Energy Transfer(ET) - 2023 Q1 - Earnings Call Presentation
2023-05-03 04:44
V ENERGY 。TRANSFER Moving America's Energy Q1 2023 Earnings May 2, 2023 Forward-looking Statements / Legal Disclaimer Management of Energy Transfer LP (ET) will provide this presentation in conjunction with ET's 1st quarter 2023 earnings conference call. On the call, members of management may make statements about future events, outlook and expectations related to Sunoco LP (SUN), USA Compression Partners, LP (USAC), and ET (collectively, the Partnerships), and their subsidiaries and this presentation may c ...
Energy Transfer(ET) - 2022 Q4 - Annual Report
2023-02-17 00:00
公司概况 - Energy Transfer是一家在纽约证券交易所上市的德拉华州有限合伙企业[8] 主要现金需求 - Energy Transfer主要从其子公司Sunoco LP和USAC的分配中获得现金流[10] - Energy Transfer的主要现金需求包括分配给合作伙伴、一般和行政费用以及债务偿还[11] - Energy Transfer预计其子公司将利用资源和运营现金来资助宣布的增长资本支出和营运资本需求[12] 业务拓展 - 2022年,Energy Transfer完成了多项重要收购和出售交易[14] 管道网络 - Energy Transfer拥有大规模的州际天然气管道网络,提供能源物流服务到美国主要交易中心和工业消费区[18] - Energy Transfer的州际天然气管道系统可以从几乎所有美国陆地和海上供应盆地运输天然气到东南部、墨西哥湾岸、西南部、中西部、东北部和加拿大的客户[22] LNG项目 - Lake Charles LNG Export是Energy Transfer的全资子公司,正在开发位于路易斯安那州查尔斯湖附近的天然气液化项目[26] - Lake Charles LNG Export自2022年初以来已签署了六份LNG购销协议,总计近800万吨/年,包括与Shell NA LNG LLC签订的为期20年的LNG协议[27] 中游业务 - 我们的中游业务主要来自于我们从天然气运输和储存服务中获得的费用[28] - 中游行业包括天然气采集、压缩、处理、储存和运输,通常以采集系统和处理厂距离天然气生产井、储存设施距离生产区和最终用途市场的接近程度为基础[29] - 我们的中游业务拥有和运营天然气采集和NGL管道、天然气处理厂、天然气处理设施和天然气调节设施,总处理能力约为11.7 Bcf/d[31] - 我们的中游业务主要来自于我们的管道系统中采集、运输、购买和销售的天然气量以及我们处理和处理设施中处理的天然气和NGL量[33] NGL和原油运输 - 我们的NGL和精炼产品运输和服务部门包括大约5650英里的NGL管道、975 MBbls/d的NGL分馏设施和Mont Belvieu的NGL储存设施,工作储存能力约为58 MMBbls[35] - NGL管道主要将NGL从Permian盆地、Barnett和Eagle Ford页岩运输到Texas的Mont Belvieu,以及从Marcellus和Utica页岩运输到Marcus Hook终端[36] - 我们的原油运输和服务部门通过管道和卡车提供原油运输、终端和收购和营销服务,服务范围包括美国西南部、中西部和东北部的原油市场[39] 其他业务 - 我们的自然资源业务主要涉及煤炭物业的管理和租赁以及后续的版税收入,截至2022年12月31日,我们在中部和北部阿巴拉奇亚、东肯塔基、西南弗吉尼亚和南西弗吉尼亚以及伊利诺伊盆地拥有或控制约7.33亿吨的煤炭储量[162] 未来发展计划 - 我们计划通过战略收购、内部扩张、增加现有资产的盈利能力和执行适当的成本控制措施来实现增长[164] - 我们打算继续作为一个多元化、以增长为导向的有限合伙企业运营,通过追求独立的运营和增长战略,我们将最好地实现我们的目标[165]
Energy Transfer(ET) - 2022 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2023-02-16 10:01
Energy Transfer LP (NYSE:ET) Q4 2022 Earnings Conference Call February 15, 2023 4:30 PM ET Company Participants Tom Long – Co-Chief Executive Officer Mackie McCrea – Co-Chief Executive Officer Conference Call Participants Jeremy Tonet – J.P. Morgan Brian Reynolds – UBS Michael Blum – Wells Fargo Marc Solecitto – Barclays John Mackay – Goldman Sachs Jean Ann Salisbury – Bernstein Chase Mulvehill – Bank of America Colton Bean – Tudor, Pickering, Holt Michael Cusimano – Pickering Energy Operator Good day, and ...
Energy Transfer (ET) Investor Presentation - Slideshow
2022-12-09 22:47
ENERGY 。TRANSFER Moving America's Energy Investor Presentation December 2022 Forward-looking Statements / Legal Disclaimer Management of Energy Transfer LP (ET) will provide this presentation to analysts and/or investors at meetings to be held throughout December 2022. At the meetings, members of management may make statements about future events, outlook and expectations related to Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company, LP (PEPL), Sunoco LP (SUN), USA Compression Partners, LP (USAC), and ET (collectively, th ...
EIC Presentation
2022-05-18 00:46
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | | | | | | | | | Forward-looking Statements / Legal Disclaimer Management of Energy Transfer LP (ET) will provide this presentation to analysts and/or investors at meetings to be held throughout May 2022. At the meetings, members of management may make statements about future events, outlook and expectations related to Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company, LP (PEPL), Sunoco LP (SUN), USA Compression Partners, LP (USAC), and ET ( ...
Energy Transfer(ET) - 2022 Q4 - Earnings Call Presentation
2022-02-17 15:39
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |--------------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ENERGY ๑๑ TRANSFER Moving America's Energy Q4 2021 Earnings | | | | | | | | | February 16, 2022 | | | | | | | | Forward-looking Statements / Legal Disclaimer Management of Energy Transfer LP (ET) will provide this presentation in conjunction with ET's 4th quarter 2021 earnings conference call. On the c ...
Energy Transfer(ET) - 2021 Q3 - Earnings Call Presentation
2021-11-04 17:16
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Moving America's Energy Since 1996 | | | | | | | Q3 2021 Earnings | | | | | | | November 3, 2021 | | | | | | Forward-looking Statements / Legal Disclaimer Management of Energy Transfer LP (ET) will provide this presentation in conjunction with ET's 3rd quarter 2021 earnings conference call. On the call, members of management may make s ...
Energy Transfer(ET) - 2021 Q1 - Earnings Call Presentation
2021-08-04 16:45
Moving America's Energy Since 1996 Q2 2021 Earnings August 3, 2021 Forward-looking Statements / Legal Disclaimer Management of Energy Transfer LP (ET) will provide this presentation in conjunction with ET's 2nd quarter 2021 earnings conference call. On the call, members of management may make statements about future events, outlook and expectations related to Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company, LP (PEPL), Sunoco LP (SUN), USA Compression Partners, LP (USAC), Energy Transfer Operating, L.P. (ETO) and ET (co ...
Energy Transfer(ET) - 2020 Q4 - Earnings Call Presentation
2021-02-25 03:16
Enable Midstream Partners, LP Fourth Quarter Conference Call | Feb. 24, 2021 Forward-looking Statements Some of the information in this presentation may contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements give our current expectations and contain projections of results of operations or of financial condition, or forecasts of future events. Words such as "could," "will," "should," "may," "assume," "forecast," "position," "predict," "strategy," "expect," "intend," "plan," "estimate," "anticipate," ...