Generative AI And Springboard Plan Drive Higher Corning Earnings
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-17 14:42
felixR Investment thesis Because of its new Springboard plan and optical connectivity products for generative AI, Corning Incorporated (NYSE:GLW) is returning to profitable growth. If it makes good on its potential, the company will produce mid-teens earnings growth this year and annually for the next four years. That would be welcomed by investors who have watched EBITDA and net income fall over the past two years. I have a one-year price target that is 15.65% higher than the current price and rate Cor ...
Corning Energy Corporation Announces Retirement of CEO Michael German
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-06 05:03
CORNING, N.Y., Sept. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Corning Energy Corporation (formerly Corning Natural Gas Holding Corporation) announced today that Michael German, the company’s CEO, will retire effective December 31, 2024, after 18 years with the company and 48 total years in the energy sector. Mr. German joined Corning Natural Gas Corporation in 2006 and has been a cornerstone of the company's growth and resilience. In 2011, under his leadership, Leatherstocking Gas Company was formed, the newest utilit ...
Corning Incorporated (GLW) Presents at Citi's 2024 Global TMT Conference Transcript
2024-09-06 00:22
会议主要讨论的核心内容 - 公司在2023年经历了周期性下滑,但预计在2024年会逐步复苏 [5][6] - 光通信业务在第二季度表现强劲,超出公司预期,未来12个月内有望持续增长 [6] - 显示玻璃业务在第二季度和第三季度表现良好,公司有信心通过价格调整和成本控制维持该业务的盈利水平 [44][45][46] - 公司推出了"Springboard"计划,未来3年有望实现30亿美元的销售增长,5年内有望实现50亿美元的销售增长 [9][10][11][12][13] - 光通信业务中的企业级业务未来3年有望实现25%的复合年增长率,主要受益于人工智能带来的数据中心建设需求 [23][24] - 公司在光纤、光缆和连接器方面拥有技术优势,是行业内唯一的端到端供应商,在人工智能带动的数据中心建设中占据有利地位 [26][27] - 公司的汽车玻璃业务有望在未来3年内实现三倍增长,受益于车载显示屏、自动驾驶等新技术的应用 [52][53][54][55] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 - 分析师询问公司在光纤业务中的市场份额,公司表示不会公开披露具体数据,但是是行业内的领导者 [28] - 分析师询问公司在数据中心内部和数据中心之间的光纤业务规模占比,公司表示会进一步研究并回复 [68][69] - 分析师询问最高法院对"Chevron"原则的裁决是否会影响公司的汽车排放后处理业务,公司表示会进一步了解并回复 [79][80]
Corning Incorporated (GLW) Presents at Citi's 2024 Global TMT Conference Transcript
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-06 00:22
Corning Incorporated (NYSE:GLW) Citi's 2024 Global TMT Conference September 5, 2024 9:10 AM ET Company Participants Ed Schlesinger - EVP & CFO Conference Call Participants Asiya Merchant - Citi Asiya Merchant My name is Asiya Merchant. I cover the technology, hardware and tech supply chain here at Citi. Welcome to Day 2 of our Global TMT Conference. Very thrilled to have Ed Schlesinger. He's the CFO of Corning. We also have members of the Investor Relations team here in the audience. Of course, this sessio ...
Here's Why Corning (GLW) is a Strong Value Stock
ZACKS· 2024-09-04 22:41
Taking full advantage of the stock market and investing with confidence are common goals for new and old investors, and Zacks Premium offers many different ways to do both.The research service features daily updates of the Zacks Rank and Zacks Industry Rank, full access to the Zacks #1 Rank List, Equity Research reports, and Premium stock screens, all of which will help you become a smarter, more confident investor.Zacks Premium also includes the Zacks Style Scores.What are the Zacks Style Scores?The Zacks ...
Why Is Corning (GLW) Up 5.8% Since Last Earnings Report?
ZACKS· 2024-08-30 00:37
A month has gone by since the last earnings report for Corning (GLW) . Shares have added about 5.8% in that time frame, outperforming the S&P 500.Will the recent positive trend continue leading up to its next earnings release, or is Corning due for a pullback? Before we dive into how investors and analysts have reacted as of late, let's take a quick look at the most recent earnings report in order to get a better handle on the important catalysts. Corning Surpasses Q2 Earnings Estimate on Higher RevenuesCor ...
Corning (GLW) Stock Up 29% in Past Six Months: Reason to Buy?
