Carvana (CVNA)
This stock came back from dead with an 800% surge
Finbold· 2024-03-04 17:54
The stock market can be harsh and unforgiving, yet it also presents opportunities for remarkable turnarounds. Carvana (NYSE: CVNA) is a prime example. Despite Carvana teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, CVNA stock has staged an incredible comeback, soaring by over 800% in the past year. CVNA 1-year stock price chart. Source: Google Finance The company currently carries a significant debt load of $6.3 billion and trades at a 110x price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio. Simultaneously, default rates on car loans have ...
After Skyrocketing 800% in the Past 12 Months, Is It Time to Buy Carvana Stock?
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-03 03:33
To say that Carvana (CVNA 9.26%) shareholders have had a bumpy ride would be putting it lightly. The online used car retailer saw its shares skyrocket in the first four years after it hit the public markets in 2017, with the market cap reaching $31 billion in August 2021. But macroeconomic headwinds that started in 2022 crushed the business, and the automotive retail stock cratered. Through 2022 and 2023, the stock dropped 77%, There's a renewed sense of hope, though. Carvana stock soared 800% from Feb. 27, ...
Earnings Seasons Score Card: 4 Stock Superstars and 3 That Fell Short
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-29 00:57
Earnings season for the fourth quarter of calendar 2023 is coming to a close. Clear winners and losers are emerging from the reports. The stocks behind them react dramatically to the results and investor portfolios get violently jostled by the prints. While Wall Street and Main Street were surprised by many of the reports, overall this has been a strong earnings season. Nearly 80% of companies listed in the benchmark S&P 500 index reported their results with three-quarters announcing better-than-expected pr ...
Carvana Expands West Coast Footprint with Newest Car Vending Machine in San Diego
Businesswire· 2024-02-28 22:00
Carvana汽车自动售货机 - Carvana在圣地亚哥推出了最新的汽车自动售货机[1] - 客户可以选择在汽车自动售货机取车或者送货上门[2] - Carvana的使命是改变人们购买和销售汽车的方式[4]
Kerrisdale Capital Slams Carvana (CVNA) Stock in New Short Report
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-27 04:34
Carvana空头报告 - Kerrisdale Capital发布了对Carvana的空头报告,指出Carvana存在盈利路径不明朗、估值过高、高息债务等问题[5],[6] - 尽管Kerrisdale认为CVNA股价目前被高估,但市场仍然相信公司管理团队正在扭转局面,零售投资者支持度高[7] - Carvana股价在空头报告发布后上涨,零售投资者目前处于优势地位,未来几个月将会是CVNA股票的关键时期[4],[7]
Carvana (CVNA) Q4 Loss Wider Than Expected, Revenues Fall Y/Y
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-26 23:11
财务表现 - Carvana Co. (CVNA)在2023年第四季度每股亏损1美元,超过了Zacks Consensus预估的95美分的亏损,也高于去年同期的97美分每股亏损[1] - 总毛利润达到4.02亿美元,同比增长108%。每单位总毛利润(GPU)为5,283美元,同比增长138.1%,超过我们预估的5,084美元[2] - 零售车辆销售额在该季度达到17.7亿美元,同比下降14%,未达到我们预估的18.8亿美元,主要是因为销售量低于预期。零售客户销售的车辆数量同比下降12.5%,至76,090辆,未达到我们预估的79,824辆[3] - 批发车辆销售额在第四季度达到4.99亿美元,同比下降21.2%,未达到我们的预测值。毛利润为4,000万美元,较2022年同期翻倍,但未达到我们的预估值[4] 资产状况 - Carvana截至2023年12月31日的现金及现金等价物为5.3亿美元,长期债务为54亿美元[7] 未来展望 - 公司预计2024年第一季度将实现超过1亿美元的调整后EBITDA[8] - Carvana预计批发和其他GPU在1-3月期间将有顺序增长,零售GPU预计与2023年第四季度相当[9]
DTC Doom-and-Gloom? 3 Direct-to-Consumer Brands That May Not Survive.
