Helios Technologies(HLIO)
Helios Towers: 10% FCF Yield With African Cell Phone Towers
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-22 22:40
Not too long after I published the previous article on Helios Towers ( OTCPK:HTWSF ), the share price started to increase, ahead of its peers which gained momentum after the interest rates started to get cut. And while the other cellHe is the leader of the investment group European Small Cap Ideas which offers exclusive access to actionable research on appealing Europe-focused investment opportunities not found elsewhere. The a focus is on high-quality ideas in the small-cap space, with emphasis on capital ...
Helios Fairfax Partners Corporation: Financial Results for the Second Quarter of 2024
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-10 05:01
NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO U.S. NEWSWIRE SERVICES OR FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES TORONTO, Aug. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Helios Fairfax Partners Corporation (TSX: HFPC.U) today announced its financial results for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024. All dollar amounts in this news release are expressed in U.S. dollars except as otherwise noted. The financial results are derived from the interim consolidated financial statements prepared using the recognition and measurement requirements ...
Helios Technologies(HLIO) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-08-07 03:35
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第二季度销售额为2.2亿美元,超出预期,主要是健康和保健业务增长,而工业和移动相对平稳,农业和休闲市场持续疲软 [30] - 毛利率为32.1%,同比下降120个基点,公司正努力将其提升至中高30%区间 [33] - 非GAAP调整后营业利润率为16.4%,较上一季度提升近200个基点 [34] - 非GAAP调整后EBITDA利润率为20%,较上一季度提升190个基点 [35] - 每股摊薄非GAAP收益为0.64美元,较上一季度增长21% [36] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 液压业务 - 销售额同比下降4%,受农业、移动和工业市场疲软影响 [37] - 毛利率同比下降180个基点,主要由于固定成本吸收不足和人工成本上升 [37] - 销售、管理和管理费用同比下降7%,主要由于人工和福利成本下降 [38] 电子业务 - 销售额同比下降1%,但健康和保健业务保持强劲增长,抵消了工业、移动和休闲市场的下滑 [39] - 毛利率同比下降10个基点至34.6%,主要受益于销量增长、运营效率提升和厂房优化 [40] - 营业利润同比增长45%,利润率提升370个基点 [41] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 亚太地区销售额同比增长12%,而欧洲和美洲分别下降11%和5% [30] - 农业和休闲市场需求疲软,直接影响了Faster流体传输和Enovation Controls显示器和控制器业务 [26][27] - 公司正在积极开拓新兴市场,如采矿、林业、制药、牙科、医疗设备、航空航天和娱乐等,以抵消基础业务的压力 [83] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司正在推进成为一家集成运营企业的战略,通过高度工程化的液压和电子产品、服务及系统解决方案为客户创造价值和差异化 [15][16][17] - 公司正在积极开发新的系统解决方案,以期成为客户的首选供应商,这将是公司未来的重要增长点 [91][92][93][94][95] - 公司正在优化全球制造布局,提高运营效率,并加大在新兴市场的投入,以应对行业竞争 [79][80][81][82][83] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司面临宏观经济和行业持续性不利因素,如通胀加剧、PMI指数下降和农业周期疲软等 [24][25] - 公司主要客户普遍预期2024财年销售收缩,公司相应调低了下半年销售指引 [25][26][27][49] - 公司有信心通过成本控制和运营效率提升来维持利润率水平,并有望在更具挑战的环境中实现增长 [47][48][49][50][51][52] 其他重要信息 - 公司完成了信贷协议的修订,将授信额度增加1亿美元,并延长了债务期限至2029年6月,降低了借款利差 [21][22][23] - 公司将继续优化现金流转周期,并保持27年来的持续派息记录 [43][44][45][46] - 公司正在进行CEO的过渡,由Sean Bagan临时担任CEO和CFO,公司董事会将启动正式的CEO遴选过程 [11][64] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **David Tarantino 提问** 询问CEO过渡的最新进展和预期时间表 [63] **Sean Bagan 回答** 公司董事会将启动CEO遴选过程,既考虑内部候选人也会考虑外部人选,目前Sean Bagan将继续领导公司执行战略 [64] 问题2 **Adam Farley 提问** 询问哪些方面有可能推动销售额达到指引上限 [71] **Sean Bagan 回答** 液压业务的分销商库存水平、亚太地区的强劲增长以及新兴市场的拓展等方面有望推动销售额达到上限 [72][73][74][75][76][77] 问题3 **Chris Moore 提问** 询问公司在大型系统解决方案方面的进展 [91][92][93][94][95] **Sean Bagan 回答** 公司正在积极推进大型系统解决方案,这是一个长周期的过程,需要经过产品规划、验证、生产准备等多个阶段,公司有信心通过差异化优势最终获得订单
Helios Technologies(HLIO) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-08-06 21:01
Execute. Elevate. HELIOS TECHNOLOGIES (NYSE: HLIO) SECOND QUARTER 2024 EARNINGS SEAN BAGAN, INTERIM PRESIDENT, CEO & CFO | TANIA ALMOND, VP OF IR & CORPORATE COMMUNICATION August 6, 2024 SAFE HARBOR STATEMENT This presentation and oral statements made by management in connection herewith that are not historical facts are "forward‐looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Forward‐looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, and actual results may dif ...
