Why DuPont Stock Is Falling Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-25 00:09
Chemicals giant DuPont de Nemours (DD -12.67%) is seeing demand soften, both from Western industrial customers and from China. That's impacting earnings, and investors are not happy. Shares of DuPont traded down 12% as of 10:30 a.m. ET Wednesday after the company released preliminary year-end results. Are DuPont customers scaling back? DuPont isn't scheduled to release final fourth-quarter numbers until Feb. 6. But on Wednesday, the company said it expects to earn between $0.85 and $0.87 per share in the qu ...
DuPont warns of 1Q sales hit due to weak Chinese demand
Proactive Investors· 2024-01-24 22:52
Proactive团队 - Angela Harmantas是Proactive的编辑,拥有超过15年的股票市场报道经验,特别关注初级资源股[2] - Proactive的金融新闻团队遍布全球主要金融和投资中心,拥有办事处和工作室[4] - Proactive团队专注于中小市值市场,同时也关注蓝筹公司、大宗商品和更广泛的投资故事[5] - Proactive团队提供市场新闻和独特见解,涵盖生物技术和制药、矿业和自然资源、电池金属、石油和天然气、加密货币以及新兴数字和电动车技术等领域[6]
DuPont Announces Preliminary Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2023 Results and Provides Initial First Quarter 2024 Outlook
Prnewswire· 2024-01-24 19:45
Schedules Quarterly Earnings Conference Call for February 6, 2024 WILMINGTON, Del., Jan. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DuPont (NYSE: DD) today announced preliminary financial results(1) for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2023, provided an initial outlook for the first quarter of 2024 and scheduled its fourth quarter 2023 quarterly earnings conference call. Preliminary Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2023 Results 4Q'23 (Preliminary) FY'23 (Preliminary) Net sales ~$2.90 billion ~$12.07 billion GA ...
DuPont and Point Blank Enterprises Announce Exclusive Partnership for DuPont™ Kevlar® EXO™
Prnewswire· 2024-01-23 04:00
New relationship will deliver an unmatched combination of protection, lightweight and flexibility in body armor for law enforcement personnel, powered by Kevlar® EXO™ WILMINGTON, Del., Jan. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DuPont (NYSE: DD) and Point Blank Enterprises (PBE), a global leader in protective solutions for military and law enforcement professionals today announced an exclusive agreement to offer body armor made with Kevlar® EXO™ aramid fiber for North America State and Local Law Enforcement departments. ...
DuPont Gets Double-Downgraded and Dow Upgraded. The Stock Reactions Are Odd.
Barrons· 2024-01-17 01:19
Investors typically like it when stocks catch an upgrade. Similarly, a downgrade can send shares lower. That isn’t exactly how things are working out for U.S. chemical stocks after ratings changes from BofA Securities. ...
Here's Why You Should Add DuPont (DD) to Your Portfolio Now
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-16 22:47
DuPont de Nemours, Inc. (DD) is benefiting from innovation-driven investment and its productivity and pricing actions. We are positive on the company’s prospects and believe that the time is right for you to add the stock to portfolio as it looks promising and is poised to carry the momentum ahead. Let’s take a look into the factors that make this Zacks Rank #2 (Buy) stock an attractive choice for investors right now. Healthy Growth Prospects The Zacks Consensus Estimate for earnings for 2024 for DuPont is ...
DuPont™ Tedlar® Scholarship Awarded to STEM Students through SPE Foundation Sponsorship Program
Prnewswire· 2024-01-10 22:00
WILMINGTON, Del., Jan. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DuPont™ Tedlar® and the SPE (Society of Plastic Engineers) Foundation announced that two students have been awarded the DuPont™ Tedlar® Scholarship for academic study focused on plastics engineering. Each scholarship recipient received $2,500 to support their studies in STEM. The scholarships are part of a year-long partnership between DuPont™ Tedlar® and SPE to support the Foundation's three-pronged approach to enrich and develop the future workforce for plas ...
