Top 3 Struggling Stocks to Avoid as Cocoa Prices Soar
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-20 20:36
Cocoa prices just hit a record high of nearly $5,800 per ton. All thanks to supply concerns, and an outbreak of cacao swollen shoot virus, which can decrease cacao yield, and has already compromised a good chunk of supply. Ghana and Nigeria are seeing dry weather conditions, which threatens soil moisture levels, and production yield. This backdrop has led to this list of stocks to avoid. “Cocoa futures have skyrocketed, doubling in the past year and surging 40% since January; sugar, labor, and other factors ...
Hershey(HSY) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-02-20 00:00
公司概况 - Hershey是全球糖果领导者,主要产品包括巧克力、糖果、薄荷糖和其他美味零食[7] - Hershey的报告分为三个部分:北美糖果、北美咸味零食和国际市场[8] - Hershey的主要产品包括巧克力、糖果、薄荷糖、蛋白棒、爆米花、椒盐零食等[18] - Hershey的主要客户包括批发商、连锁杂货店、大型零售商等[22] 销售情况 - Hershey的销售在第三和第四季度通常较高,呈现季节性和节日销售模式[33] - 2023年北美糖果业务销售额为91.23亿美元,比2022年的85.36亿美元增长了6.9%[208] - 2023年北美咸零食业务销售额为10.93亿美元,比2022年的10.29亿美元增长了6.1%[215] - 2023年国际业务净销售额为949.2亿美元,比2022年的853.4亿美元增长11.2%[220] 财务状况 - 公司在2023年的销售成本为61.67亿美元,比2022年的59.21亿美元增加了4.2%[184] - 2023年的毛利率为44.8%,比2022年的43.2%增加了160个基点[185] - 2023年的营销、市场和行政费用为24.36亿美元,比2022年的22.36亿美元增加了9.0%[188] - 公司2023年的营业利润为25.61亿美元,比2022年的22.61亿美元增加了13.3%[192] - 2023年北美糖果业务利润为31.17亿美元,比2022年的28.11亿美元增长了10.9%[210] - 2023年北美咸零食业务利润为1.58亿美元,比2022年的1.59亿美元下降了1.0%[216] - 2023年国际业务利润为148.3亿美元,比2022年的107.9亿美元增长37.4%[221] 现金流和投资 - 2023年经营活动产生的净现金为23.23亿美元,与2022年相比略有下降[230] - 2023年投资活动使用了12亿美元,主要用于技术和能力投资以及更高水平的收购活动[239] - 2023年融资活动使用了11亿美元,主要用于购买公司股票和支付股息,以及净借款活动[246] 资产和负债 - 公司对于贸易促销活动的应计负债进行了详细说明,2023年和2022年的贸易促销和消费者激励应计负债分别为1.94亿美元和2.157亿美元[277] - 公司的养老金计划和其他离退休福利计划涉及的假设和估计对年度费用和义务的认定产生重要影响,2023年预计养老金计划费用约为1300万美元[279][285] - 公司对商业收购、商誉和其他无形资产的估值和减值进行了详细说明,2023年底公司的商誉净账面价值为27亿美元,未出现商誉减值情况[287][293]
Hershey stock presents investors a sweet buy-the-dip opportunity
MarketBeat· 2024-02-13 20:52
Key Points Hershey's stock is down as the company wrestles with high cocoa prices and a decline in popcorn sales. The company is expected to execute pricing and merchandising strategies to increase margins, with the biggest gains in the second half of the year. The core business is solid, and long-term investors can use this pullback as an opportunity to buy the dip. 5 stocks we like better than Hershey Shares of The Hershey Company NYSE: HSY are down about 7% following the company's mixed earnings report o ...
Why chocolate lovers will pay more this Valentine's Day than they have in years
Market Watch· 2024-02-13 20:01
Cocoa prices have reached their highest levels on record, just in time for one of the biggest chocolate-buying holidays of the year: Valentine’s Day. “It’s all on the supply side,” said John Caruso, senior market strategist at RJO Futures, with cocoa up more than 110% year over year. “The chart has gone completely parabolic on a monthly scale” which is to say at the least, “very impressive,” he told MarketWatch. May cocoa futures CCK24, +0.66% CC00, +0.66% settled at $5,583 per metric ton on the ICE Futures ...
Hershey sees high cocoa and sugar prices limiting 2024 profits
Proactive Investors· 2024-02-09 23:33
Proactive团队 - Proactive的新闻团队遍布全球金融和投资中心[2] - Proactive团队专注于中小市值市场,同时也关注蓝筹公司、大宗商品和更广泛的投资故事[3] - Proactive团队提供关于生物科技、矿业和自然资源、电池金属、石油和天然气、加密货币以及新兴数字和电动汽车技术等市场的新闻和独特见解[4] Emily Jarvie - Emily Jarvie在澳大利亚和加拿大从事政治新闻和商业报道[1]
Hershey Stock Pops Despite Rising Cocoa Costs Expected to Bite Into 2024 Earnings
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-09 21:04
On Thursday, shares of Hershey (HSY 4.14%) gained 4.1%, following the confectionary and snack-food giant's release of its fourth-quarter 2023 report. The company behind such brand favorites as its namesake brand, Reese's, and Twizzlers posted quarterly results that Wall Street characterizes as "mixed." Revenue slightly missed the analyst consensus estimate, while earnings exceeded it. But there was nothing even semisweet about management's full-year 2024 guidance: Both the top and bottom lines were below th ...
