20:31
Company Continues to Deepen its Optical Polymer Capabilities and Commercial Expertise to Open New Markets for its Advanced MaterialsBoard Additions of Chemicals and Materials Leader Tom Connelly and Optical Network and AI/Datacenter Optics Executive Yves LeMaitre in August Advances Company Goal of Establishing its Presence in Multiple VerticalsENGLEWOOD, Colo., Sept. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lightwave Logic, Inc. (NASDAQ: LWLG), a technology platform company leveraging its proprietary electro-optic (EO) poly ...
Lightwave Logic Provides Second Quarter 2024 Corporate Update
Prnewswire· 2024-08-12 20:31
ENGLEWOOD, Colo., Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lightwave Logic, Inc. (NASDAQ: LWLG), a technology platform company leveraging its proprietary electro-optic (EO) polymers to transmit data at higher speeds with less power in a small form factor, today provided its corporate update in conjunction with the filing of its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024.Second Quarter 2024 and Subsequent Highlights:Hosted visits from tier-1 companies exploring potential material license a ...
Lightwave Logic(LWLG) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-08-10 04:14
财务状况 - 公司在2024年上半年实现净销售额49,772美元[28] - 公司在2024年上半年净亏损11,699,595美元[32] - 公司在2024年6月30日的现金及现金等价物余额为29,195,815美元[18] - 公司在2024年6月30日的总资产为39,798,833美元[21] - 公司于2024年6月30日的资产负债表总额为1.16亿美元[40] - 公司于2024年6月30日的股东权益总额为3.56亿美元[44] - 公司于2023年6月30日的股东权益总额为3.68亿美元[48] - 公司2024年上半年经营活动产生的现金流出为8.82百万美元[50] - 公司2023年上半年经营活动产生的现金流出为7.00百万美元[50] - 公司2024年上半年投资活动产生的现金流出为1.65百万美元[52] - 公司2023年上半年投资活动产生的现金流出为0.51百万美元[52] - 公司2024年上半年筹资活动产生的现金流入为8.24百万美元[54] - 公司2023年上半年筹资活动产生的现金流入为16.05百万美元[54] - 公司2024年6月30日的现金及现金等价物余额为2.92亿美元[54] - 公司预计未来12个月每月将支出约184万美元[68] 融资活动 - 公司发行了1,950,000股普通股给机构投资者,筹集资金7,495,600美元[36] - 公司发行了25,431股普通股作为承诺费用,金额为105,960美元[36] - 公司于2021年7月2日向美国证券交易委员会提交了1亿美元的通用股票发行登记申请[99] - 公司于2021年10月4日与一家机构投资者签订了33,000,000美元的股票购买协议,截至2023年12月31日已全部发行完毕[100] - 公司于2023年2月28日与另一家机构投资者签订了30,000,000美元的股票购买协议,截至2024年6月30日已发行23,641,652美元[101] - 公司于2022年12月9日与一家投资银行公司签订了35,000,000美元的股票销售协议,截至2024年6月30日已发行499,883美元[102] 股权激励 - 公司授予了92,475股限制性股票作为未来服务的报酬[36] - 公司确认了203,521美元的递延薪酬费用[36] - 截至2024年6月30日,公司2016年股权激励计划下共有6,905,057份期权和221,649股限制性股票已发行,剩余4,167,059股可供授予[105] - 公司2024年上半年确认了2,540,981美元的股份支付费用,其中2016年股权激励计划为2,337,460美元[110] - 公司2024年上半年共有374,000份期权和19,000份认股权证被行权,行权收款231,000美元和14,250美元[115] - 公司于2023年3月16日向4名外部董事授予了99,616股限制性股票,于2024年6月18日又向5名外部董事授予了92,475股限制性股票[118][120] 税务 - 截至2024年6月30日,公司未确认税收利益,因管理层认为递延税资产实现的可能性不确定而计提了全额估值准备[96] - 截至2024年6月30日,公司未确认任何税收相关的利息或罚款,2020年12月31日及之后的纳税申报正在接受相关税务机关的审查[97] 研发及运营 - 研发费用为8,982,920美元,较上年同期增加12.8%[29] - 一般及行政费用为3,152,122美元,较上年同期增加24.4%[29] - 公司于2022年11月扩租了9,684平方英尺的办公和仓储空间,新租约期限为10年半[90] - 公司已完成新的研发和制造设施的搬迁,整合了研发工作流程以提高运营效率[182] 商业合作 - 公司于2023年5月开始商业运营,目前主要通过材料供应许可协议获得收入[135] - 公司于2023年5月签订了首个商业协议,为期4年的材料供应和许可协议[70] - 公司2024年上半年确认了3.6万美元的协议相关收入[71] - 公司于2022年9月发放了60万欧元的可转换贷款,并于2023年2-3月收回本金和利息[79] 技术研发 - 公司设计并合成有机色素用于自有专有电光聚合物系统和光子器件设计[136] - 公司专利和专利申请的分子架构基于芳香性,提供高度分子稳定性[137] - 公司正与硅基晶圆厂合作,将聚合物调制器器件转移到标准生产线上[141][142][144] - 公司的电光聚合物可与CMOS、InP、GaAs等半导体制造工艺集成[143] - 公司正在开发多种基于自有电光聚合物材料的光学器件,包括光波导调制器、聚合物堆栈等[149] - 公司开发的光波导调制器原型已展现112 Gbaud调制性能,可支持4通道200 Gbps PAM-4编码的800 Gbps数据传输[150,151] - 公司正在开发更高速度的调制器,已展示100 GHz以上的带宽性能,可支持200 Gbps PAM-4编码的400 Gbps和800 Gbps数据传输[152] - 公司正在开发更紧凑的聚合物调制器Polymer Plus™,可直接集成到现有的硅光子和化合物半导体平台上[154,155] - 公司开发的聚合物槽波导调制器Polymer Slot™展现出极高的性能,集成度和能耗优势[156,157,158] - 公司的长期目标是开发灵活的多通道聚合物光子集成电路PIC™平台,支持100 Gbps、400 Gbps、800 Gbps乃至1.6 Tbps及以上的数据传输[160,161] - 公司
Lightwave Logic Invited to Present at 2024 European Conference on Optical Communications
Prnewswire· 2024-07-30 20:31
