Call Traders Scored Big With This Fintech Stock
Schaeffers Investment Research· 2024-09-18 02:29
Subscribers to Schaeffer's Players service more than doubled their money with our recommendation to buy Fidelity National Information Services Inc (NYSE:FIS) weekly 9/20 78-strike call. Below, let's unpack how investors achieved this healthy profit in just three weeks.At the time of our recommendation on Aug. 23, FIS was in the midst of a post-earnings pop following the company's Aug. 6 results. The equity had just hit a new all-time high, and was pulling back to support at its 10-day moving average after b ...
Fidelity National (FIS) Up 7.8% Since Last Earnings Report: Can It Continue?
ZACKS· 2024-09-06 00:36
A month has gone by since the last earnings report for Fidelity National Information Services (FIS) . Shares have added about 7.8% in that time frame, outperforming the S&P 500.Will the recent positive trend continue leading up to its next earnings release, or is Fidelity National due for a pullback? Before we dive into how investors and analysts have reacted as of late, let's take a quick look at the most recent earnings report in order to get a better handle on the important drivers. Fidelity National Bea ...
FIS or MA: Which Is the Better Value Stock Right Now?
ZACKS· 2024-09-03 00:46
Investors interested in Financial Transaction Services stocks are likely familiar with Fidelity National Information Services (FIS) and MasterCard (MA) . But which of these two companies is the best option for those looking for undervalued stocks? Let's take a closer look.The best way to find great value stocks is to pair a strong Zacks Rank with an impressive grade in the Value category of our Style Scores system. The Zacks Rank favors stocks with strong earnings estimate revision trends, and our Style Sco ...
Fidelity National (FIS) Ties Up to Enhance P2P Payments
ZACKS· 2024-08-17 01:36
文章核心观点 - FIS与Neural Payments合作,扩大了前者客户群中增强型点对点(P2P)支付的覆盖范围 [1][2] - Neural Payments的解决方案现已可供FIS的金融机构客户(包括各种规模的银行和信用社)立即采用 [1][3] - 该合作整合了FIS的全球影响力和NYCE借记网络,以及Neural Payments的尖端技术,旨在促进数字经济中的资金流动能力 [2] - FIS将允许其金融机构客户直接将Neural Payments的白标解决方案集成到其移动银行应用程序中,消除用户依赖第三方服务汇款的需求 [4] 公司层面 - 该最新平台发布体现了FIS持续投资创新技术并寻求解决方案以推进支付基础设施的努力,这将带来更高的收入增长 [5] - FIS通过内部软件开发、收购和股权投资不断完善其解决方案套件,为现有客户提供更多交叉销售机会,并吸引新客户 [5] - FIS还与其他实体合作,为客户提供全面的解决方案,本次与Neural Payments的合作即为一例 [5] 行业层面 - P2P应用程序被广泛采用并继续快速增长,连接不同年代的用户并提高数字可访问性,这为FIS通过此次合作抓住机遇 [6] - 快速增长的全球P2P支付市场为FIS提供了良机,可以通过此次合作从中获益 [6]
FIS or FI: Which Is the Better Value Stock Right Now?
ZACKS· 2024-08-16 00:41
Investors with an interest in Financial Transaction Services stocks have likely encountered both Fidelity National Information Services (FIS) and Fiserv (FI) . But which of these two stocks is more attractive to value investors? We'll need to take a closer look to find out.We have found that the best way to discover great value opportunities is to pair a strong Zacks Rank with a great grade in the Value category of our Style Scores system. The Zacks Rank favors stocks with strong earnings estimate revision ...
FIS Sees Record Sign-Ups for Core Banking Products
PYMNTS.com· 2024-08-08 03:26
FIS says it is on pace to have a record year for sign-ups to its core banking offering.It’s a trend driven by “competitive takeaways” and greater traction in the community banking sector, Stephanie Ferris, CEO of the financial services technology provider company, said on an earnings call Wednesday (Aug. 7).“In fact, for the first half of 2024, we’ve signed almost as many cores as we did in all of 2023,” she said. “Within our digital business, we saw new sales growth of over 30% in the first half of 2024, h ...
Fidelity National (FIS) Q2 Earnings: How Key Metrics Compare to Wall Street Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-08-07 22:36
For the quarter ended June 2024, Fidelity National Information Services (FIS) reported revenue of $2.49 billion, down 33.6% over the same period last year. EPS came in at $1.36, compared to $1.55 in the year-ago quarter.The reported revenue represents a surprise of +0.10% over the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $2.49 billion. With the consensus EPS estimate being $1.23, the EPS surprise was +10.57%.While investors scrutinize revenue and earnings changes year-over-year and how they compare with Wall Street expe ...
