Luminar Technologies(LAZR)
Luminar Technologies, Inc. (LAZR) Stock Slides as Market Rises: Facts to Know Before You Trade
ZACKS· 2024-09-20 07:21
The latest trading session saw Luminar Technologies, Inc. (LAZR) ending at $0.79, denoting a -0.03% adjustment from its last day's close. The stock fell short of the S&P 500, which registered a gain of 1.7% for the day. On the other hand, the Dow registered a gain of 1.26%, and the technology-centric Nasdaq increased by 2.51%.The the stock of company has fallen by 18.92% in the past month, lagging the Auto-Tires-Trucks sector's gain of 2.47% and the S&P 500's gain of 1.27%.Market participants will be closel ...
Wall Street Analysts See Luminar Technologies (LAZR) as a Buy: Should You Invest?
ZACKS· 2024-08-27 22:31
Investors often turn to recommendations made by Wall Street analysts before making a Buy, Sell, or Hold decision about a stock. While media reports about rating changes by these brokerage-firm employed (or sell-side) analysts often affect a stock's price, do they really matter?Before we discuss the reliability of brokerage recommendations and how to use them to your advantage, let's see what these Wall Street heavyweights think about Luminar Technologies, Inc. (LAZR) .Luminar Technologies currently has an a ...
Luminar Technologies (LAZR) Forms 'Hammer Chart Pattern': Time for Bottom Fishing?
ZACKS· 2024-08-22 22:55
Shares of Luminar Technologies, Inc. (LAZR) have been struggling lately and have lost 39.7% over the past four weeks. However, a hammer chart pattern was formed in its last trading session, which could mean that the stock found support with bulls being able to counteract the bears. So, it could witness a trend reversal down the road.While the formation of a hammer pattern is a technical indication of nearing a bottom with potential exhaustion of selling pressure, rising optimism among Wall Street analysts a ...
Luminar Technologies (LAZR) Moves to Buy: Rationale Behind the Upgrade
ZACKS· 2024-08-13 01:01
Luminar Technologies, Inc. (LAZR) could be a solid choice for investors given its recent upgrade to a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy). This rating change essentially reflects an upward trend in earnings estimates -- one of the most powerful forces impacting stock prices.The sole determinant of the Zacks rating is a company's changing earnings picture. The Zacks Consensus Estimate -- the consensus of EPS estimates from the sell-side analysts covering the stock -- for the current and following years is tracked by the sys ...
Luminar: Darkest Before The Dawn
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-09 21:52
Rasica Following acknowledgement of a general customers push-out of Lidar demand by 1 to 2 years, Luminar Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:LAZR) has plunged to new lows. The company remains full speed ahead on Lidar development and in production mode now despite the stock weakness. My investment thesis remains ultra-Bullish on the stock despite the disappointing scenario playing out right now. Source: Finviz Struggling To Launch Luminar reported the following disappointing Q2 '24 results, with revenue growt ...
Luminar Technologies(LAZR) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-08-09 05:19
财务状况 - 公司现金及现金等价物为52.335百万美元,较2023年12月31日的139.095百万美元下降[13] - 公司市场证券为108.989百万美元,较2023年12月31日的150.727百万美元下降[13] - 公司应收账款为19.752百万美元,较2023年12月31日的14.124百万美元增加[13] - 公司存货为14.026百万美元,较2023年12月31日的12.196百万美元增加[13] - 公司总资产为381.809百万美元,较2023年12月31日的512.367百万美元下降[13] - 公司总负债为381.809百万美元,较2023年12月31日的737.115百万美元下降[13] - 公司总股东权益为-224.748百万美元,较2023年12月31日的-224.748百万美元无变化[13] 财务业绩 - 公司总收入为16,451万美元,同比增长1.6%[17] - 产品收入为15,739万美元,同比增长58.6%[17] - 服务收入为712万美元,同比下降88.6%[17] - 总营业成本为30,131万美元,同比下降12.7%[17] - 毛亏为13,680万美元,同比亏损减少25.4%[17] - 研发费用为65,850万美元,同比下降2.4%[17] - 销售及市场费用为12,140万美元,同比下降22.4%[17] - 管理费用为29,790万美元,同比下降29.7%[17] - 重组费用为6,262万美元[17] - 净亏损为130,607万美元,同比亏损减少7.8%[17] 业务概况 - 公司业务分为两个主要运营分部:自主驾驶解决方案和先进技术与服务[1] - 公司收入主要来自北美市场,占总收入的96%[2] - 公司收入中96%来自于某个时间点确认的收入,4%来自于随时间推移确认的收入[2] - 自主驾驶解决方案分部占总收入的61%,先进技术与服务分部占总收入的39%[2] - 公司于2024年3月收购了EM4公司,该收购预计将加速公司打包激光器、探测器和ASIC的战略[3] - 公司于2024年5月批准了一项重组计划,包括裁员约20%和部分设施转租[4] - 公司于2024年第二季度确认了630万美元的重组成本[4] 现金流和流动性 - 公司于2024年6月30日的现金、现金等价物和受限现金余额为54,093千美元,较2023年6月30日的91,496千美元减少86,531千美元[28] - 公司于2024年上半年的经营活动现金流出为158,936千美元,较2023年上半年的137,983千美元增加20,953千美元[28] - 