3 Stocks to Watch Following Guidance Upgrades: LMT, NOC, CRH
ZACKS· 2024-08-09 05:05
Earnings season continues to roll along, with the period overall showing positivity and resilience.For the roughly 90% of S&P 500 companies that have reported Q2 results, total earnings are up +10.6% from the same period last year on +5.2% higher revenues, with 79.8% beating EPS estimates and 59.2% beating revenue estimates. (As of August 7th.)Including the expectations for those that have yet to report, 2024 Q2 earnings are expected to be up 11% on 5.4% higher revenues.Image Source: Zacks Investment Resear ...
These defense stocks rally as the markets crash
Finbold· 2024-08-05 17:40
Although the majority of assets in the stock market are crashing, certain defense stocks are doing the exact opposite – rallying amid the rising geopolitical tensions that have seen new war fronts arise or threaten to appear in multiple regions as the now already ‘old’ wars continue raging.As it happens, these defense stocks, which are among the favorites of many United States politicians, some of whom sit on committees overseeing defense budgets or creating geopolitical policies, are increasing in price, d ...
Defense Stocks Soar to New Highs; Higher Highs Are Coming
MarketBeat· 2024-08-02 19:30
Defense stocks soared in July, with many gaining double-digit figures ranging from 10% to 18%. Good results drive the moves, and the demand trends suggest that business will stay good. A trend in escalated global tensions, ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, and re-armification pushed global defense spending up by 6.8% in 2023, hitting an all-time high. Spending in 2024 is escalating, accelerating the growth to double-digits, as seen in defense stock results. Get Lockheed Martin alerts:Defense ...
Lockheed Martin Stock: Buy, Sell, or Hold?
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-31 17:03
The defense company's stock has had a strong run recently due to derisking the F-35 program and some improved margin performance.Lockheed Martin (LMT 1.90%) stock is up 13.7% this year, and most of the gain comes after the company's recent second-quarter earnings report. Does the good news from the second quarter signal a buying opportunity, or is now the time to take advantage of the increase in the share price? Here's a look at what happened and how to think about the stock.Lockheed Martin provides some p ...
Why Call Options Volume for These 2 Stocks Spiked Together
MarketBeat· 2024-07-27 21:00
文章核心观点 - 洛克希德·马丁和台积电之间存在着密切的共生关系 [4][5] - 洛克希德·马丁的武器装备需要台积电提供先进的芯片和半导体 [4][5] - 美国政府正在大力推动国内半导体生产的本土化,以减少对亚洲的依赖 [9][10][11] - 由于这两家公司的关联性,期权交易者看好它们的上行潜力 [12][13] 洛克希德·马丁 - 洛克希德·马丁二季度财报表现出色,营收增长9%,订单积压达1600亿美元 [6] - 洛克希德·马丁的财务指引得到上调,分析师目标价上调至600美元 [7] 台积电 - 分析师预测台积电未来12个月的每股收益增长27.5%,目标价250美元 [8] - 美国政府向台积电提供66亿美元资金支持,以推动其在美国的本土化生产 [11]
Is It Too Late to Buy Lockheed Martin Stock Now?
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-27 16:42
Even after a share-price liftoff, Lockheed Martin stock still has rocket fuel in the tank.In light of conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine, one might assume that aerospace/defense giant Lockheed Martin (LMT 0.65%) would be a darling on Wall Street. Yet, Lockheed Martin stock gained little ground in 2024's first half.Then July came around, and suddenly Lockheed Martin stock's trajectory went from horizontal to vertical. This raises the question of "Is it too late to invest?" and, just as importantly, "Wh ...
Lockheed Martin Goes Boom
Seeking Alpha· 2024-07-24 23:55
inhauscreativeIntroduction It's time to talk about Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT), a company that was my biggest holding until I bought the Texas Pacific Land Corporation (TPL) this year. During the pandemic, I started accumulating LMT stock for a number of reasons, including its anti-cyclical business model, its position at the very top of the NATO defense supply chain, and the fact that due to pandemic and government budget-related headwinds, the stock was simply irresistible (read: cheap). De ...
Lockheed Martin(LMT) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-07-24 04:14
Table of Contents UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-Q (Mark One) ☒ QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the quarterly period ended June 30, 2024 or ☐ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from ______ to ______ Commission file number: 1-11437 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) Maryland ...
