LivaNova(LIVN) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-02-21 23:36
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 2023年第四季度收入为3.1亿美元,同比增长12% [16] - 2023年全年收入为13%,创下双位数增长 [8] - 2023年第四季度调整后毛利率为68%,同比下降1个百分点,主要受网络安全事件影响 [16] - 2023年第四季度调整后营业利润为4800万美元,同比增长2% [18] - 2023年第四季度调整后每股收益为0.87美元,同比增长7% [18] - 2023年全年调整后营业利润和每股收益均增长17% [8] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 心肺业务 - 2023年第四季度收入1.62亿美元,同比增长17% [9] - 心肺机收入增长超过40%,主要得益于欧洲和美国市场的Essenz销售 [9] - 氧合器收入中单位数增长,受客户需求和价格上涨推动 [9] - 2023年全年心肺业务收入5.89亿美元,同比增长18% [9] - 预计2024年心肺业务收入将增长6%-7% [9] 癫痫业务 - 2023年第四季度收入增长8%,其中美国市场新植入和更换植入均实现两位数增长 [10] - 2023年全年收入增长10%,美国新植入增长7%,更换植入增长7% [11] - 预计2024年全球癫痫业务收入将增长6%-7% [11] 先进循环支持业务 - 2023年第四季度收入1000万美元,同比增长5% [12] - 2023年全年收入4000万美元,同比增长3% [12] - 预计到2024年底将基本完成该业务的退出 [12] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司决定退出先进循环支持业务,将其独立的导管和配件产品转移至心肺业务,聚焦心肺和神经调控两大核心业务 [6] - 预计退出先进循环支持业务将在2024年带来正面的调整后营业利润贡献 [6] - 公司正在扩大氧合器产能,预计在2023年下半年将开始产生一定效果 [32][33] - 公司正在加大IT系统投资,以加强网络安全并实现系统现代化 [51][52] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司在2023年实现了双位数收入增长和利润增长,同时保持了对管线项目的投入 [25] - 新任CEO Vlad Makatsaria将带领公司实现战略目标和长期增长 [5][30] - 公司对2024年的指引显示调整后营业利润增长约25%,调整后营业利润率将超过17% [24] 其他重要信息 - 公司在2023年第四季度遭受网络安全事件,导致约260万美元的额外成本 [20] - 公司将在2024年对先进循环支持业务计提1.03亿美元的非现金减值,并预计将产生1500万-2000万美元的重组费用 [21] - 公司将从2024年第一季度开始调整报告结构,从三个部门调整为两个部门:心肺和神经调控 [21] - 公司预计2024年调整后有效税率将为21%,这将对每股收益产生不利影响约0.45美元 [22] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Rick Wise 提问** 询问新任CEO Vlad Makatsaria的优先事项和领导方向 [28][29] **William Cozy 回答** Vlad拥有27年医疗行业从业经验,在大型跨国公司担任过全球业务负责人,具备丰富的运营、战略、创新和人才管理经验,能够推动公司实现战略目标和长期增长 [30] 问题2 **Anthony Petrone 提问** 询问先进循环支持业务退出的财务影响和时间安排 [40][41] **William Cozy 和 Alex Shvartsburg 回答** 2023年该业务亏损约1400万美元,预计在2024年将实现大幅改善,但主要集中在最后三个季度 [40][41] 问题3 **Michael Polark 提问** 询问2024年资本支出增加的具体用途 [50][51][52] **William Cozy 和 Alex Shvartsburg 回答** 主要用于提升氧合器产能,以及加强IT系统的网络安全和现代化 [50][51][52]
LivaNova(LIVN) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-02-21 20:26
业绩总结 - 公司2023年第四季度净收入为31.01亿美元,同比增长11.9%[9] - 公司2023年全年净收入为115.35亿美元,同比增长13.3%[10] - 公司2023年全年收入增长13%[26] - 调整后的运营收入增长17%;调整后的运营利润率提高50个基点[26] - 公司2023年全年调整后的自由现金流为9600万美元[26] 产品和技术 - Cardiopulmonary的增长主要来自HLM销售的增加,包括EssenzTM安装和全球氧合器需求[26] - 癫痫在所有地区都有增长,包括美国的新植入和更换植入[26] - ACS的增长来自手术量[26] 未来展望 - 公司2024年的指导意见包括净收入增长4-5%、不包括ACS的净收入增长6-7%、调整后的稀释每股收益2.95-3.05美元、调整后的自由现金流9500万-1.15亿美元[28] - 公司2024年的战略重点是为全球患者提供领先的技术,推进神经和心脏健康护理质量[31] 市场扩张和并购 - 公司致力于发展数字集成产品和服务,成为医疗解决方案的重要来源[32] - 扩大客户和外部合作伙伴关系,激发创新和改善增长[33]
LivaNova(LIVN) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Results
2024-02-21 19:03
EXHIBIT 99.1 NEWS RELEASE LivaNova Reports Fourth-Quarter and Full-Year 2023 Results London, February 21, 2024 – LivaNova PLC (Nasdaq: LIVN), a market-leading medical technology company, today reported results for the quarter and full year ended December 31, 2023 and issued guidance for 2024. Financial Summary and Highlights1 • Fourth-quarter revenue of $310.1 million increased 12.8 percent on a reported basis and 11.9 percent on a constant- currency basis, as compared to the prior-year period • Fourth-quar ...
