Dollar Tree Falls on Earnings Miss, Store Closings, and Lower-Than-Expected Guidance
Investopedia· 2024-03-13 21:25
Dollar Tree门店关闭计划 - Dollar Tree计划关闭600家Family Dollar门店和400家Dollar Tree门店[2] - Dollar Tree宣布将在未来几年关闭1000家Family Dollar和Dollar Tree门店[6] Dollar Tree财务状况 - Dollar Tree第四季度盈利不及分析师预期[1] - Dollar Tree在第四季度录得超过26.1亿美元的费用,包括商誉减值费用和近6亿美元的门店组合审查费用[4] - Dollar Tree在2024财年预计销售额将达到310亿至320亿美元,全年每股收益为6.70至7.30美元[10]
DLTR Stock Alert: Dollar Tree Plans to Close 1,000 Stores
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-13 21:25
公司业绩 - 公司在第四季度亏损17亿美元,每股亏损7.85美元,营收为86亿美元,导致全年每股亏损4.55美元[2] - DLTR股价在这些业绩公布后下跌了7.5%,今天早盘开盘价为每股129.50美元,市值略超过300亿美元,隔夜交易中跌幅约为13%[3] - 公司计划在6月底前关闭600家Family Dollar门店,未来几年随着租约到期将关闭另外370家,还将关闭30家Dollar Tree门店,为此公司计提了26亿美元的“减值损失”[5] 法律问题 - Dollar Tree与美国司法部就其位于孟菲斯外的仓库涉及的指控达成和解,Family Dollar因仓库存在老鼠疫情被罚4160万美元,这是食品安全案件中迄今为止最大的罚款[4] 公司战略 - Dollar Tree在2014年收购了Family Dollar,此前曾与竞争对手Dollar General进行了长时间的争夺[5] - Dollar Tree任命首席运营官Mike Creedon,一位前Advance Auto Parts的高管,担任负责商品销售和供应链的扩展职务[10] 市场趋势 - Placer.AI数据显示,2023年圣诞季Family Dollar的客流量增长不明显,而Dollar Tree的客流量增长了15%[6] - Dollar General和Dollar Tree两家公司有所不同,Dollar Tree大部分商品售价约为1美元,其门店多位于中产阶级社区,而Family Dollar则主要位于低收入地区[9] 媒体关注 - 近年来,美国的“一美元店”引起争议,批评者认为它们导致了“食品荒漠”,一些社区已经采取措施限制这些店铺,但Placer.ai称这些店铺仍然受欢迎,客流量强劲[8] - Dollar Tree股价在年初业绩公布前上涨了5%,而Dollar General上涨了18%,去年Dollar General也遇到了困难,导致前CEO Todd Vasos回归[7] 未来展望 - 目前尚不清楚Dollar Tree是否会继续保留Family Dollar品牌,或者完全放弃,后者可能会提振DLTR股价[11]
Dollar Tree (DLTR) Lags Q4 Earnings and Revenue Estimates
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-13 20:46
Dollar Tree第四季度财报 - Dollar Tree (DLTR)第四季度每股收益为2.55美元,低于Zacks Consensus Estimate的2.67美元[1] - Dollar Tree第四季度营收为86.4亿美元,低于Zacks Consensus Estimate[3] - Dollar Tree股价自年初以来上涨了约5.4%[4] Dollar Tree盈利预期 - Dollar Tree的盈利预期将影响股价走势[5] - Dollar Tree的盈利预期与股价走势之间存在强烈相关性[6] - Dollar Tree的盈利预期变化对股价表现有影响[7] - Dollar Tree下一季度和当前财年的盈利预期[8] 行业比较 - 行业前景对公司股价表现有重要影响[9] - 同行公司Dollar General (DG)即将发布第四季度财报[10] - Dollar General预计第四季度每股收益为1.74美元,同比下降41.2%[11]
Dollar Tree(DLTR) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-03-13 19:56
业绩总结 - 公司2023财年可比店铺销售额在不同类别中呈现出不同的增长趋势,其中消费品类的增长率最高,为10.5%[6] - 公司2023财年销售预计为310亿至320亿美元,Dollar Tree和Family Dollar的可比销售增长率分别为低至中单位数和大单位数[28] - 公司2023财年每平方英尺销售额保持稳定,Family Dollar为$191至$234,Dollar Tree为$212至$234[11] 未来展望 - 预计2024财年销售预计为310亿至320亿美元,Dollar Tree和Family Dollar的可比销售增长率分别为低至中单位数和大单位数[28] - 预计2024财年EPS将受到约0.30至0.35美元的不利影响,主要来自于2023财年上半年的收缩和混合[29] - 预计2024财年将从关闭表现不佳的Family Dollar门店中获得约0.15美元的EPS收益,主要集中在下半年[30] 新产品和新技术研发 - 2024年预计进口量将主要由一年期合同和多年期合同组成[23] - 多年期合同的比例为54%,将持续到2025年[24] 市场扩张和并购 - 公司2023财年第四季度计划关闭约970家表现不佳的Family Dollar门店,其中约600家将在2024财年上半年关闭[34] - 在2023财年第四季度,公司对Family Dollar商标的净值进行了评估,结果显示其净值超过了估计的公允价值,导致在2023财年第四季度确认了9.5亿美元的减值损失[35]
Dollar Tree posts a disappointing Q4 earnings report
Invezz· 2024-03-13 19:09
Dollar Tree Inc is down 8.0% in premarket on Wednesday after reporting disappointing financial results for the fourth quarter.This is a developing story. Figures missing below will be updated as received! The stock is being punished also because the discount retailer issued muted guidance for the future. $DLTR forecasts $6.70 to $7.30 of per-share earnings this year on up to $32 billion in net sales.Analysts, in comparison, were at and billion, respectively. Rick Dreiling – the chief executive of Dollar Tre ...