Hershey cuts jobs after soaring cocoa costs hurt candy sales
New York Post· 2024-02-09 01:03
Hershey announced layoffs Thursday after reporting its quarterly earnings were hit by the soaring cost of cocoa and inflation-weary shoppers who cut back on the company’s expensive chocolates and candies. The Pennsylvania-based company said it would slash 5% of its workforce, resulting in as much as $60 million in severance costs. It wasn’t immediately clear how many jobs among the company’s workforce of roughly 18,075 full-time and nearly 2,000 part-time staffers would be affected, or what teams would be i ...
Hershey (HSY) Q4 Earnings Beat Estimates, Revenues Miss
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-09 01:00
The Hershey Company (HSY) has delivered fourth-quarter 2023 results, with the bottom line remaining flat year over year. While earnings beat the Zacks Consensus Estimate, revenues missed the same. The company is navigating a challenging market, with a focus on innovation and consumer trends, despite facing cost pressures from high cocoa prices. It is optimistic about driving growth through marketing, innovation and brand investment. Additionally, Hershey is prioritizing productivity and transformation to en ...
Hershey(HSY) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-02-09 00:10
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司预计2024年净销售增长2%-3%,但销量将持平或略有下降,意味着价格上涨贡献超过3个百分点 [13][14][15] - 2024年全年毛利率预计下降200个基点,主要集中在上半年,下半年将有所改善 [62][63][91] - 2024年全年EPS预计持平,上半年受到去年基数影响和ERP实施影响较大,下半年将有所改善 [18][19] - 公司预计2024年整体通胀率为高个位数,其中大宗商品如可可豆和糖的通胀率达到低双位数 [35][36] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 巧克力业务在2023年第四季度和节日季节表现强劲,预计2024年将有连续改善 [49][50][51] - 爆米花业务在2023年下半年受到一些压力,主要是价值属性和竞争力下降,公司已采取措施进行改善 [26][27][28] - 咸味休闲食品业务的毛利率将有所改善,但公司仍将持续加大投入 [91] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司预计2024年上半年市场份额受到复活节提前和某大型零售商调整的影响而有所下降,下半年将有所改善 [70][71] - 公司在俱乐部渠道的Dot's品牌仍有数个百分点的分销渠道扩张空间 [109][110] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司将继续通过定价等手段应对大宗商品价格上涨的压力,并将利用技术提升自动化和效率 [14][41][42][43] - 公司正在加大创新投入,2024年创新产品规模将比2023年增加约三成 [50][51][52] - 公司正在整合旗下咸味休闲食品业务,并将其与ERP系统进行整合,以提升效率和灵活性 [41][42][43] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层认为消费者信心有所提升,但仍有一些价格敏感的消费者群体 [101][102] - 管理层对公司咸味休闲食品业务的长期增长前景保持乐观,预计中长期仍能维持中个位数的增长 [103][104] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Andrew Lazar提问** 公司2024年的定价策略是否会有进一步调整,以应对可可豆价格的上涨 [13][14] **Michele Buck回答** 公司的定价策略没有变化,仍将利用定价来覆盖通胀,但具体的时间节奏和幅度会根据成本压力的变化而调整 [14] 问题2 **Ken Goldman提问** 公司2024年广告投放计划是否会超过销售增速,以应对更高的弹性 [22][23][24] **Michele Buck回答** 公司将广告投放与销售增长保持同步,但会通过优化投放效率来提高广告的影响力 [24][25] 问题3 **Bryan Spillane提问** 公司2024年的成本节约计划是否会给组织带来过大压力 [40][41][42][43] **Michele Buck回答** 公司的成本节约计划是基于之前就已经规划的举措,并且会根据组织能力进行分阶段实施,不会给组织带来过大压力 [41][42][43]
Hershey (HSY) Reports Q4 Earnings: What Key Metrics Have to Say
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-08 23:36
营收情况 - Hershey (HSY)在2023年12月结束的季度报告显示,营收为26.6亿美元,同比增长0.2%[1] - 营收低于Zacks Consensus Estimate的27.2亿美元,出现-2.48%的惊喜[2] - 国际净销售为2.3171亿美元,高于五位分析师的平均估值,同比增长12.7%[5] 每股收益情况 - 每股收益为2.02美元,与去年同期的2.02美元相比[1] - 每股收益超过预期,为1.95美元,出现+3.59%的惊喜[2] 销售部门表现 - 北美净销售为24.3亿美元,低于四位分析师的平均估值,同比下降0.9%[6] - 北美糖果净销售为22.2亿美元,低于五位分析师的平均估值,同比增长2.1%[7] - 北美咸味零食净销售为2.0516亿美元,低于五位分析师的平均估值,同比下降24.6%[8] 利润表现 - 北美糖果部门利润为7.2465亿美元,略低于四位分析师的平均估值[9] - 未分配的公司费用为2.1125亿美元,高于四位分析师的平均估值[10] - 北美咸味零食部门利润为1.04亿美元,低于四位分析师的平均估值[11] 股票表现 - Hershey股票在过去一个月中回报率为+2.4%,略低于Zacks S&P 500综合指数的+6.5%变化[12]