ZACKS· 2024-08-26 21:50
文章核心观点 - 公司正受益于全面的增长模式,目前正接近其52周高点 [1] - 公司的光纤解决方案业务有望成为其主要增长动力,得益于移动设备使用的增加以及云计算和人工智能应用的兴起 [3][4] - 公司的业务重组有助于创造有价值的协同效应,提高效率 [5] - 公司专注于开发最先进的产品,如最新的Gorilla Glass和5G企业无线接入网络解决方案 [6][7][8] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 公司概况 - 公司股价接近52周高点,过去6个月涨幅超过行业平均水平 [1] - 公司的创新和业务重组有助于其长期健康增长 [2] 主要增长动力 - 光纤解决方案业务是公司的主要增长动力,受益于移动设备使用和云计算、人工智能应用的增长 [3][4] - 视频内容消费模式的变化也带动了对更快数据传输的需求,光纤网络更加高效 [4] 业务重组 - 公司的业务重组有助于创造协同效应,提高效率 [5] - 重组后公司在各个市场领域都处于领先地位,有利于业务增长 [5] 新产品开发 - 公司推出了最新的Gorilla Glass和5G企业无线接入网络解决方案,满足客户需求 [6][7] - 公司还与AUO合作开发大尺寸曲面汽车显示模组,提高成本和能源效率 [8] 挑战与风险 - 公司收入集中在显示和光学细分市场,市场多元化有限 [9] - 高研发支出和技术更新迭代快导致利润率下降 [10] - 未来业绩预期下调,反映出市场对公司增长前景的担忧 [11]
Corning Stock Rises After Mizuho Upgrade Highlighting Growth Driven by Data Centers
Investopedia· 2024-08-22 06:30
Key TakeawaysCorning shares rose Wednesday as Mizuho analysts upgraded the stock, highlighted growth in the company's business driven by data centers, amid surging demand for artificial intelligence. A recent slip in stock's price creates an "attractive entry point" to the stock, the analysts said.Mizuho analysts said the recent pullback likely had more to do with last month's rotation out of tech stocks, as they have seen "no overall slowdown" in Corning's core business. Corning's (GLW) stock price rose We ...
Corning: Rock-Solid Fundamentals Already Priced In
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-16 16:30
投资论点 - 自2024年初以来,Corning (GLW) 的股票回报率约为35%,显著超越美国整体市场表现。尽管公司估值在2024年强劲上涨后显得有些过高,但其最新财报显示业绩强劲,且长期趋势对Corning有利。因此,将GLW的评级从“强烈买入”下调至“持有”[2] 近期发展 - Corning 在7月30日发布的季度财报中,营收超出了市场预期,但GAAP每股收益低于预测,而非GAAP每股收益与预期一致。营收同比增长3.5%,调整后的每股收益从$0.45增长到$0.47[3] 财务表现 - 公司的营业利润率从8.6%增长到10.1%,显示出150个基点的扩张,这对于Corning这样的成熟企业来说是稳健的。强劲的运营杠杆帮助产生了5.22亿美元的自由现金流,增强了公司的资产负债表。截至最新报告日,Corning拥有14亿美元现金,总债务远低于其市值,表明公司有强大的财务灵活性,必要时可用于投资增长或创新[4] 财务指标 - 公司的速动比率为0.69,覆盖比率为3.88,每股账面价值为12.99美元,债务与自由现金流比率为15.08,长期债务占总资本的40.42%[6] 业务表现 - 由于GLW产品组合的强度和多样性,第二季度正面的因素超过了负面因素,使得合并营收实现了同比增长。公司大部分业务部门都显示出增长,这是一个看涨的信号[7] 季度业绩 - 2024年第二季度,Corning 的报告性业务部门和Hemlock及新兴增长业务的净销售额总计为36.04亿美元,相比2023年同期的34.82亿美元增长了1224%[8] 管理层指引 - 管理层预计2024年第三季度的营收将达到37亿美元,意味着同比增长约7%。预计每股收益将从$0.45增长到约$0.52[9] 第三季度展望 - 预计销售将达到约37亿美元,光学通信业务将包括对生成式AI的光纤连接解决方案的持续采用。环境技术业务的重型销售预计会因北美Class 8卡车市场的预期放缓而下降[10] 长期增长前景 - 从长远来看,Corning 的业务前景乐观,因为技术变革如5G、数据中心、AI和政府基础设施现代化计划的需求将持续强劲。预计到2030年,光纤电缆市场的复合年增长率将达到13.5%。Corning 在光纤行业拥有深厚的经验和声誉,并且管理层致力于推动创新,过去12个月的研发支出约为10亿美元[13] 清洁能源市场机会 - Corning 在清洁能源领域的前景看好,因为根据新的EPA要求,从2027年开始,所有新车辆都必须安装颗粒过滤器以减少CO2排放。Corning 发明了汽油颗粒过滤器技术,并已售出超过5000万个过滤器,市场占有率达到27%,是该领域的领先者。此外,Corning 计划将其汽车玻璃用于电动汽车内饰和显示器[14] 智能手机市场表现 - 公司的旗舰产品Gorilla Glass在高端智能手机行业占据主导地位,市场份额高达40%。此外,该业务部门还深入涉足半导体行业,该行业目前正处于强劲的增长周期[15] 估值更新 - 过去12个月,GLW的股票价格增长了26%,2024年的表现更为积极,股价上涨了约32%。Corning 的当前估值比率大多高于行业中位数和历史平均水平,这表明GLW可能被高估[17] 估值模型 - 使用贴现现金流(DCF)模型,结合保守的5%收入复合年增长率和6.8%的自由现金流利润率,得出公司的公允价值约为290亿美元,比当前市场资本化低14%,表明股票被高估[22][23]
3 Stocks to Buy on the Cheap Following the Market Selloff
Investor Place· 2024-08-14 18:30
The recent market sell-off has felt rather painful. It’s certainly been a while since we’ve witnessed stocks falling into an extended losing streak. Additionally, the concentration of selling in the tech sector is another reason why many newer and beginning investors (many of whom are heavy in the tech and AI names) feel like we’ve been through a bear market when the S&P 500 hasn’t even officially entered a correction (a 10% decline) just yet.Only time will tell if the past week of relief gains is the start ...