Company Selected as a Conference Finalist for the Most Innovative Product: Most Innovative Hybrid PIC/Optical  Integration PlatformENGLEWOOD, Colo., July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lightwave Logic, Inc. (NASDAQ: LWLG), a technology platform company leveraging its proprietary electro-optic (EO) polymers to transmit data at higher speeds with less power in a small form factor, today announced that it has been invited to present as part of the 2024 European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), which will ...
Lightwave Logic Appoints Industry Veteran Yves LeMaitre to Board of Directors
Prnewswire· 2024-07-23 20:31
Yves LeMaitre Brings Track Record of Success Productizing and Scaling Optical Technology for Datacenters With 30+ Years of Executive Experience in Photonics and Global Information Technology (IT) ENGLEWOOD, Colo., July 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lightwave Logic, Inc. (NASDAQ: LWLG), a technology platform company leveraging its proprietary electro-optic (EO) polymers to transmit data at higher speeds with less power in a small form factor, today, announced the appointment of Yves LeMaitre to Lightwave Logic's ...
Lightwave Logic Reaffirms Commercialization Timeline Presented at the 2024 Annual Shareholder Meeting
Prnewswire· 2024-06-03 20:31
Management Reaffirms Commercialization Pathway with Licensing Perkinamine® Electro-optic Polymers and Product Sales of High-Speed Modulators ENGLEWOOD, Colo., June 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lightwave Logic, Inc. (NASDAQ: LWLG), a technology platform company leveraging its proprietary electro-optic (EO) polymers to enable next generation high speed data transmission at low power consumption and small foot-print, today, announced the reaffirmation of commercial timelines as noted at the Company's Annual Shareho ...
Lightwave Logic, Inc. (LWLG) Annual Meeting of Shareholders (Transcript)
2024-05-25 00:36
Lightwave Logic, Inc. (NASDAQ:LWLG) Annual Meeting of Shareholders Call May 22, 2024 12:00 PM ET Company Participants Michael Lebby - Chief Executive Officer James Marcelli - President, Chief Operating Officer and Secretary Financial Solutions David Sido - Inspector of Election Michael Lebby This is the 2024 Annual Meeting of Shareholders. I’m going to go through the formal part of the presentation. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, My name is Dr. Michael Lebby. I am Chair of the Board of Lightwave Logic. ...
Lightwave Logic and Advanced Micro Foundry (AMF) Partner to Accelerate Development of Silicon Photonics Modulators Using Electro-Optic Polymers· 2024-05-21 20:31
Standard Fabrication Processes on 200mm Silicon Wafers Using Lightwave Logic's Proprietary Slot Modulator Design Achieved Record Breaking sub-1V Drive at 200Gbps PAM4 – Ideal for 800Gbps and 1.6T Pluggable Transceivers. ENGLEWOOD, Colo., May 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lightwave Logic, Inc. (NASDAQ: LWLG) a technology platform company leveraging its proprietary electro-optic (EO) polymers to transmit data at higher speeds with less power in a small form factor today announced a collaboration with Advanced Micr ...
Lightwave Logic Provides First Quarter 2024 Corporate Update
Prnewswire· 2024-05-13 20:31
Dr. Michael Lebby to Host Corporate Update Presentation, Tour of Englewood Facility and Live Device Demonstration Following Annual Meeting of Shareholders on May 22, 2024 ENGLEWOOD, Colo., May 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lightwave Logic, Inc. (NASDAQ: LWLG), a technology platform company leveraging its proprietary electro-optic (EO) polymers to transmit data at higher speeds with less power in a small form factor, today provided a corporate update in conjunction with the filing of its Quarterly Report on Form ...