LivaNova(LIVN) - 2023 Q3 - Quarterly Report
2023-11-02 03:01
UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 _________________________ Form 10-Q (Mark One) ☑ QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the quarterly period ended: September 30, 2023 or ☐ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from _______________ to _______________ Commission file number: 001-37599 LivaNova PLC (Exact name of registrant as specified in its ...
LivaNova(LIVN) - 2023 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2023-11-02 01:26
LivaNova PLC (NASDAQ:LIVN) Q3 2023 Earnings Conference Call November 1, 2023 8:00 AM ET Company Participants Matthew Dodds - Senior Vice President, Corporate Development & IT Bill Cozy - Chairman and Interim Chief Executive Officer Alex Shvartsburg - Chief Financial Officer Stephanie Bolton - President, Global Epilepsy Conference Call Participants Rick Wise - Stiefel Mike Polark - Wolfe Research Adam Maeder - Piper Sandler Matt Taylor - Jefferies Mike Matson - Needham & Company Anthony Petrone - Mizuho Grou ...
LivaNova(LIVN) - 2023 Q3 - Earnings Call Presentation
2023-11-01 22:47
1 Safe Harbor Certain statements in this material, other than statements of historical or current fact, are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 21E of the Exchange Act. These statements include, but are not limited to, LivaNova’s plans, objectives, strategies, financial performance and outlook, trends, the amount and timing of future cash distributions, prospects or future events and involve kn ...
LivaNova(LIVN) - 2023 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2023-07-27 03:21
UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 _________________________ Form 10-Q (Mark One) ☑ QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the quarterly period ended: June 30, 2023 or ☐ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from _______________ to _______________ Commission file number: 001-37599 LivaNova PLC (Exact name of registrant as specified in its char ...
LivaNova(LIVN) - 2023 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2023-07-27 01:10
LivaNova PLC (NASDAQ:LIVN) Q2 2023 Earnings Conference Call July 26, 2023 8:00 AM ET Company Participants Matthew Dodds - SVP, Corporate Development & IT William Kozy - Chairman & Interim CEO Alex Shvartsburg - CFO Stephanie Bolton - President, Global Epilepsy Conference Call Participants Frederick Wise - Stifel, Nicolaus & Company Matthew Miksic - Barclays Bank Michael Polark - Wolfe Research Michael Matson - Needham & Company David Rescott - Robert W. Baird & Co. Matthew Taylor - Jefferies Adam Maeder - P ...
LivaNova(LIVN) - 2023 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2023-07-26 23:16
E IV · HVOM Health innovation that matters NS Therapy Patient Second Quarter 2023 Earnings Update July 26, 2023 Safe Harbor 2 Certain statements in this material, other than statements of historical or current fact, are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 21E of the Exchange Act. These statements include, but are not limited to, LivaNova's plans, objectives, strategies, financial performance an ...
LivaNova(LIVN) - 2023 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2023-05-07 23:48
LivaNova PLC (NASDAQ:LIVN) Q1 2023 Earnings Conference Call May 3, 2023 8:00 AM ET Company Participants Matthew Dodds - Senior Vice President of Corporate Development William Kozy - Chairman & Interim Chief Executive Officer Alex Shvartsburg - Chief Financial Officer Conference Call Participants Rick Wise - Stifel Financial Michael Polark - Wolfe Research Matthew Taylor - Jefferies Adam Maeder - Piper Sandler Mike Matson - Needham & Company Operator Good day ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the LivaNova ...