Fidelity National Information Services(FIS) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-08-07 04:16
公司概况 - 公司主要提供金融科技解决方案,服务于金融机构、企业和开发者[168] - 公司通过内部开发和收购来推动增长,提供更多解决方案和服务[169] 重大交易 - 2024年1月31日完成了对Worldpay Merchant Solutions业务的55%股权出售[170][173] - 出售Worldpay业务后,公司保留了45%的非控股权益,并与Worldpay签订了商业协议[170][173] - 公司利用出售Worldpay业务的部分收益偿还了债务并回购股票,剩余收益将用于股东回报和一般公司用途[173] - 公司完成了Worldpay出售交易,Worldpay Merchant Solutions业务的结果已经列为已终止经营业务[201][202] - 2024年6月30日六个月期间,出售已终止经营业务的税前收益(损失)为4.66亿美元,反映了处置组账面价值超过估计公允价值减去出售成本的影响[204] - 2024年6月30日六个月期间,公司记录了9.91亿美元的税收抵免,主要来自于未在Worldpay出售中转让的美国递延税务负债的注销,扣除了预计的美国税收成本[205] 业务表现 - 银行解决方案分部收入和调整后EBITDA均有所增长,调整后EBITDA利润率也有所提升[209][210][211][212][213][214] - 资本市场解决方案分部收入和调整后EBITDA均有所增长,调整后EBITDA利润率也有所提升[215][216][217][218][219][220] - 2024年上半年收入同比增长3%,毛利率提升至38%,经营利润同比增长12%[184,185,186] - 2024年上半年其他收支净额大幅改善,主要由于利息费用下降和债务提前偿还损失减少[190,192,193] - 2024年上半年所得税费用同比大幅增加,主要由于股权激励相关的会计处理差异[194,195] - 公司持有的Worldpay公司45%股权产生的权益法投资收益为1000万美元[196,197] 财务状况 - 公司拥有66亿美元的可用流动性,包括21亿美元的现金及现金等价物和45亿美元的可用信用额度[228] - 公司计划维持投资级债务评级[229] - 公司认为当前的现金及经营现金流足以满足未来12个月及可预见未来的运营需求[230] - 2024年上半年经营活动产生的现金流为7.52亿美元,同比下降1500万美元,主要由于营运资本时间性影响,但扣除非现金项目的收益有所增加[3] - 2024年上半年公司投资了3.85亿美元用于软件和设备资本支出,预计将继续保持此投资力度[4] - 2024年上半年公司完成了5600万美元的收购支出,同时也获得了12.8亿美元的Worldpay出售收益[5] - 公司将继续定期收到来自Worldpay的现金分配[6] 风险因素 - 经济不确定性和通胀压力导致销售周期延长,对公司业绩产生不利影响[172] - 外汇波动和利率上升也给公司带来了一定负面影响[172] - 美国银行倒闭可能会对公司业绩产生负面影响,但公司目前对过去银行倒闭的敞口有限,可能会从这些倒闭中长期获益[178] - 网络攻击频率、复杂性和精密度的持续增长为公司带来了威胁和机遇,公司开发了相关的安全解决方案[181,182] 战略与展望 - 公司继续投资于现代化、创新和集成解决方案,以满足市场需求和应对竞争[175] - 客户对数字银行服务的偏好持续增加,公司提供了集成的数字银行平台Digital One[176] - 银行业并购整合可能对公司业务产生利弊影响,公司采取措施应对并寻求机会[177] - 支付市场对创新支付解决方案的需求持续增长,公司作为大型金融机构的核心银行服务提供商有望从中获益[179] - 公司认为在新兴支付技术被商户和其他企业采用时,凭借其深厚的能力和广泛的分销渠道将处于有利地位[180] 股东回报 - 公司宣布将继续按照资本配置策略支付季度股息,但股息金额、宣布和支付取决于董事会的决定[1] - 公司批准了两项股票回购计划,计划在2024年回购约40亿美元的股票[2] 其他 - 公司的关键会计政策和估计未发生重大变化[183] - 2023年6月30日三个月和六个月期间,已终止经营业务的主要税前收益(损失)和已终止经营业务净收益(损失)包括了68亿美元的商誉减值[203] - 公司的外汇风险主要来自于非美元收入,2024年上半年非美元收入约6亿美元,汇率波动10%将影响收入4800万美元[7] - 公司使用远期合约、跨货币利率互换等工具管理外汇风险,同时也使用外币债务和跨货币利率互换作为净投资套期[8] - 公司的利率风险主要来自于固定利率债务,2024年6月30日公司加权平均债务成本为2.8%,100%为固定利率[9] - 公司未发生重大的合同义务变化[10]
Fidelity National (FIS) Beats Q2 Earnings, Hikes '24 Guidance
ZACKS· 2024-08-07 01:35
Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. (FIS) reported second-quarter 2024 adjusted EPS of $1.36, which beat the Zacks Consensus Estimate by 10.6%. Also, the bottom line increased 79% year over year.Revenues grew 3% year over year to $2.5 billion. Also, the top line beat the consensus mark by 0.1%.The strong second-quarter results benefited from strong recurring revenue growth in both segments and new sales momentum. It witnessed improved results from both the Banking Solutions and Capital Market Solut ...
Fidelity National's Improved Focus Drives Better Q2 Results
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-07 00:46
JHVEPhoto Shares of Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. (NYSE:FIS) have had a solid run over the past year, gaining 25%. Investors got a further boost on Tuesday morning as the stock jumped 5% in response to another solid quarter. I last covered shares in April, rating FIS a buy, and since then, the stock is up nearly 6% vs. the market’s 1% gain. With its business simplification continuing to drive better operating results, I remain bullish. Seeking Alpha Increased focus is driving better res ...