Here's Why You Should Retain IDEX (IEX) in Your Portfolio
ZACKS· 2024-07-16 23:06
文章核心观点 - IDEX公司业务表现良好,通过收购扩大产品组合,为未来增长奠定基础 [1][2][5][6] - IDEX公司积极回报股东,通过增加股息分配提升吸引力 [7] - 但IDEX公司部分业务板块表现疲软,以及费用上升给利润带来压力 [8][9] 公司业务表现 - IDEX公司的消防安全/多元化产品(FSDP)板块表现强劲,受益于工业和市政市场订单增加 [4] - 公司通过收购扩大产品组合,包括收购STC Material Solutions、Iridian Spectral和Muon Group等,增强了在材料科学、光学技术和精密技术方面的实力 [5][6] - 这些收购预计将在2024年为公司带来约1%的销售增长 [5][6] 股东回报 - IDEX公司在2024年前三个月的股息支付达4850万美元,同比增长6.6% [7] - 公司在2023年共分配股息1.907亿美元 [7] - 2024年5月公司宣布将季度股息提高7.8%至每股0.69美元 [7] 业务挑战 - IDEX公司的健康与科技(HST)和流体与计量技术(FMT)板块面临销量疲软,受到下游行业库存调整的影响 [8] - 农业业务持续低迷也拖累了FMT板块的表现 [8] - 销售、一般及管理费用不断上升,给利润带来压力 [9]
Grant of Incentive Subscription Rights in IDEX Biometrics 14 July 2024
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-15 05:49
The board of directors of IDEX Biometrics ASA has resolved to issue 13,207,430 incentive subscription rights to 56 employees and individual contractors in the IDEX Biometrics group. The grant was made under the company's 2024 incentive subscription rights plan as resolved at the annual general meeting on 16 May 2024. The exercise price of the subscription rights is NOK 1.45 per share. The SRs vest by 1/3 per year over three years. The SRs expire on 16 May 2029. Following the company’s recent restructuring i ...
IDEX: Order Moderation Illuminating A Path Forward
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-30 13:30
Nordroden/iStock via Getty Images I highlighted IDEX’s (NYSE:IEX) weak growth in Health & Science Technologies segment in my previous coverage published in February 2024. The company released its Q1 FY24 result on April 23rd and reaffirmed its full-year guidance. While I acknowledge that the Health & Science Technologies will continue to face challenges in FY24, IDEX’s order growth has already started to moderate. I reiterate 'Buy' rating with a fair price target of $220 per share. Order Moderation In Q1 FY ...
IDEX Biometrics secures repeat order for IDEX Access from AuthenTrend for new markets
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-06-20 14:10
Oslo, Norway, 20 June 2024 – IDEX Biometrics has received a scaled repeat IDEX Access order from AuthenTrend, a global digital authentication leader. This order comes only a few months after the initial order, indicating customer demand for secure authentication, and marks the scaling of AuthenTrend’s biometric access cards. AuthenTrend, based out of Taiwan, focuses on digital document and identity verification. With a global reach and a strong presence in Asia, AuthenTrend provides a new generation of fing ...
IDEX Biometrics extraordinary general meeting held on 19 June 2024
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-06-19 20:31
IDEX Biometrics ASA held an extraordinary general meeting on 19 June 2024. 97.2 million shares or 31.6% of the share capital was represented at the meeting. Item 6 on the agenda, Board, was withdrawn because the nomination committee had not put forward any proposals. All other resolutions were passed as proposed by the board, with an update as regards dates in item 4 on the agenda, Subsequent offering. At agenda item 3, Private placement; Issue of Tranche 2 shares, the extraordinary general meeting resolved ...
IDEX (IEX) to Benefit From Business Strength Amid Headwinds
ZACKS· 2024-06-13 20:16
IDEX Corporation (IEX) has been benefiting from strong performance of the Fire & Safety/Diversified Products (FSDP) segment, driven by increasing orders from industrial and municipal markets. Solid demand for products in the fire & safety and Band-It businesses is driving the FSDP segment’s revenues, of late. In the first quarter of 2024, the segment’s revenues increased 2% on a year-over-year basis. Driven by strength across its businesses, the company expects its overall organic revenues growth to be 0-2% ...
Notice of IDEX Biometrics extraordinary general meeting on 19 June 2024· 2024-05-29 21:34
文章核心观点 - 公司将于2024年6月19日召开临时股东大会,采取在线会议形式,无实体参会选择 [1] - 临时股东大会是根据2024年5月15日完成的私募配股而召开的 [1] - 会议通知和参会表格将发送给股东,相关文件也可在公司网站获取 [2][3] - 公司是指纹生物识别技术领域的全球技术领导者,为支付、门禁和数字身份认证等领域提供认证解决方案 [4] 公司概况 - 公司名称为IDEX Biometrics ASA,在挪威证券交易所上市,股票代码为IDEX [4] - 公司致力于为全球带来便利、安全和无缝用户体验,基于专利和专有传感器技术、集成电路设计和软件 [4] - 公司作为行业推动者,与领先的卡片制造商和技术公司合作,将解决方案推向市场 [4] 联系方式 - 投资者关系负责人为Marianne Bøe [4] - 联系方式包括电子邮箱和电话 [4]
Disclosure of shareholding in IDEX Biometrics - 29 May 2024· 2024-05-29 17:30
文章核心观点 - IDEX Biometrics ASA进行了一次私募配股,发行了3330万股新股[1] - 某些现有股东参与了股票借贷协议以配合此次配股[1] - 其中Robert Keith先生借出了17,940,213股[1] - 这些股票已经归还,Robert Keith及其关联方现持有34,710,479股或权益,占公司总股本和表决权的11.3%[2] 公司概况 - IDEX Biometrics ASA是一家指纹生物识别技术领导者,为支付、门禁和数字身份认证提供解决方案[3] - 公司的生物识别解决方案基于专利和专有的传感器技术、集成电路设计和软件[3] - 公司作为行业推动者与主要的卡片制造商和技术公司合作,将解决方案推向市场[3]
Registration of share capital increase in IDEX Biometrics 24 May 2024· 2024-05-24 16:30
Reference is made to the notice on 15 May 2024 (corrected 20 May 2024) regarding a private placement of 33.3 million shares at NOK 1.65 per share, split in two tranches. The share capital of tranche 1 of the private placement has been registered and the shares will be delivered soonest. Following the issue, the company's share capital is NOK 46,210,015.20 divided into 308,066,768 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 0.15. For further information contact: Marianne Bøe, Investor Relations E-mail: marianne ...
Disclosure of shareholding in IDEX Biometrics - 21 May 2024· 2024-05-22 05:30
This notice is issued by IDEX Biometrics ASA on behalf of the shareholder mentioned below. IDEX Biometrics ASA disclosed on 15 May 2024 that it had conducted a private placement of 33.3 million new shares in IDEX Biometrics. Tranche 1 of the private placement amounted to 27.9 million shares. In connection with the private placement, the managers of the private placement, IDEX Biometrics and certain existing shareholders entered into a share lending agreement. Mr. Robert Keith participated in the private pla ...