IDT Q3 Earnings Decline Y/Y on Reduced Net Income, Margins Up
ZACKS· 2024-06-07 00:41
IDT Corporation (IDT) delivered adjusted earnings per share (EPS) of 38 cents in the third quarter of fiscal 2024, down 17.4% year over year. GAAP EPS for the quarter was 22 cents, reflecting a decline of 18.5% from the year-ago figure. Revenues in Detail IDT registered revenues of $299.6 million in the fiscal third quarter, up 0.1% year over year. Robust performances by the majority of the segments drove the topline. Segment Details IDT’s operations consist of four business segments — National Retail Solut ...
IDT(IDT) - 2024 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-06-06 07:10
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司三大高增长、高毛利业务继续交出亮眼成绩,带动公司合并毛利率同比提升310个基点 [7] - NRS业务终端数量突破3万台,成为全美最大的便利店POS网络 [7] - net2phone业务调整EBITDA同比翻倍,随着业务规模扩大和运营效率提升 [7][13] - BOSS Money业务交易量和收入增速均超行业平均水平,首次实现调整EBITDA正值 [19] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 NRS业务 - 本季度新增1,600台POS终端,在独立便利店市场仍有广阔销售空间 [9] - 广告和数据收入同比增长16%,有望持续增长 [10] - 商户服务收入同比增长66%,受益于NRS Pay账户增加和信用卡交易占比上升 [12] - 营业利润和调整EBITDA均超过翻倍 [12] net2phone业务 - 座席数同比增长13%,带动订阅收入增长17% [14] - 人均收入(ARPU)增长4% [14] - 未来将推出基础版和高级版产品,以及全新的用户体验 [15][16] BOSS Money业务 - 交易量过去8个季度翻倍,未来有望再次实现翻倍 [18][19] - 零售代理渠道交易量同比增长49% [17] - 通过提高客户获取效率和终身价值,实现首次调整EBITDA正值 [19] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - net2phone在美国、墨西哥和巴西市场表现尤为出色 [14] - BOSS Money在从美国到拉美、加勒比以及美国到非洲的主要走廊持续增长市场份额 [17] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司正在加强NRS在广告业务的定位,包括拓展直接广告客户、在零售媒体网络市场提升数字广告库存、扩大内容合作伙伴 [10] - net2phone未来将推出基础版和高级版产品,提升ARPU [15] - BOSS Money的三大增长策略包括:扩大零售代理网络、向BOSS生态系统客户交叉销售、优化客户获取成本 [17][18][19] - 传统通信业务方面,公司正在稳定IDT数字支付业务,并调整国际手机充值产品定价 [21] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 对三大高增长业务的可持续盈利增长前景感到非常兴奋 [7][16] - 传统通信业务方面,正在通过成本削减和精简运营来最大化现金流 [20][21] - 高增长高毛利业务占比不断提升,将逐步推动公司整体业绩改善 [22] - 将继续通过股票回购和季度股息向股东回馈价值 [22] 其他重要信息 - 公司将于周一在SEC提交10-Q季度报告 [6] - 管理层提醒投资者关注公司定期向SEC提交的风险因素报告 [2][3] - 在问答环节,管理层提到了一些涉及高管薪酬和成本削减计划的一次性因素 [26]
IDT(IDT) - 2024 Q3 - Quarterly Results
2024-06-06 04:30
循环收入表现 - IDT Corporation 第三季度财报显示,NRS的循环收入增长了45%,达到2,400万美元[2] - NRS的POS终端数量达到3.03万,付款处理账户达到1.95万,循环收入增长了45.4%[5] 订阅收入增长 - net2phone的订阅收入增长了17%,达到2,000万美元,座位数增加至38.4万[2] - net2phone的座位数增长了12.9%,订阅收入增长了17.1%,总收入增长了12.4%[8] 交易增长和Fintech业绩 - BOSS Money的交易增长了44%,收入增长了42%,Fintech部门调整后的EBITDA首次转为正数[2] - BOSS Money的交易增长了44.2%,收入增长了41.9%,Fintech部门首次实现正的调整后EBITDA[9] 总体财务表现 - IDT的总收入为2.996亿美元,总毛利润达到9700万美元,毛利率提高了310个基点[2] - IDT的营业收入从1040万美元增长到1140万美元,调整后的EBITDA从2050万美元增长到2060万美元[2] 其他财务信息 - IDT的营业收入表现超出预期,主要得益于IDT Global的业绩强劲[13] - IDT截至2024年4月30日持有1.74亿美元的现金、现金等价物、债务证券和流动股权投资[15] - 2024年第三季度经营活动提供的净现金为960万美元,较去年同期的净现金使用960万美元有所增加[16] 股东回报和会议信息 - IDT将于6月17日向持有截至6月10日收盘时的股东支付每股0.05美元的季度股息[17] - IDT将于今天下午5:30举行盈利电话会议,管理层将讨论业绩并与投资者进行问答[19] 净利润变动 - IDT Corporation 2024年第三季度净利润为30572千美元,较上年同期减少了5036千美元[28] 财务指标说明 - NRS的月均续费收入每台终端为财务指标,用于比较NRS的收入和客户收入与之前时期以及市场上的竞争对手和其他公司,以及预测未来来自客户基础的收入[30] - net2phone的订阅收入是根据GAAP规定的收入,不包括其在巴西提供的传统SIP干线服务的设备收入和收入。 net2phone的云通信和联系中心服务是按照每个座位的价格定价的,客户根据其组织中用户的数量支付[32] 调整后的EBITDA变动 - IDT Corporation 2023年第一季度调整后的EBITDA为22.3百万美元,较2023年第四季度的18.1百万美元有所增长[47] - IDT Corporation 2023年第三季度调整后的EBITDA为20.5百万美元,较2023年第二季度的19.7百万美元有所下降[48] 非GAAP基本每股收益变动 - IDT Corporation 2023年第四季度非GAAP基本每股收益为0.38美元,较2023年第三季度的0.46美元有所下降[49]
IDT Corporation Reports Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2024 Results
Newsfilter· 2024-06-06 04:30
NRS: Recurring Revenue* Up 45%; Income from Operations Up 129%, Adjusted EBITDA** Up 108% net2phone: Subscription Revenue* Up 17%; Income from Operations Up 226%; Adjusted EBITDA Up 107% BOSS Money: Transactions Up 44%; Revenue Up 42% -- Fintech Segment Adjusted EBITDA Turns Positive NEWARK, NJ, June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- IDT Corporation (NYSE:IDT), a global provider of fintech, cloud communications, and traditional communications solutions, today reported results for the third quarter of its fiscal ...
