Warren Buffett Owns 21,000 Miles of Energy Pipelines. Want to Invest Like Him?
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-04 15:45
伯克希尔哈撒韦业务范围 - 伯克希尔哈撒韦是一个庞大且多元化的企业集团,涉及保险业务、能源领域和管道业务[2] - 伯克希尔哈撒韦拥有家具店、涂料制造商和铁路公司等业务,以及大量个别股票投资[3] - 伯克希尔哈撒韦在能源领域的投资备受关注,拥有大量管道运营商[4]
Enbridge (ENB) Advances While Market Declines: Some Information for Investors
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-03 06:56
In the latest market close, Enbridge (ENB) reached $35.85, with a +0.06% movement compared to the previous day. The stock outperformed the S&P 500, which registered a daily loss of 0.72%. Elsewhere, the Dow saw a downswing of 1%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq depreciated by 0.95%. Heading into today, shares of the oil and natural gas transportation and power transmission company had gained 3.2% over the past month, lagging the Oils-Energy sector's gain of 6.92% and outpacing the S&P 500's gain of 2.16% in tha ...
Enbridge Completes Sale of its Interests in Alliance Pipeline and Aux Sable
Prnewswire· 2024-04-01 20:47
Enbridge公司股权交易 - Enbridge公司宣布已完成向Pembina Pipeline Corporation出售其在Alliance Pipeline和Aux Sable中的股权交易,交易金额为31亿美元[1] - Enbridge公司将继续与Pembina密切合作,确保资产在过渡期间的安全可靠运营[2] - 此次出售是Enbridge公司融资计划的重要组成部分,出售所得将用于公司战略性美国天然气公用事业收购和债务减少[3]
Bull Market Buys: 2 Dividend Stocks to Own for the Long Run
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-01 02:03
If you are a dividend investor like me, you prize consistency in all market environments, bull or bear. A high yield backed by a dividend that gets cut is likely to lead to less income and a loss of capital. No thanks! This is why one of the first screens I use when looking for a stock is a company's history of increasing its dividend. Then, I look at the businesses behind the dividend. Enbridge (ENB 0.53%) and NextEra Energy (NEE 0.19%) both come out looking like stocks that dividend investors would want t ...
April Is Here! 3 Stocks to Buy With Your Tax Refund
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-31 16:30
美国纳税日相关 - 4月15日是美国纳税申报截止日期[1] 投资退税支票公司 - Realty Income是一家持续增加股息的房地产公司[3] - Visa的收入预期仍然乐观,分析师预计其净收入将增长[12] - Enbridge是北美最大的天然气公用事业公司,持续增加股息[15]
Is High-Yield Enbridge the Best Energy Stock for You?
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-30 17:30
公司业务 - Enbridge是一家中游公司,主要通过管道、储存和运输资产连接上游和下游,提供可靠的现金流[2][3] - Enbridge是一家收费公司,通过收取管道和其他中游基础设施的使用费来获取收入,与能源价格无关[3] 市场地位 - Enbridge拥有加拿大的大型天然气公用事业,具有垄断地位,但受到监管机构的监管[6][7] 清洁能源资产 - Enbridge还拥有一定程度的清洁能源资产,如欧洲的海上风电场,这将增加公司的EBITDA,但可能不适合寻求纯粹能源投资的投资者[8] 公司愿景 - Enbridge的长期愿景是为全球能源需求提供服务,而不仅仅是成为一家中游公司[9][10]
This 7.5%-Yielding Dividend Stock Has a Powerful Emerging Growth Driver
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-25 17:31
Enbridge可再生能源平台 - Enbridge拥有庞大的可再生能源平台,包括在北美和欧洲运营的5.3千兆瓦容量,足以为570万人提供清洁能源[3] - Enbridge的可再生能源平台虽然规模较小,但公司相信其北美陆上可再生能源和欧洲近海风电平台具有巨大增长潜力[6] - Enbridge计划在未来几年内投资高达每年15亿加元(11亿美元)用于可再生能源开发项目,以增加现金流,为提高股息提供更多支持[10]
Enbridge: Market's Near-Term View Vs. The Long-Term View
Seeking Alpha· 2024-03-20 01:01
abluecup Thesis Enbridge Inc. (NYSE:ENB) has lagged the overall market in recent months (see the next chart below), suffering a price correction of about 4% year-to-date. This article will explain why the market has good reasons for such a correction. My view is that all these reasons are temporary in nature. Thus, ENB now presents a compelling buying opportunity considering several factors in the long term. The price corrections, combined with stable fundamentals, potentially created an attractive entry po ...
Enbridge (ENB) Flat As Market Gains: What You Should Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-19 06:56
Enbridge股价表现 - Enbridge (ENB) 最新收盘价为 $35.52,与前一交易日相比无变化[1] - Enbridge 过去一个月股价上涨了3.2%,而同期 Oils-Energy 行业上涨了4.4%[2] Enbridge财务表现 - Enbridge 即将发布的季度财报显示每股收益预计为 $0.59,较去年同期下降了6.35%[3] - Zacks Consensus Estimates 预测 Enbridge 全年每股收益为 $2.11,营收为 $34.52 亿美元,较去年分别增长了 +1.93% 和 +6.54%[4] Enbridge市场评级 - 分析师对 Enbridge 的预测修订可能反映了最新的短期业务趋势[5] - Zacks Rank 系统显示 Enbridge 目前持有 3 (Hold) 的评级[7] Enbridge估值比较 - Enbridge 目前的前瞻市盈率为 16.83,高于行业平均值 15.26[8] - ENB 目前的 PEG 比率为 3.37,略高于行业平均值 4.31[9] Oil and Gas行业评级 - Oil and Gas - Production and Pipelines 行业的 Zacks Industry Rank 为 175,位于所有 250+ 行业的底部 31%[11] - Zacks Industry Rank 显示评级较高的行业通常表现优于评级较低的行业[12]
The 3 Most Undervalued Infrastructure Stocks to Buy in March 2024
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-14 02:05
It’s a great time to be looking for undervalued infrastructure stocks to buy. There are increasingly pressing matters across the board. From failing water systems to toxic waste sites, crumbling highways and bridges, and dilapidated ports and transportation terminals, it seems likely that the U.S. will up spending considerably to address these concerns. In addition, it’s an election year. We could see new policy proposals around shoring up the nation’s infrastructure while creating new shovel-ready jobs. Fo ...