CGI selected as delivery partner for pioneering business transformation program by the Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service
Prnewswire· 2024-09-23 23:26
Stock Market Symbols GIB (NYSE) GIB.A (TSX) agreement supports Themis Program aim to modernize the justice system BELFAST, Northern Ireland, Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB), one of the largest independent IT and business consulting services firms in the world, has been selected by the Department of Justice, Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service (NICTS) as the delivery partner for its flagship business transformation program, Themis. The 20-year c ...
CGI selected by Harley-Davidson Financial Services to streamline loan origination system
Prnewswire· 2024-09-23 18:30
Stock Market Symbols GIB.A (TSX) GIB (NYSE) solution will introduce a seamless, AI-enabled financing journey for Harley-Davidson customers and enhanced flexibility for dealersFAIRFAX, Va., Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB), one of the largest independent IT and business consulting services firms in the world, today announced its selection by Harley-Davidson Financial Services (Harley-Davidson) to modernize their loan origination system. By replacing dispar ...
CGI completes acquisition of Aeyon, expands capabilities for national security and civilian agency missions
Prnewswire· 2024-09-14 04:02
文章核心观点 - 公司CGI联手Aeyon完成收购,扩大了CGI在数字化转型和人工智能技术领域的服务能力,增强了与美国国家安全客户的关系[1][2] - Aeyon的交付卓越和诚信文化与CGI的价值观、文化和交付卓越记录高度一致,双方的结合将提供更广泛的解决方案来满足客户不断变化的需求[2] - 两家公司的专业团队结合将有助于加快关键任务成果的实现,帮助联邦机构应对当前面临的复杂挑战[2] 公司相关 - CGI是一家全球领先的独立IT和商业咨询服务公司,在全球拥有90,000名顾问和专业人员,提供从战略IT和业务咨询到系统集成、托管IT和业务流程服务以及知识产权解决方案的全面能力[3] - CGI联邦公司是CGI公司的全资美国运营子公司,专注于为国防、民用、医疗保健、司法、情报和国际事务任务的联邦机构提供解决方案[3] - CGI 2023财年的收入为143亿加元,股票在纽约证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所上市[3] 行业相关 - Aeyon是一家数字化转型和人工智能技术领域的领导者,提供数据管理、分析和智能自动化等服务,主要服务于美国联邦政府[2] - Aeyon由风险投资公司Enlightenment Capital支持,专注于航空航天、国防、政府和技术领域的中型企业[2]
Forbes names CGI a 2024 Best Employer for Women
Prnewswire· 2024-09-11 20:00
FAIRFAX, Va., Sept. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB), one of the largest independent IT and business consulting services firms in the world, today announced its selection by Forbes as one of America's Best Employers for Women, placing it alongside those U.S. companies achieving the highest scores by 150,000 women surveyed at companies with at least 1,000 employees for Forbes' annual ranking."At CGI, we are committed to sharing our progress in growing the representation of women at all l ...
CGI named a Leader in Everest Group's Guidewire Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024
Prnewswire· 2024-09-05 18:30
Stock Market SymbolsGIB.A (TSX)GIB (NYSE)ÉAL, Sept. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB), one of the world's largest business and IT consulting firms, has been named a Leader in Everest Group's Guidewire Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024 for property and casualty (P&C) insurance. CGI was recognized for expanding Guidewire Services into growing markets, building local and offshore delivery capabilities, and adopting geo-specific strategies in line with the company's cl ...
