The Fed Just Lowered Interest Rates. Here's 1 Energy Stock to Buy.
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-20 18:06
文章核心观点 - 美联储降息将为能源行业带来利好 [1] - 降息将降低Enbridge的融资成本,提高其扩张项目的经济可行性 [2][3] - 降息将提高Enbridge的估值,使其股价上涨 [4] - Enbridge预计未来几年内现金流和股息将持续增长 [5][6] 公司概况 - Enbridge是北美最大的能源基础设施公司之一,经营油气管道、天然气公用事业和可再生能源 [2] - Enbridge每年需要大量资金来维护和扩张基础设施 [2] - Enbridge主要通过长期固定利率债务融资,但也有部分浮动利率债务 [2] 降息带来的影响 - 降息将降低Enbridge浮动利率债务的利息支出 [2] - 降息将使Enbridge再融资和新增借款的成本下降 [2][3] - 降低融资成本将提高Enbridge扩张项目的投资回报率,使更多项目变得经济可行 [3] - 降息将提高Enbridge的估值,使其股价上涨 [4] 公司未来前景 - Enbridge预计未来几年内现金流和股息将持续增长 [5] - Enbridge有大量在手项目和收购机会,为未来增长提供动力 [5] - 预计Enbridge未来10年内总回报率将达到10%-12% [6]
1 Magnificent High-Yield Stock Down 14% to Buy and Hold Forever
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-18 17:25
With a robust 6.6% yield, this stock is trailing behind as peers recover. There's a 12 percentage point gap to make up!Share prices of Enbridge (ENB -0.87%) have risen 16% over the past three months as investors reassess the North American midstream giant's future. But that rebound still isn't enough to close the gap with fellow high-yield midstream giant Enterprise Products Partners (EPD -0.57%), which has recovered all its losses from a peak in mid-2022.There's likely to be additional recovery potential w ...
Navigating 21 Enbridge Preferred Shares: High Yield Alternative For Cash Investors
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-16 23:16
GMVozd Investment thesis As interest rates start their way down, it is safe to assume that over the next six to 12 months, investors' commitment to cash will decrease, and they will begin looking for alternative investment opportunities that provide low-risk yield. This transition will move them towards higher-risk assets that pay meaningful dividends. This will be a massive move, as according to the Investment Company Institute, money market funds recently reached US $6.3 trillion. Currently, these fun ...
Enbridge's New Preferred Shares Yield 8.65%, But I'm Not Interested
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-14 23:40
JHVEPhoto Introduction One of the interesting elements of preferred shares in Canada is that some of the issues (and then predominantly preferred equity issued by larger companies) have a conversion component. Within the preferred security spectrum, you generally have two types of preferred shares: Fixed rate and floating rate preferred shares. In Canada, even the floating rate preferred shares generally see preferred dividend rates being locked in for five year stints (i.e. every five years the preferr ...
3 High-Yield Dividend Stocks You Can Buy and Hold for a Decade
The Motley Fool· 2024-09-13 18:00
If you're looking for long-term income as well as income growth, look for businesses we can't live without.If you're looking for high-yield dividend stocks, there's certainly no shortage of them right now. Interest rates are elevated. Dividend yields have followed suit.Finding a dividend stock you can hold confidently for a decade or more, however, is a different story. Too many of them seem to come with a risky downside, including the prospect of interrupted payouts or dividend cuts. You'll want to exercis ...
Enbridge Vacates Gulf of Mexico Platforms as Francine Nears Landfall
ZACKS· 2024-09-11 21:45
Enbridge Inc. (ENB) has withdrawn its staff from several platforms in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico in response to the advancing tropical storm Francine, which is anticipated to cause a landfall in Louisiana. Operations at these platforms are expected to continue via remote operators.Enbridge vacated the South Marsh Island 76, Ship Shoal 207 and Ship Shoal 332 platforms. Notably, the South Marsh Island 76, which connects a natural gas offshore pipeline with a transportation capacity of 1 billion cubic feet per da ...
Enbridge (ENB) Increases Yet Falls Behind Market: What Investors Need to Know
ZACKS· 2024-09-10 06:51
Enbridge (ENB) closed the latest trading day at $40.79, indicating a +0.99% change from the previous session's end. This move lagged the S&P 500's daily gain of 1.16%. Elsewhere, the Dow gained 1.2%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq added 1.16%.Shares of the oil and natural gas transportation and power transmission company witnessed a gain of 3.96% over the previous month, beating the performance of the Oils-Energy sector with its loss of 0.46% and the S&P 500's gain of 3.48%.Market participants will be closely ...
