Is Robinhood Stock a Buy?
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-28 23:10
公司概况 - Robinhood公司股价在过去一年中上涨了87%[1] - 公司在2021年的IPO后曾一度股价飙升至85美元,因为其在“追涨杀跌”狂潮中扮演的角色而声名鹊起[2] - 尽管最近股价有所上涨,但Robinhood股价仍比历史最高价低80%[3] - 公司创立于十多年前,致力于“为所有人民主化金融”,推动了零佣金交易和零股票交易的普及[4] 盈利情况 - 公司因其投资的游戏化而受到批评,一些人认为这导致了冲动行为和过度交易[5] - 公司的盈利能力一直不佳,去年亏损了5.41亿美元,尽管比前两年的亏损有所改善[8] - 公司在过去三个季度中有两个季度实现盈利,但仍需加强资金客户数量和资产托管方面的增长[15] 客户基数和资产托管 - 公司的客户基数增长缓慢,去年资金客户数量为2340万,较上一年增长1.7%[9] - 公司的资产托管规模增长了65%,达到1026亿美元,但增长速度较慢[11] - 公司正采取措施吸引更多客户,如允许Robinhood Gold客户在投资经纪现金上获得5%的利息[10] 竞争和投资风险 - 公司面临激烈竞争,未能在关键客户群体中站稳脚跟,市场份额增长困难[12] - 公司的增长故事仍处于早期阶段,投资风险较大,大多数投资者最好暂时避开该股[16]
4 Things You Need to Know Before You Buy Robinhood Shares
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-20 15:40
Robinhood is trying to go from being an industry disruptor to a trusted mainstay in the brokerage business. Financial services company Robinhood Markets (HOOD -2.63%) has become one of Wall Street's better- known stock brokerages. It built a reputation on innovation as the first brokerage to offer commission-free trading. During the 2020-2021 meme stock craze, it gained notoriety when technical malfunctions disrupted trading for its account holders. Although the stock trades at about 50% below its 2021 peak ...
Robinhood vs. SoFi: Which Stock Will Win the Fintech Race?
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-18 23:28
If you just started following Robinhood stock (NASDAQ:HOOD) stock in 2023, you’d probably think you were watching one of America’s great companies, given its stock is up 77% over the past year and 41% in the first four months of 2024. Unfortunately, that’s not the whole picture. HOOD stock has traded below $20 since December 2021, more than 28 months ago. Its latest resurgence is due to a record-setting S&P 500 combined with the rebirth of cryptocurrencies. The combination has put a fire under the digital t ...
Crypto Carnage: Why Robinhood Stock Is Headed for a Massive Plunge
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-17 21:32
分析师建议卖出Robinhood股票 - 分析师建议卖出Robinhood股票,因为加密货币的疲软和美国股市可能面临10%-15%的下跌[1][2] - Citigroup将HOOD股票评级从“中性”调降至“卖出”,认为股价上涨44%主要是因为比特币价格上涨[3] 加密货币市场担忧 - 比特币和以太坊价格大幅下跌,导致市场担忧华盛顿可能会对加密货币采取行动[4] - Coinbase和Microstrategy等与加密货币价值密切相关的股票近期大幅下跌,加剧了对加密货币市场的担忧[6] 投资者悲观情绪 - Robinhood股票的高估值和美国股市可能进一步下跌,使得投资者更加悲观[8][9] 公司前景担忧 - 公司CEO和知名投资者Cathie Wood最近大量抛售HOOD股票,显示出对公司前景的担忧[12][13]
Robinhood Markets, Inc. (HOOD) Surpasses Market Returns: Some Facts Worth Knowing
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-17 07:06
股价表现 - Robinhood Markets, Inc. (HOOD) 最近的交易日收盘价为 $17.31,较前一个交易日上涨了0.7% [1] 财报预期 - 分析师和投资者将密切关注 Robinhood Markets, Inc. 即将公布的财报,预计公司将报告每股收益为 $0.05,同比增长108.77% [3] 评级和估值 - Zacks Rank 系统显示,Robinhood Markets, Inc. 目前持有 2 (买入) 的评级,过去一个月,Zacks Consensus EPS 估计上调了23.08% [7]
Freetrade, Britain's answer to Robinhood, posted its first quarterly profit
CNBC· 2024-04-15 19:02
Freetrade财务表现 - Freetrade在2024年第一季度实现了调整后的息税折旧摊销前利润(EBITDA)为10万英镑,季度初步收入达到670万英镑[2] - Freetrade在2023年仍然亏损830万英镑,但较前一年的亏损额减少,去年收入达到2160万英镑,较2022年增长45%[3] - Freetrade在最新的股权众筹轮次中,由于高利率和通货膨胀等市场环境因素,估值从2023年的6.5亿英镑降至2.25亿英镑[6] Freetrade投资者活动 - Freetrade在第一季度的净流入达到1.3亿英镑,零售投资者活动增长,管理资产也达到18亿英镑[7] - Freetrade表示,自2023年10月以来,零售投资者参与度显著增加,主要是因为对美联储等央行今年将何时以及多频率降息的猜测[13] Freetrade与加密货币相关 - Freetrade在第一季度受益于加密货币价格的上涨,尽管平台不提供加密货币交易,但在类似Coinbase、MicroStrategy和Marathon Digital等与加密货币相关的股票中,零售投资者活动增加[14]
Robinhood Stock: Buy, Sell, or Hold?
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-13 17:25
Parkev Tatevosian, CFA has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. Parkev Tatevosian is an affiliate of The Motley Fool and may be compensated for promoting its services. If you choose to subscribe through his link, he will earn some extra money that supports his channel. His opinions remain his own and are unaffected by The Motley Fool. ...
Robinhood Markets, Inc. (HOOD) Just Overtook the 20-Day Moving Average
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-12 22:36
股价表现 - Robinhood Markets, Inc. (HOOD)股价突破20日移动平均线,显示短期看涨趋势[1] - HOOD过去四周上涨了5.3%,目前被评为Zacks Rank 2 (买入),显示股价有望进一步上涨[4] 盈利预期 - HOOD的盈利预期修订呈现积极趋势,当前财年有5次上调预期,没有下调,市场一致看好[5]
Robinhood Stock Lower After Mixed Analyst Note
Schaeffers Research· 2024-04-11 22:20
评级调整 - Citi将Robinhood Markets Inc (NASDAQ:HOOD)的评级从"中性"下调至"卖出"[1] - 分析师表示HOOD的估值与基本面脱节,但在强调"健康"的交易活动和改善基本面后,将其价格目标上调了3美元至16美元[1] 股价表现 - Robinhood股票自2024年初以来上涨了43%,但在过去八个交易日中有五个下跌,四月已经下跌了9.5%[2] 波动率评分 - 根据股票的Schaeffer's波动率评分(SVS)为91/100,HOOD倾向于超出波动率预期,这对于高级交易者是一个好处[3]
This is the real danger for the U.S. economy
Finbold· 2024-04-11 20:16
Having defeated its most prominent enemies up to that point and kidnapped hundreds of thousands – maybe millions – of people to be used as expendable and cheap labor, the Late Roman Republic appeared in an exceptionally strong position. Sure, there was the occasional ‘Servile War’ and there was a guy called Mithridates causing some trouble in the east, but things appeared exceptionally good. The equities – most conveniently described as the knightly, traditionally upper middle class – grew extraordinarily w ...