CGI Group (GIB) Expands Clientele With The City of New York
ZACKS· 2024-08-15 23:01
公司扩张 - CGI Group (GIB) 通过与纽约市的新合同,扩展其在公共部门的业务,负责维护STARS停车违规系统 [1][2] - 该合同为期五年,可选择续签两年,强调公司对提升城市管理解决方案的承诺 [2] - STARS系统基于CGI Advantage Collections平台,每年处理超过C$1.3亿公共收入,涉及停车和摄像头违规的裁决、支付和收集 [3] - 公司将继续提供IT和咨询服务,支持纽约市每年处理约1700万张停车和摄像头罚单 [4] 客户基础 - 公司通过与纽约市的新合同,显示其增强在公共部门解决方案中的角色 [5] - CGI Group的业务解决方案需求强劲,其CGI Advantage解决方案已被科罗拉多州、洛杉矶市、联邦调查局(FBI)和檀香山市县等选择 [6] 合作伙伴 - 公司的合作伙伴包括Alphabet、Microsoft、Amazon、Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio Exterior (BLX)、Nokia (NOK) 和 Exxon Mobil (XOM),这些合作是关键推动力 [7] - Bladex将成为首个实施CGI Trade360平台的拉丁美洲银行,提升区域和全球贸易业务及运营效率 [8] - 公司与ExxonMobil续签合作,利用CGI PayPartner360支持超过13,000个燃料零售站点和全球1000万活跃用户 [9] - 公司与Nokia的合作扩展至整合5G私有无线网络技术,增强数字解决方案,如北爱尔兰的Smart Nano NI 5G测试床 [10] 财务表现 - 公司在2024财年第三季度的总预订量为CAD 4.28亿,书本比率为116.6%,过去12个月的书本比率为111.7% [11] - 第三季度的书本比率为117%,其中美国联邦部门表现最强,达到209%,其次是英国和澳大利亚为153%,西欧和南欧为123%,全球积压订单达到CAD 27.6亿 [12]
CGI extends partnership with the City of New York for maintenance of parking system technology
Prnewswire· 2024-08-13 18:30
Stock Market SymbolsGIB.A (TSX)GIB (NYSE) YORK, Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB), one of the largest independent IT and business consulting services firms in the world, today announced its selection by the City of New York for maintenance of the STARS parking violation system, which runs on CGI Advantage Collections platform. CGI will partner with the city's Department of Finance under a new five-year contract with an optional two-year renewal to administer the ad ...
U.S. Department of State extends contract with CGI for application processing services for more than 21 million passports annually
Prnewswire· 2024-08-06 18:30
Stock Market Symbols GIB (NYSE) GIB.A (TSX), Va., Aug. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - CGI Federal Inc. (CGI), the wholly-owned U.S. operating subsidiary of CGI Inc. (NYSE: GIB) (TSX: GIB.A), today announced a 2-year, US$378M extension of its contract with the U.S. Department of State (DoS) for end-to-end passport application processing services supporting the Bureau of Consular Affairs. By extending its longstanding collaboration with DoS, CGI will continue to deliver process efficiencie ...
CGI recognized as a Major Player for Worldwide Cloud Professional Services in IDC MarketScape Report
Prnewswire· 2024-08-05 18:30
文章核心观点 - 公司被IDC MarketScape评为全球云专业服务领域的主要参与者之一[2][3][6] - 公司在云服务方面的优势在于能够与客户合作,以快速和大规模的方式共同创造、交付和管理创新的基于云的数字业务解决方案[2][3][4] - 公司与所有主要超大规模云服务提供商建立了紧密的全球合作关系,这种方式使公司能够帮助客户实现六大云转型目标:云战略、组合合理化、创新、集成、以成果为导向的交付和卓越运营[4] - 公司拥有先进的工具和方法,能够帮助客户证明云专业服务的投资价值,并展示了良好的客户保留和增加每位员工收入的计划[5] 公司概况 - 公司成立于1976年,是全球最大的独立IT和业务咨询服务公司之一[9] - 公司拥有90,000名顾问和专业人员,提供从战略IT和业务咨询到系统集成、托管IT和业务流程服务以及知识产权解决方案的全面能力[9] - 公司通过本地关系模式和全球交付网络为客户提供数字化转型和加速业务成果[9] - 公司2023财年的收入为140.3亿加元,股票在多伦多证券交易所和纽约证券交易所上市[9]
CGI(GIB) - 2024 Q3 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-08-01 01:49
业绩总结 - 第三季度2024财务亮点:收入为36.7亿加元,比2023年同期增长1.3%[8] - 调整后的税前收入为5.94亿加元,较去年同期增长6.3%[8] - 净收入为4.4亿加元,较去年同期增长6.1%[8] - 每股摊薄收益为1.91加元,较去年同期增长9.1%[8] - CGI的Q3业绩反映了在动态宏观商业环境中执行计划的纪律性,提供持续的利润率扩张和增加的经营现金流[10] - Q3业绩表现强劲,净收入和每股摊薄收益均实现增长[10] - Q3业绩中,管理服务的预订额达到近43亿加元,预订额比率为139%,为未来增强韧性提供了稳定的收入基础[10] - CGI在过去12个月的预订额比率为112%,由管理服务和知识产权赢得领先[34] 未来展望 - 公司的ESG目标包括减少二氧化碳排放38%、实现领导层多样性与公司整体多样性一致、实现数据中心100%可再生电力等[66] - 公司致力于教育领域,计划到2023年将教育和指导项目参与人数提高一倍[77] - 公司目标是到2026年实施业务单位的无偿项目[82] - 公司董事会构成包括地理、领域和性别多样性,女性占46%[85]