Helios Technologies(HLIO) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Results
2024-08-06 05:02
财务业绩 - 第二季度净销售额为2.199亿美元,较第一季度增长4%,其中液压业务增长2%,电子业务增长7%[4] - 毛利率和营业利润率较第一季度均有提升,毛利率提升40个基点,营业利润率提升220个基点,主要得益于销量提升、运营举措和成本管控[5] - 每股摊薄收益为0.41美元,每股摊薄非GAAP收益为0.64美元,较第一季度增长21%[6] - 公司第二季度净销售额为2.199亿美元,同比下降3.4%[59] - 毛利率为32.1%,同比下降1.2个百分点[60] - 营业利润为2600万美元,同比下降11.9%,营业利润率为11.8%[61] - 净收入为2270万美元,同比下降26%[50] - 每股基本和稀释收益分别为0.69美元和0.68美元,同比下降27%[51] - 公司第二季度总销售额为2.199亿美元,同比下降3%[70] - 公司第二季度美洲地区销售额为1.173亿美元,同比下降5%[70] - 公司第二季度EMEA地区销售额为0.518亿美元,同比下降11%[70] - 公司第二季度APAC地区销售额为0.508亿美元,同比增长12%[70] - 公司第二季度液压业务销售额为1.457亿美元,同比增长2%[70] - 公司第二季度电子业务销售额为0.742亿美元,同比增长8%[70] - 公司第二季度营业收入为2.199亿美元,同比下降3.4%[78][82] - 非GAAP调整后的营业利润为3.6亿美元,同比下降14.5%[77] - 非GAAP调整后的营业利润率为16.4%,同比下降2.1个百分点[77] - 非GAAP调整后的EBITDA为4.42亿美元,同比下降11.8%[81] - 非GAAP调整后的EBITDA利润率为20.1%,同比下降1.9个百分点[81] - 非GAAP调整后的每股收益为0.64美元,同比下降21.0%[85][86] - 公司第二季度有机销售额(不含汇率影响和收购影响)为2.196亿美元,同比下降4%[89,91] - 公司第二季度电子业务分部有机销售额为0.731亿美元,同比下降3%[89,91] - 公司第二季度液压业务分部有机销售额为1.465亿美元,同比下降4%[89,91] - 公司第二季度调整后EBITDA为1.507亿美元,净债务/调整后EBITDA比率为3.0[92,93] 现金流和资本管理 - 通过营运资金举措改善了现金转换周期,第二季度经营活动产生的现金流为3.38亿美元,较上年同期增长30%[7] - 连续第四个季度减少了1860万美元的总债务,并继续降低净债务杠杆比率[8] - 延长了债务到期期限至2029年,增加了可用流动性,降低了息差,优化资本结构以提供财务灵活性[9] - 总债务在第二季度末为5.027亿美元,较第一季度末下降8.5%[29] - 现金及现金等价物为4500万美元,较第一季度末增加21%,体现了公司在现金管理方面的重点[31] - 存货较第一季度末减少760万美元或4%,主要是为了加快现金转换率[31] - 经调整后的净债务/EBITDA比率为3.0倍,较第一季度末的3.1倍略有下降[31] - 第二季度经营活动产生的净现金流为3380万美元,较去年同期的2610万美元有所增加[31] - 资本支出为810万美元,占销售额的3.7%,较去年同期的1050万美元或4.6%有所下降[31] - 经营活动产生的现金流为5160万美元,同比增长34.4%[57] - 现金及现金等价物余额为4500万美元,较年初增加3600万美元[55] 股利政策 - 公司连续27年派发现金股利,第110个连续季度派息为每股0.09美元[32] 业务展望 - 下半年业绩展望有所下调,反映了终端市场环境疲软导致下半年可见性降低,但公司将专注于可控因素的管控,如营运资金、运营效率和成本纪律[10] - 公司预计2024年全年销售收入将在8.25-8.4亿美元之间,调整幅度为-1.8%至-2.3%[34] - 公司预计2024年全年调整后EBITDA率将维持在19.5%-21.0%的目标区间[34] - 公司预计2024年全年每股非GAAP收益将在2.25-2.45美元之间[34] 其他 - 公司在研发新产品、市场拓展和并购等方面的新动态未提及[无] - 公司持续推进收购和整合相关工作,发生相关费用0.1百万美元[77] - 公司进行了重组调整,发生相关费用1.7百万美元[77] - 公司管理层发生变动,发生相关费用0.3百万美元[77] - 公司未来不会提供非GAAP财务指标的具体调节[94] - 公司正在进行业务重组,包括在墨西哥和意大利的制造业优化[87] - 公司最近完成了两个区域卓越运营中心的建设[87] - 公司最近收购的业务正在进行整合[87]
Analysts Estimate Helios Technologies (HLIO) to Report a Decline in Earnings: What to Look Out for
ZACKS· 2024-07-29 23:06
Wall Street expects a year-over-year decline in earnings on lower revenues when Helios Technologies (HLIO) reports results for the quarter ended June 2024. While this widely-known consensus outlook is important in gauging the company's earnings picture, a powerful factor that could impact its near-term stock price is how the actual results compare to these estimates.The earnings report, which is expected to be released on August 5, 2024, might help the stock move higher if these key numbers are better than ...