IDT Corporation Reports Third Quarter Fiscal Year 2024 Results
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-06-06 04:30
NRS: Recurring Revenue* Up 45%; Income from Operations Up 129%, Adjusted EBITDA** Up 108% net2phone: Subscription Revenue* Up 17%; Income from Operations Up 226%; Adjusted EBITDA Up 107% BOSS Money: Transactions Up 44%; Revenue Up 42% -- Fintech Segment Adjusted EBITDA Turns Positive NEWARK, NJ, June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- IDT Corporation (NYSE:IDT), a global provider of fintech, cloud communications, and traditional communications solutions, today reported results for the third quarter of its fiscal ...
IDT Corporation to Report Third Quarter Fiscal 2024 Results
Newsfilter· 2024-05-20 21:30
NEWARK, NJ, May 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- IDT Corporation (NYSE:IDT), a global provider of fintech, cloud communications, and traditional communications solutions, has scheduled its report of financial and operational results for the third quarter of its fiscal year 2024 (the three months ended April 30, 2024) on Wednesday, June 5, 2024. IDT's earnings release will be issued and posted on the IDT investor relations website (https://www.idt.net/investors-and-media) at approximately 4:30 PM Eastern. IDT wi ...
IDT Corporation to Report Third Quarter Fiscal 2024 Results
globenewswire.com· 2024-05-20 21:30
NEWARK, NJ, May 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- IDT Corporation (NYSE:IDT), a global provider of fintech, cloud communications, and traditional communications solutions, has scheduled its report of financial and operational results for the third quarter of its fiscal year 2024 (the three months ended April 30, 2024) on Wednesday, June 5, 2024. IDT's earnings release will be issued and posted on the IDT investor relations website (https://www.idt.net/investors-and-media) at approximately 4:30 PM Eastern. IDT wi ...
BOSS Money Customers Sent Cash Home to Mom at a Record Rate
Newsfilter· 2024-05-15 20:30
文章核心观点 - 公司的国际汇款业务BOSS Money在母亲节前一周创下交易量和收入的历史新高 [1][2][3] - BOSS Money的国际汇款服务为美国和加拿大的客户提供到48个热门目的地国家的可靠、实惠的汇款服务 [4][5] - 公司表示无论客户通过BOSS应用还是BOSS Money零售商渠道汇款,都能获得优惠汇率和可靠、安全的服务 [5][6] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 公司概况 - 公司名称为IDT Corporation,是一家提供金融科技和通信服务的全球性公司 [7] - 公司旗下业务包括国内零售解决方案、企业云通讯、国际汇款等 [7] 母亲节汇款业务表现 - BOSS Money在母亲节前一周的交易量同比增长46%,收入同比增长41% [3] - 仅计算庆祝母亲节的目的地国家,交易量同比增长56% [3] - 公司表示母亲节是BOSS Money最繁忙的时期,帮助客户向母亲表达爱意 [2] 汇款服务渠道 - BOSS Money提供手机应用和零售商渠道供客户汇款 [5] - 公司在目的地国家拥有244,000个现金提取网点,以及手机钱包、银行账户等多种收款方式 [4] - 新用户首次汇款最高2,999美元可免费 [5]
NRSInsights' April 2024 Retail Same-Store Sales Report
Newsfilter· 2024-05-07 20:30
April same-store sales increased 2.5% year-over-year Inflationary pressures subsided further - average prices increased just 0.2% year-over-year The NRS network surpassed 30,000 active terminals nationwide NEWARK, N.J., May 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NRSInsights, a provider of sales data and analytics drawn from retail transactions processed through the National Retail Solutions (NRS) point-of-sale (POS) platform, today announced comparative same-store sales results for April 2024. As of April 30, 2024, t ...
NRSInsights' March 2024 Retail Same-Store Sales Report
Newsfilter· 2024-04-09 05:00
March same-store sales jumped 7.2% year-over-year, the highest rate of increase since June 2023 Inflationary pressures remained subdued - average prices increased 0.7% year-over-year NEWARK, N.J., April 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NRSInsights, a provider of sales data and analytics drawn from retail transactions processed through the National Retail Solutions (NRS) point-of-sale (POS) platform, today announced comparative same-store sales results for March 2024. As of March 31, 2024, the NRS retail network ...