Here's Why You Should Hold Onto DuPont (DD) Stock for Now
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-08 22:01
公司业务发展 - 杜邦公司专注于通过创新和新产品开发推动增长。其创新驱动的投资集中在几个高增长领域。公司致力于从研发投资中获得回报[5] - 公司还在管理其投资组合,旨在创造价值。它正在剥离非核心资产,以更专注于高增长、高利润的业务[9] 收购与市场定位 - 公司于2023年8月完成了从AEA Investors以17.5亿美元收购领先的特种医疗器械和组件制造商Spectrum Plastics Group的交易。这家收购的企业每年销售额约为5亿美元,已整合到电子与工业部门的工业解决方案业务中[6] - 收购加强了杜邦在稳定和快速增长的医疗保健终端市场中的现有地位。这也符合其专注于医疗市场高增长、以客户为导向的创新的战略。预计Spectrum的加入将提升电子与工业部门的收入[7] 成本控制与生产力提升 - 杜邦正在从成本协同效应节省和提高生产力的行动中受益。其结构性成本行动正在为其底线做出贡献。公司还在成本通胀的情况下继续实施战略性价格上涨。这些行动可能支持其业绩。杜邦还计划进一步的重组行动,并预计这些行动将从2024年第一季度开始实现节省[8] 市场挑战与预期影响 - 杜邦的水业务受到中国经济放缓的阻力。由于中国工业经济放缓和库存去库存导致的需求疲软,其水解决方案业务预计在2023年第四季度销售将有所减少[10] - 公司正在看到互连解决方案的复苏,但该业务在短期内仍受到消费电子支出的影响。互连解决方案在第三季度有机销售同比下降了11%,部分原因是消费电子体积减少和库存去库存。第四季度智能手机、个人计算和平板电脑需求疲软可能会对该业务的销量产生影响[12]
DuPont(DD) - 2023 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2023-11-02 00:00
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第三季度净销售额为31亿美元,同比下降8%,主要由于半导体和建筑终端市场需求下降以及渠道库存去库存的影响 [2][5] - 第三季度营业EBITDA为7.75亿美元,同比下降9%,主要由于销量下降和产能利用率下降,部分被原材料、物流和能源成本下降以及收购Spectrum的带来的收益抵消 [5][6] - 第三季度调整后每股收益为0.92美元,同比增长12%,主要得益于股票回购和利息费用下降 [6] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 电子与工业(E&I)业务第三季度销售额为14亿美元,同比下降9%,主要由于半导体和互连解决方案业务销量下降 [7] - 水与保护(W&P)业务第三季度销售额为14亿美元,同比下降8%,主要由于安全解决方案和水处理解决方案业务销量下降 [8] - 保留业务和公司业务第三季度销售额同比增长1%,主要得益于汽车粘合剂业务的中高单位数增长 [39][40] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 第三季度亚太、北美和欧洲地区销售额有机增长分别下降12%、10%和2% [5] - 中国销售额有机下降16%,但电子与工业业务在中国的销售额环比有所改善,连续三个季度同比下降幅度收窄 [5] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司完成了Spectrum收购,并宣布完成Delrin业务的出售,这有助于公司优化业务组合,提高资本回报 [4] - 公司计划进一步实施150百万美元的年度成本节约计划,主要涉及固定成本和管理费用,以应对当前的市场环境 [4][42] - 公司预计电子行业的需求将在2024年复苏,PC出货量和智能手机出货量有望实现中个位数增长,服务器需求也将逐步改善 [4] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层表示,尽管面临当前的销量下行压力,但公司有信心主要终端市场长期增长前景良好,将为公司的价值创造奠定基础 [4] - 管理层认为当前的经济环境可能已经进入衰退,正在采取保守的管理策略应对 [73] - 管理层预计,随着渠道库存去化基本完成,公司业务将在2024年上半年开始恢复增长 [12][42] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Jeff Sprague 提问** 公司如何评估自身的销售情况与终端客户的销售情况?公司还需要进一步调整产能和库存吗? [10][11][12] **Ed Breen 回答** 公司对分销商和直销客户的销售情况进行了详细分析,发现分销商的销售下降幅度明显高于直销客户。公司预计分销商的库存去化将持续到2024年第一季度,之后情况会快速好转。公司也在继续调整产能和库存以适应当前的市场环境。 [10][11][12][13] 问题2 **Scott Davis 提问** 公司如何看待未来的定价策略,特别是在通胀环境下? [22][23][24] **Ed Breen 回答** 公司在2024年的定价策略是,尽量保持现有水平,不会大幅上涨。水与保护业务可能会有一些让步,以保持市场份额。电子与工业业务则会维持基本持平。公司还将继续努力控制成本,以抵消部分价格压力。 [22][23][24] 问题3 **Steve Tusa 提问** 公司是否已经进入经济衰退? [32][33][34][35] **Ed Breen 回答** 管理层认为,从一些经济指标来看,公司可能已经进入经济衰退。公司一直在采取保守的管理策略应对,即使经济环境没有恶化,这些措施也能帮助公司做好准备。 [32][33][34][35]
DuPont(DD) - 2023 Q3 - Quarterly Report
2023-11-02 00:00
UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-Q ☑ QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 September 30, 2023 For the quarterly period ended or ☐ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 Commission file number: 001-38196 DUPONT DE NEMOURS, INC. (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) Delaware 81-1224539 State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization (I ...