Enbridge: A Fat Pitch 7.0% Yield With A Growth Catalyst
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-04 13:40
文章核心观点 - 公司在第二季度取得了强劲的业绩表现,EBITDA和可分配现金流均实现增长 [1][6] - 公司的核心业务单元,尤其是在Permian地区,正在获得可观的增长动力,为公司可持续的现金流和股息增长奠定基础 [1][6] - 公司在第二季度支持了股息分配,数据中心行业对能源的需求也为公司带来了长期需求动力 [1][8] - 公司股票估值吸引人,未来将为投资者提供稳定的收益 [1] 关键要点总结 公司业务概况 - 公司是一家多元化的能源公司,在北美拥有大量的管道和储存资产 [5] - 公司的核心业务包括液体管道、天然气输送网络、天然气分销和储存以及欧洲的可再生能源业务 [5] 财务表现 - 公司第二季度总EBITDA为43.35亿美元,同比增长8% [6] - 可分配现金流增长3%至28.58亿美元 [6] - 公司在第二季度的股息覆盖率为1.46倍,前六个月为1.62倍,股息支付有保障 [6] 业务驱动因素 - 液体管道业务是公司最主要的EBITDA来源,第二季度贡献24.56亿美元,同比增长1% [6] - 天然气输送业务是第二大EBITDA来源,第二季度贡献10.82亿美元,同比增长5%,主要得益于Permian盆地 [6] - 数据中心行业对能源的需求为公司带来了长期增长动力 [8] 估值分析 - 公司当前的EV/EBITDA估值为11.8倍,略高于行业平均水平,但考虑到公司出色的股息增长记录,该溢价是合理的 [13][14] - 预计公司未来可能交易在13-14倍EV/EBITDA区间,对应合理价值区间为44.40-47.80美元 [14] 风险因素 - 联邦监管政策对化石燃料行业的限制可能影响公司的现金流和股息增长 [16] - 如果公司放缓股息增长或股息覆盖能力下降,可能会改变对公司的看法 [16]
Enbridge: Operating Leverage And Secular Tailwinds Secure Dividend Sustainability
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-04 11:31
文章核心观点 - 公司近期财务表现强劲,收入和每股收益均超出预期 [4] - 公司资产负债表健康,现金储备充足,总债务低于市值 [10] - 公司资本配置策略稳健,保持财务实力和灵活性,同时维持可持续的股东回报 [13] - 公司受益于天然气需求增长和LNG出口市场的繁荣 [15][16] - 公司估值合理,股息率具有吸引力且安全 [18][23][24] 行业和公司概况 - 公司是北美最大的管输公司,在天然气基础设施和LNG出口方面具有优势地位 [15][16] - 公司业务多元化,包括管道运输、天然气输送和储存、可再生能源等 [5][6][7] - 公司受益于能源需求增长和数字化革命带来的机遇 [15] 财务表现 - 收入和每股收益均实现同比增长 [4] - 分部业务表现良好,天然气输送和储存、天然气分销等业务贡献突出 [8] - 现金流充沛,资产负债表健康,财务实力较强 [9][10] 资本配置和股东回报 - 保持资产负债表强健是首要目标 [13] - 维持可持续的股息增长,派息率控制在60%-70%之间 [13] - 有充足的投资能力,将资金部署到收益稳定的项目 [14] 行业趋势和公司前景 - 受益于天然气需求增长和LNG出口市场的繁荣 [15][16] - 公司在能源转型中的地位重要,有望持续受益 [15] 估值分析 - 公司估值合理,股息率具有吸引力且安全 [18][23][24] - 存在一定的短期下行风险,但长期前景依然看好 [25][26][27]
3 Best Dividend Stocks to Buy as Interest Rates Fall
MarketBeat· 2024-09-03 19:08
The stock market and the economy frequently move in different directions. So, when you hear that the Federal Reserve is getting ready to lower interest rates, likely as early as September, it’s important to understand the interplay between inflation and employment.  In this case, one of the catalysts for a decelerating inflation rate is a ticking up in unemployment. This has the added consequence of reducing labor cost pressures. Add it all up, and consumers are facing prices that continue to rise, albeit m ...