HELIOS ALERT: Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C. is Investigating Helios Technologies, Inc. on Behalf of Helios Stockholders and Encourages Investors to Contact the Firm
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-13 09:00
NEW YORK, July 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bragar Eagel & Squire, P.C., a nationally recognized stockholder rights law firm, is investigating potential claims against Helios Technologies, Inc. (“Helios” or the “Company”) (NYSE: HLIO) on behalf of Helios stockholders. Our investigation concerns whether Helios has violated the federal securities laws and/or engaged in other unlawful business practices. Click here to participate in the action. On July 9, 2024, Helios formally announced that Josef Matosevic, w ...
Strength Seen in Helios Technologies (HLIO): Can Its 5.1% Jump Turn into More Strength?
ZACKS· 2024-07-11 17:55
Helios Technologies, Inc. (HLIO) shares soared 5.1% in the last trading session to close at $43.38. The move was backed by solid volume with far more shares changing hands than in a normal session. This compares to the stock's 13.6% loss over the past four weeks.Helios Technologies’ growth is primarily driven by optimism about the strong momentum in its electronics business. Strength across the company’s health & wellness and off-road vehicle markets and the acquisition of i3 Product Development bode well.T ...
SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Pomerantz Law Firm Investigates Claims on Behalf of Investors of Helios Technologies, Inc. - HLIO
Prnewswire· 2024-07-11 06:04
NEW YORK, July 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Pomerantz LLP is investigating claims on behalf of investors of Helios Technologies, Inc. ("Helios" or the "Company") (NYSE: HLIO). Such investors are advised to contact Danielle Peyton at [email protected] or 646-581-9980, ext. 7980.The investigation concerns whether Helios and certain of its officers and/or directors have engaged in securities fraud or other unlawful business practices.[Click here for information about joining the class action]On July 8, 2024, Helio ...
Johnson Fistel has Commenced an Investigation on Behalf of Helios (HLIO) Shareholders Amid Allegations of CEO Misconduct
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-10 21:04
SAN DIEGO, July 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Shareholder rights law firm Johnson Fistel, LLP is investigating whether Helios Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: HLIO) (“Helios” or the “Company”) or any of its executive officers or others violated securities laws by misrepresenting or failing to timely disclose material, adverse information to investors. The investigation focuses on investors’ losses and whether they may be recovered under federal securities laws. What if I purchased Helios securities? If you purchase ...