Gogo (GOGO) Matches Q4 Earnings Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-28 22:11
Gogo (GOGO) came out with quarterly earnings of $0.11 per share, in line with the Zacks Consensus Estimate. This compares to earnings of $0.21 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items. A quarter ago, it was expected that this in-flight internet provider would post earnings of $0.13 per share when it actually produced earnings of $0.16, delivering a surprise of 23.08%. Over the last four quarters, the company has surpassed consensus EPS estimates three times. Gogo, which belon ...
Gogo Announces Fourth Quarter and 2023 Results
Prnewswire· 2024-02-28 20:01
Provides 2024 Financial Guidance and Updates Long-Term Targets Total Revenue of $97.8 million, down 10% Year-over-Year; Record Fourth Quarter Service Revenue of $80.9 million, up 5% Year-over-Year Q4 Net Income of $14.5 million; Adjusted EBITDA(1) of $35.1 million BROOMFIELD, Colo., Feb. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Gogo Inc. (NASDAQ: GOGO) ("Gogo" or the "Company"), the world's largest provider of broadband connectivity services for the business aviation market, today announced its financial results for the qu ...
Gogo(GOGO) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Results
2024-02-28 00:00
Exhibit 99.1 Investor Relations Contact: Media Relations Contact: Will Davis Dave Mellin +1 917-519-6994 +1 303-301-3606 wdavis@gogoair.com pr@gogoair.com Gogo Announces Fourth Quarter and 2023 Results Provides 2024 Financial Guidance and Updates Long-Term Targets Total Revenue of $97.8 million, down 10% Year-over-Year; Record Fourth Quarter Service Revenue of $80.9 million, up 5% Year-over-Year Q4 Net Income of $14.5 million; Adjusted EBITDA(1) of $35.1 million BROOMFIELD, CO - February 28, 2024 – Gogo Inc ...
Earnings Preview: Gogo (GOGO) Q4 Earnings Expected to Decline
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-22 00:06
Wall Street expects a year-over-year decline in earnings on lower revenues when Gogo (GOGO) reports results for the quarter ended December 2023. While this widely-known consensus outlook is important in gauging the company's earnings picture, a powerful factor that could impact its near-term stock price is how the actual results compare to these estimates. The stock might move higher if these key numbers top expectations in the upcoming earnings report, which is expected to be released on February 28. On th ...
NetJets Signs New Connectivity Agreement Extending 20-Year Relationship with Gogo
Prnewswire· 2024-02-07 20:01
NetJets to Install Gogo AVANCE, 5G, and Global Broadband BROOMFIELD, Colo. , Feb. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- NetJets has reached an agreement with Gogo Business Aviation (NASDAQ: GOGO) that provides NetJets the ability to upgrade their U.S. aircraft to Gogo AVANCE L5, Gogo 5G, and Gogo Galileo, the company's Low Earth Orbit (LEO) broadband satellite service. NetJets Owners in Europe will also have the benefit of Gogo Galileo. NetJets signed a new agreement with Gogo to install Gogo AVANCE, Gogo 5G and Gogo Gal ...
Gogo Business Aviation Earns No. 1 Ranking on List of Best Places to Work in Colorado
Prnewswire· 2024-02-02 20:01
BROOMFIELD, Colo., Feb. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Gogo Business Aviation (NASDAQ: GOGO), the world's largest provider of broadband connectivity services for the business aviation market, today announced that it earned the No. 1 ranking on Built In's 100 Best Midsize Places to Work in Colorado, and finished No. 3 on the 100 Best Places to Work in Colorado for all companies of any size. Gogo named No. 1 midsize workplace in Colorado. This is the third consecutive year that Gogo was recognized as a top midsize w ...