Lockheed Martin(LMT) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-07-24 00:49
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第二季度销售额增长9%至180亿美元,连续第五个季度实现增长 [13] - 分部营业利润增长10%至20亿美元,综合营业利润率达11.3%,较去年同期提高20个基点 [14] - 自由现金流超过15亿美元,同比和环比均有所增加 [14] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 航空业务销售额增长6%,主要受F-35和F-16产量增加推动 [44] - 导弹及火控业务销售额增长13%,主要受精确打击导弹项目产量提升带动 [46][47] - 旋翼系统业务销售额增长17%,主要受雷达和激光项目以及加拿大水面舰艇项目带动 [49] - 航天业务销售额增长1%,主要受高超音速和潜射弹道导弹项目增长抵消了奥里昂项目下降 [52] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 国际市场订单持续强劲,导弹及火控业务的PAC-3和JASSM订单均创历史新高 [40][41] - 国际客户对F-35、黑鹰直升机和UH-60M黑鹰直升机需求旺盛 [41][42] - 公司获得了NOAA新一代气象卫星GeoXO项目,巩固了在环境传感技术领域的地位 [43] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司持续推进21世纪安全战略,利用数字技术提升任务效能,扩大与盟友的工业合作 [11] - 公司在高超音速武器、人工智能辅助自主飞行等前沿技术领域取得重大进展 [27][28] - 公司正在加强供应链韧性,与合作伙伴共同开发新产品,如全球移动火箭炮系统 [29][30] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司对2024年全年销售额、营业利润和每股收益的预期均有所提升,反映了良好的业务表现 [12][54][55][56] - 尽管供应链仍有一些瓶颈,但总体呈现改善趋势,加上国防开支持续增加,为公司业务发展提供支撑 [13] - 管理层对F-35项目后续发展前景乐观,将继续推进软硬件升级以保持战斗力 [15-19] - 管理层认为公司产品和服务与客户未来需求高度吻合,在空中优势、导弹防御等领域具有竞争优势 [32-34] 其他重要信息 - 公司在数字化转型、人工智能、高超音速等前沿技术领域持续投入,为未来发展奠定基础 [27][107-138] - 公司与多个国际合作伙伴签署协议,共同推进关键产品在当地的生产和维修能力 [29][30][124-127] - 美国国会正在审议2025财年国防预算,公司认为其产品和服务与客户需求高度吻合 [31-34] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Kristine Liwag 提问** F-35交付指引范围较宽,公司如何确保交付量达到上限 [69][70][71] **Jim Taiclet 和 Jay Malave 回答** 公司已经准备好增加资源,包括试飞员、维修团队、软硬件工程师等,确保能够达到上限交付目标。未来几个月将进一步优化交付流程 [70][71][72][73] 问题2 **Cai von Rumohr 提问** F-35最终交付款项的时间性对收入和现金流的影响 [77][78][79][80] **Jay Malave 回答** 公司正在与客户就最终交付款项的时间安排进行谈判,预计未来几年会带来一定的时间性利益。但整体来看,F-35收入不会有太大变化,公司正采取措施抵消这一影响 [77][78][79][80] 问题3 **Scott Deuschle 提问** 公司何时能够提升中期自由现金流增长目标 [82][83] **Jay Malave 回答** 公司目前的目标是实现低个位数的自由现金流增长,未来几个月将进一步更新中期展望,届时会提供更多细节 [83]
Lockheed Martin(LMT) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-07-23 23:08
业绩总结 - 2024年第二季度财务亮点:销售额达到181亿美元[13] - 销售额增长6%,主要得益于F-35和F-16生产增长[26] - 利润率达到11.3%[16] - 自由现金流达到15亿美元[19] - 股息回购金额为9亿美元[21] 未来展望 - 2024年销售额预计约为705亿至715亿美元,分段运营利润约为73.5亿至75亿美元[59] - 整体运营利润预计约为82亿至83.5亿美元,净营运FAS养老金收入约为60美元[59] - 税率为15.5%,每股摊薄收益预计约为26.10至26.60美元[59] - 股份回购金额约为4000亿美元[59] 业务部门情况 - AERO部门销售额约为281亿至285亿美元,运营利润约为27.75亿至28.25亿美元[61] - MFC部门销售额约为124亿至126亿美元,运营利润约为14.5亿至14.75亿美元[61] - RMS部门销售额约为173亿至175亿美元,运营利润约为19亿至19.5亿美元[61] - SPACE部门销售额约为127亿至129亿美元,运营利润约为12.25亿至12.5亿美元[61]