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-26 19:43
DTC品牌 - DTC品牌受到成本上涨、供应链中断和竞争加剧的压力[1] - DTC品牌依赖于强劲的消费者信心和支出,但通货膨胀仍在影响人们的消费[2] - 宏观经济环境的不确定性,包括巴拿马和苏伊士运河的问题,可能导致更多的供应链中断,对DTC股票构成风险[3] Etsy - Etsy是一家运营在线市场的公司,2020年收入增长111%,但由于通货膨胀影响,增长已降至个位数[4] - Etsy在第四季度财报中,收入略有超出预期,但盈利低于华尔街的估计[5] Carvana - Carvana是美国的二手车电商平台,受半导体短缺影响,其收入去年同比增长129%,净亏损减少21%[7] - Carvana的收入在2023年持续下降,股价却超过了大多数其他股票,公司估值过高,股价自2024年初以来一直下跌[10] Fisker - Fisker是一家电动汽车初创公司,2023年交付了4200辆车辆,但股价下跌了75%,由于电动车市场放缓,难以看到像Fisker这样的初创公司如何在竞争激烈的市场中成功[13]
Carvana's bonds gain along with stock but high debt levels remain a worry
Market Watch· 2024-02-24 02:52
盈利表现 - Carvana Co. 在第四季度的盈利表现出人意料,虽然亏损超出预期,营收也低于预期,但公司报告显示每单位毛利润创下历史新高,预计调整后的 Ebitda 在第一季度将超过1亿美元,好于 FactSet 一月底的预期[2] 债务交换 - Carvana Co. 在去年八月成功进行了债务交换,将大部分到期时间推迟至2030年和2031年,使得公司的到期债务结构变得更加可控[5] - Carvana Co. 的债券持有人通过债务交换成功减少了12亿美元的债务,并在两年内减少了超过4.3亿美元的现金利息支出,这一举措得到了主要债权人 Apollo Global Management Inc.、PIMCO、Ares 和一群持有人的支持[7][8]
Carvana Stock Surges After Reporting First Annual Profit, Bullish Outlook
Investopedia· 2024-02-24 02:36
分组1 - Carvana股价飙升,因为该在线二手车零售商发布了其首次年度盈利,并发表了乐观的展望[1][3] - 公司报告2023年净收入为1.5亿美元,而去年亏损约28.9亿美元[4] 分组2 - Carvana通过重新谈判债务和减少库存来削减成本[2] - Carvana去年削减了11亿美元的年化销售、一般和行政费用[5]
Carvana stock surges on first annual profit, pair of analyst upgrades
CNBC· 2024-02-24 00:37
Carvana业绩 - Carvana在2023年首次实现年度盈利,净利润达4.5亿美元,相比2022年的15.9亿美元亏损[1] - 公司每辆车的总毛利润超过了一年前的2,219美元,达到了5,283美元[4] - 公司在财报中指出,整体汽车销售环境仍不确定,但预计在2024年第一季度和全年将增长零售销售单位[5] Carvana股票评级 - Raymond James的分析师将股票评级升级为"市场表现",强调了鼓舞人心的GPU趋势,认为投资者情绪与Carvana的长期市场潜力更加契合[6] - William Blair的分析师也将Carvana的评级升级为"表现优异",认为公司的利润增长和单位增长使其"现在准备迎来进一步突破",并对2024年的预测表示乐观[7] Carvana发展计划 - 公司在疫情高峰期后,通过减少库存和开支,成功实现业务复苏,股价也因此飙升[2] - Carvana目前正处于三步重组计划的第二步,旨在实现调整后的EBITDA平衡,推动业务实现显著的正向单车经济,并恢复增长[3] - 公司CEO在CNBC上表示,尽管去年增长和盈利,Carvana仍专注于当前库存,未来将致力于扩大库存以提供更多选择,为客户提供最简单的体验、最优惠的价格和最佳的选择[8]