Dollar Tree, Inc. Reports Results for the Fourth Quarter Fiscal 2023
Businesswire· 2024-03-13 18:30
公司业绩 - Dollar Tree, Inc.在2024年第四季度报告了财务业绩,净销售额为86.32亿美元,较去年同期增长11.8%[33] - 公司调整后的毛利润增长了19.8%,达到28.6亿美元,毛利率扩大了220个基点至33.1%[7] - Dollar Tree, Inc.在2023年第四季度的净收入(GAAP)为-1709.8百万美元,经调整后的净收入为555.7百万美元[2] 新店开设 - 公司在2024年第四季度开设了219家新店,全年新店开设达到641家[2] - Dollar Tree在过去一年内开设了146家新店,Family Dollar开设了73家新店[41] 资产情况 - 公司的总资产为220.23亿美元,总负债为147.1亿美元,股东权益为73.13亿美元[38] 财务指标 - 公司披露了自由现金流,这是一个非GAAP财务指标,用于衡量公司从业务运营中产生的现金量[47] - Dollar Tree, Inc.在2023年第四季度的调整后稀释每股收益为2.55美元,相比之下,稀释每股收益(GAAP)为-7.85美元[3]
Stay Ahead of the Game With Dollar Tree (DLTR) Q4 Earnings: Wall Street's Insights on Key Metrics
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-08 23:16
The upcoming report from Dollar Tree (DLTR) is expected to reveal quarterly earnings of $2.67 per share, indicating an increase of 30.9% compared to the year-ago period. Analysts forecast revenues of $8.67 billion, representing an increase of 12.4% year over year.Over the past 30 days, the consensus EPS estimate for the quarter has been adjusted downward by 0.4% to its current level. This demonstrates the covering analysts' collective reassessment of their initial projections during this period.Prior to a c ...
Dollar Tree Stock Rallying Ahead of Earnings
Schaeffers Research· 2024-03-08 02:58
Earnings season is about to start winding down, though a handful of retailers are still slated to report next week. Dollar Tree Inc (NASDAQ:DLTR) will announce its fourth-quarter results before the open Wednesday, Mar. 13. Dollar Tree stock closed half of its last eight post-earnings sessions higher, including a 4.4% pop this past November. The security has averaged an 8.9% swing, regardless of direction, over these past two years. This time around, the options pits are pricing in a next-day swing of 10.6%. ...
Here's Why Dollar Tree (DLTR) is Poised for Q4 Earnings Beat
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-08 02:46
Dollar Tree, Inc. (DLTR) is likely to register top-line growth when it reports fourth-quarter fiscal 2023 results on Mar 13, before market open. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for revenues is pegged at $8.7 billion, indicating an improvement of 12.4% from the prior-year quarter’s reported figure.The bottom line of the operator of discount variety retail stores is expected to have increased year over year. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for fiscal fourth-quarter earnings is pegged at $2.68 per share, suggesting ...
Why Earnings Season Could Be Great for Dollar Tree (DLTR)
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-07 22:35
DLTR财报预期 - Dollar Tree, Inc. (DLTR) 即将发布财报,投资者寻找可能超越预期的股票[1] - 分析师最近调高了DLTR的盈利预期,这通常是盈利超预期的前兆[2] - DLTR当前季度的最准确盈利预期为每股2.72美元,高于更广泛的Zacks共识预期2.68美元[3] DLTR股票潜力 - 具有正面Zacks盈利ESP和Zacks排名3或更好的股票,近10年的回测显示,正面Zacks盈利ESP的股票几乎70%的时间会有正面的盈利惊喜,并且平均年回报率超过28%[4] - DLTR具有Zacks排名3和正面ESP,投资者可能要在财报发布前考虑这只股票[5] DLTR未来前景 - 最近的盈利预期修订表明DLTR未来前景看好,可能会在即将发布的财报中取得好成绩[6]