公司于2024年上半年的投资活动现金流入为35,511千美元,较2023年上半年的116,366千美元减少80,855千美元[28] - 公司于2024年上半年的融资活动现金流入为36,894千美元,较2023年上半年的42,008千美元减少5,114千美元[28] - 公司于2024年2月与银行签订了50,000,000美元的信贷额度[82] - 公司于2024年5月与经纪商签订了总额1.5亿美元的股权融资计划[156] 股权变动 - 公司于2024年6月30日的Class A普通股股数为391,516,377股,较2023年6月30日的313,888,629股增加77,627,748股[25] - 公司于2024年6月30日的Class B普通股股数为97,088,670股,与2023年6月30日持平[25] - 公司于2024年6月30日拥有120,045,766股潜在的普通股未纳入摊薄每股收益计算[89] - 公司于2024年5月3日与Virtu Americas LLC签订了新的股权融资协议,可再融资1.5亿美元[93] - 公司于2024年第一季度和上半年分别通过股权融资计划筹集了1870万美元和3590万美元[93] 其他重要事项 - 公司于2024年5月批准了一项重组计划,包括裁员约20%和部分设施转租[4] - 公司于2024年第二季度确认了630万美元的重组成本[4] - 公司于2024年3月收购了EM4公司,该收购预计将加速公司打包激光器、探测器和ASIC的战略[3] - 公司合同资产和合同负债的变动主要是由于公司履约与客户付款时间的差异[5] - 公司预计未来12个月内将确认约97%的剩余履约义务收入[6]
Luminar Delays Growth Plan Again
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-07 17:59
Paul Bradbury/OJO Images via Getty Images Investing in new technology companies can be very frustrating. A lot of times, there seems to be a great future ahead, but things don't always work out on time. A good example of this is automotive technology company Luminar Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:LAZR). The LIDAR firm has continually missed growth targets for its large revenue ramp, sending shares crashing in recent years. After the bell on Tuesday, the company announced the latest delay in its plans, along ...
Luminar Technologies(LAZR) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-08-07 08:57
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第二季度收入为1650万美元,同比增长2%,环比下降22% [66] - 毛亏损约为1400万美元,非GAAP毛亏损约为1200万美元,其中包括1000万美元的合同损失 [66][67] - 第二季度现金流出5700万美元,较上一季度的7200万美元有所改善 [66] - 截至第二季度末,公司现金及流动性为2.11亿美元,包括5000万美元未提取的信用额度 [66] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 沃尔沃EX90系列生产正在缓慢爬坡,预计下半年和明年初将达到目标产能水平 [125] - 与梅赛德斯、保时捷等其他客户的合作也在稳步推进 [55][58][59][61] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司正密切关注中美贸易局势,并采取措施确保能够长期在中国市场保持竞争力 [128][129][130][131] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司专注于提升驾驶员辅助功能,而非完全自动驾驶,这是公司的核心战略 [14] - 公司认为LiDAR是实现L3及以上自动驾驶的关键技术,并将继续推进Halo产品的开发和推广 [21][22][23][24][27][134][135][136] - 公司正在通过垂直整合、成本优化等措施提升产品竞争力和盈利能力 [50][51][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 尽管短期内存在一些挑战,但公司长期发展前景依然看好,LiDAR技术在自动驾驶领域的应用前景广阔 [12][13][47][48][49] - 公司正在采取措施提高运营效率,降低成本,以加快实现盈利 [50][51][74][99][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119] 其他重要信息 - 公司完成了与债券持有人的重组交易,将约4.22亿美元债务重组为2.74亿美元,并获得1亿美元新增非稀释性债务融资 [9][10][53][54][70][71][72][73][74] - 公司已经成功实现了与沃尔沃的量产交付,这在行业内树立了良好的口碑和信任度 [55][56][57][102][103][104][105] - 公司正在加快Halo产品的开发和推广,并计划在今年底向部分客户提供样机 [134][135][136][137][138] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Joshua Buchalter 提问** 沃尔沃EX90量产缓慢是否与软件问题有关 [86] **Austin Russell 回答** 与软件无关,只是常见的汽车量产爬坡过程中的一些供应链问题 [87] 问题2 **Richard Shannon 提问** 公司如何降低传感器成本,包括重新谈判材料成本和其他设计优化 [109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119] **Austin Russell 回答** 通过提高产品规模化生产、与供应商进行长期合作等方式来降低成本,预计明年能够实现传感器盈利 [110][111][112][113][114][115] 问题3 **Kevin Garrigan 提问** 沃尔沃中国市场的拓展是否会受到中美贸易局势的影响 [128][129][130][131] **Austin Russell 和 Tom Fennimore 回答** 公司正在密切关注相关动态,并采取措施确保能够长期在中国市场保持竞争力,包括建立本地供应链等 [128][129][130][131]
Luminar Technologies(LAZR) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-08-07 08:54
Q2'24 Business Update August 2024 Disclaimer & Cautionary Note Forward-looking statements This presentation of Luminar technologies, inc. ("Luminar" or the "company") includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private securities litigation reform act of 1995. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of words such as "future," "growth," "opportunity," "well-positioned," "forecast," "intend," "seek," "target," "anticipate," "believe," "e ...
Luminar Technologies, Inc. (LAZR) Reports Q2 Loss, Lags Revenue Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-08-07 06:21
Luminar Technologies, Inc. (LAZR) came out with a quarterly loss of $0.18 per share versus the Zacks Consensus Estimate of a loss of $0.20. This compares to loss of $0.21 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items.This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of 10%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this company would post a loss of $0.22 per share when it actually produced a loss of $0.19, delivering a surprise of 13.64%.Over the last four quarters, the company has ...