Appellate Court Upholds District Court Denial of SmartSky's Attempt to Prevent Gogo Business Aviation from Selling its 5G Solution
Prnewswire· 2024-02-01 05:56
Gogo Business Aviation与SmartSky Networks专利诉讼 - 美国联邦巡回上诉法院维持了对SmartSky Networks提出的初步禁令的拒绝决定[1] - SmartSky未能证明其在诉讼中可能获得成功,也未能证明如果不授予初步禁令将遭受不可挽回的损害[2] - Gogo的CEO Oakleigh Thorne表示公司将继续积极捍卫自己不侵犯专利的立场,并期望最终取得胜利[3] Gogo商用飞机搭载系统情况 - 截至2023年9月30日,Gogo报告称有7,150架商用飞机搭载其宽带ATG系统,其中3,784架搭载Gogo AVANCE L5或L3系统,4,395架搭载窄带卫星连接[4]
Gogo: So Much To Like But Not Without Risk
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-08 14:20
分组1 - Gogo股价在过去一年下跌了37%,主要是因为投资者担忧公司在2023年的营收持平、5G连接计划进一步延迟、来自Starlink的竞争担忧以及SmartSky对Gogo提起的专利诉讼[2] - 尽管存在多个担忧,但作者认为市场低估了Gogo的许多积极特征,包括占据主导市场地位、高切换成本、5G升级周期和私人飞机WiFi渗透率增加可能带来的快速营收和自由现金流增长[2] 分组2 - Gogo拥有估计85%的北美私人飞机市场份额,具有强劲的市场地位和高切换成本,如果成功推出5G服务,将有机会保留客户[6] - 5G升级周期将推动ARPU的显著增长,Gogo预计公司未来几年的营收将以17%的复合年增长率增长,同时资本支出应该保持在2025年后每年低于2亿美元,如果公司达到其目标,2027年的自由现金流每股可达2美元,股价有望翻番[7]
Gogo(GOGO) - 2023 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2023-11-08 03:49
业绩总结 - Gogo Inc. 第三季度2023年度财报电话会议中,公司主席兼首席执行官表示,尽管航空业面临困难,但公司在第三季度取得了良好的底线业绩[11] - 公司在第三季度的总收入同比下降了7%,其中设备收入下降了24%,但高利润的重复服务收入增长了6%[27] - 公司因零部件短缺、劳动力短缺和OEM和经销商繁忙的维护计划而受到影响,导致设备订单推迟和服务收入增长放缓[28][29][30] - 公司预计2023年的收入指引下调,但调高了调整后的EBITDA和自由现金流的指引[14] - 公司认为虽然面临短期困难,但Gogo在2025年及以后将迎来爆炸式增长,并且不改变长期目标[15][21] 用户数 - 在第三季度,Gogo的飞行次数仅比2022年同期下降了2%,而数据使用量每飞行小时增加了15%[23][24] - 在全球市场调研中,74%的商务航空业参与者表示愿意为飞机添加连接性,而全球机队的宽带连接率仅为23%[25] 新产品和新技术研发 - 公司表示,新技术的应用将大幅提高产品性能,扩大潜在市场,并增强竞争力[19] - Gogo获得了FCC Secure and Trusted Communication Networks Program的资助,将加速4G网络的更新[43] - Gogo 5G空对地网络计划将在第三季度推出[54] - Gogo已经建立了覆盖全国的150个5G网络塔,并将在明年完成加拿大网络[52] - 5G芯片的问题导致了项目的两次重大延迟[53] - Gogo已经从五家原始设备制造商那里获得了订单,为5G芯片积累了850万美元的订单[59] 市场扩张和并购 - 预计2024年将是重大投资年,完成 Gogo 5G 计划并加大 Gogo Galileo 的支出[90] - 预计2024年将继续是投资年,Gogo Galileo支出预计将增加,由于5G支出的推迟而进一步增加负担[118] 其他新策略 - 我们的股东权益计划已于 9 月到期,新股东不再受到购买 Gogo 普通股超过 5% 的限制[98] - 承诺在2024年的第四季度财报电话会议上提供2024年的指标和更新长期目标[119] - 5G产品里程碑包括芯片工厂投产、FPGA技术交付和飞行测试[146]
Gogo(GOGO) - 2023 Q3 - Quarterly Report
2023-11-07 00:00
公司发展规划 - 公司是全球最大的商务航空市场宽带连接服务提供商[60] - 公司计划在2024年第三季度推出第四代ATG网络Gogo 5G[60] - 公司计划在2024年下半年推出全球首个为所有商用飞机设计的宽带服务Gogo Galileo[60] 收入情况 - 公司在2023年第三季度实现总收入为97,949,000美元[73] - 平均每月ATG飞机在线连接服务收入为3,373美元[63] - 平均每月窄带卫星飞机在线连接服务收入为294美元[63] - ATG设备每单位平均收入为77,000美元[63] - 窄带卫星设备每单位平均收入为39,000美元[63] - 2023年9月30日三个月和九个月的服务收入分别为79,546千美元和237,107千美元,同比增长5.7%和8.3%[74] - 2023年9月30日三个月和九个月的设备收入分别为18,403千美元和62,660千美元,同比下降38.8%和18.5%[74] 成本情况 - 2023年9月30日三个月和九个月的服务成本分别为18,116千美元和51,732千美元,同比增长4.7%和8.5%[75] - 2023年9月30日三个月的工程、设计和开发费用为9.2百万美元,同比增长[76] - 2023年9月30日三个月的销售和营销费用为7.0百万美元,同比增长[77] 财务状况 - Gogo Inc. Adjusted EBITDA 2023年第三季度为43,198千美元,2022年第三季度为43,653千美元[84] - Gogo Inc. 自由现金流2023年第三季度为21,001千美元,2022年第三季度为8,520千美元[84] - Gogo Inc. 2023年前九个月经营活动现金流为52,818千美元,2022年前九个月为71,939千美元[85] - Gogo Inc. 2023年前九个月投资活动现金流为-3,408千美元,2022年前九个月为-39,129千美元[85] - Gogo Inc. 2023年前九个月融资活动现金流为-113,881千美元,2022年前九个月为-26,652千美元[85] - Gogo Inc. 2023年前九个月净收入为131,211千美元,2022年前九个月为64,389千美元[88] - Gogo Inc. 2023年前九个月非现金费用和信贷为-20,252千美元,2022年前九个月为38,429千美元[88] - Gogo Inc. 2023年前九个月经营资产和负债变动导致的现金流为-58,141千美元,2022年前九个月为-30,879千美元[88] 投资和资金运作 - 2023年前9个月的资本支出为1.87亿美元,较2022年同期的3.99亿美元有所下降[92] - 我们的市场风险主要集中在现金及现金等价物、短期投资、股权投资和债务方面[94] - 我们的投资政策允许我们通过各种证券维持现金等价物和短期投资组合,包括美国国债、美国政府机构债券和货币市场基金[94]