The Rise of LoRa and LoRaWAN IoT Market: A $32.7 billion Industry Dominated by Tech Giants - Bosch Group (Germany), Cisco (US) | MarketsandMarkets™
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-06-28 22:00
文章核心观点 - 全球LoRa和LoRaWAN物联网市场预计从2024年的80亿美元增长到2029年的327亿美元,年复合增长率(CAGR)为32.4% [1] 市场动态 驱动因素 - 对低功耗、长距离、广域网络连接的需求上升 - 物联网技术的进步 - 对成本效率的关注增加 [2] 限制因素 - 数据安全和隐私问题 - 高初始部署成本 - 互操作性问题 [2] 机会 - 全球范围内增加的智慧城市倡议 - 与5G的整合 [2] 关键参与者 - Bosch Group (德国) - Cisco (美国) - Orange SA (法国) - Comcast Corporation (美国) - Semtech (美国) - NEC Corporation(日本) - Tata Communications (印度) - AWS (美国) - Advantech (台湾) - SK Telecom (韩国) [2] 市场优势 - LoRaWAN在未授权频段中运营,代表其广泛采用和市场增长的显著优势。与需要特定许可证或监管批准的授权频段不同,未授权频段允许LoRaWAN在全球范围内部署,无需特定许可证或监管批准。这种监管自由促进了LoRaWAN网络在各地区和国家的快速部署,加速了全球物联网市场的扩张。此外,缺乏监管约束促进了物联网解决方案提供商和网络运营商之间的创新和竞争,降低了部署成本,培育了基于LoRa的产品和服务动态生态系统 [2] 硬件市场 - LoRaWAN硬件,包括传感器、系统级芯片(SoC)和网络网关,对于推动物联网解决方案的广泛采用至关重要。LoRa技术集成的传感器提供成本效益高、长距离连接和能源效率,赋能农业、智慧城市和工业自动化等领域的多样化传感应用。与LoRaWAN网络网关配对时,这些传感器为可扩展的物联网部署奠定了基础,促进了设备通信和集中数据收集。作为传感器和云基础设施之间的中间链接,LoRaWAN网关收集并转发传感器数据到云平台进行进一步处理和分析 [3] 网络部署 - 混合网络段预计在预测期间将保持较高的增长率。混合网络代表了组织通过结合公共和私有基础设施优化其物联网部署的战略方法。私有网络在混合设置中赋予组织对其物联网生态系统的更大定制和控制。这种控制扩展到网络配置,组织可以微调数据速率、传输功率和信道分配等参数,以适应其独特的环境和应用需求。此外,私有网络允许组织实施定制的安全策略,包括加密标准、访问控制和认证机制,确保敏感数据的强大保护。私有网络提供精细的数据管理功能,使组织能够定义数据保留策略,实施数据聚合和过滤规则,并与后端系统无缝集成。通过利用混合设置中私有网络的灵活性和可重配置性,组织可以在定制和覆盖之间找到最佳平衡,最终推动其物联网部署的效率、安全性和创新 [6] 地区市场 - 北美预计在预测期间将占据最大的市场份额。北美对高效城市基础设施管理的迫切需求,涵盖交通、能源、废物和公共安全部门,是推动LoRaWAN等物联网技术快速采用的强大驱动力。北美各地的城市正面临人口增长、基础设施老化和可持续发展目标带来的挑战,促使转向数据驱动的实时监控和优化解决方案。LoRaWAN的成本效益、可扩展和长距离连接能力使其成为在广阔的城市景观中部署传感器网络的理想选择,使市政当局能够收集可操作的洞察并优化运营。在交通管理、停车管理和智能街道照明等应用中,LoRaWAN支持交通监控,增强移动性并减少拥堵。同样,在能源管理中,LoRaWAN使公用事业公司能够更有效地监控和管理电网基础设施,促进能源节约和电网韧性。废物管理通过LoRaWAN启用的垃圾箱传感器优化收集路线,降低成本并提高环境可持续性。此外,LoRaWAN在通过智能监控、环境监测和紧急响应系统增强公共安全方面的应用进一步强调了其在推动北美城市环境中物联网增长的重要性。随着城市优先考虑效率、可持续性和韧性,对用于城市基础设施管理的LoRaWAN解决方案的需求有望激增,为整个大陆的物联网市场扩张做出贡献 [7][8]
Cisco Systems (CSCO) Rises Higher Than Market: Key Facts
ZACKS· 2024-06-28 06:50
The most recent trading session ended with Cisco Systems (CSCO) standing at $47.45, reflecting a +1.26% shift from the previouse trading day's closing. The stock's performance was ahead of the S&P 500's daily gain of 0.09%. At the same time, the Dow added 0.09%, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq gained 0.3%.The seller of routers, switches, software and services's stock has climbed by 1.69% in the past month, falling short of the Computer and Technology sector's gain of 6.18% and the S&P 500's gain of 3.38%.The upco ...
Dividend Harvesting Portfolio Week 173: $17,300 Allocated, $1,540.02 In Projected Dividends
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-27 21:00
文章核心观点 - 科技股领涨市场,微软、苹果和英伟达等公司争夺市场地位 [1] - 基于人工智能基础设施的能源需求增加,公司增加了对Enbridge、Kinder Morgan和Cohen & Steers Infrastructure Fund的投资 [13][14] - 预计当联储开始降息时,许多公司将会表现良好 [17] 行业总结 科技行业 - 科技股领涨市场,微软、苹果和英伟达等公司争夺市场地位 [1] - 公司需要增加对科技公司的投资以获得资本增值 [10] 能源和基础设施行业 - 基于人工智能基础设施的能源需求增加,公司增加了对Enbridge、Kinder Morgan和Cohen & Steers Infrastructure Fund的投资 [13][14] - Enbridge是北美最大的公用事业公司,拥有大量管道基础设施,将受益于数据中心需求增加 [13] - Kinder Morgan也将受益于数据中心和能源需求的增加 [14] - Cohen & Steers Infrastructure Fund是一个多元化的基础设施投资基金 [14] 宏观经济 - 预计当联储开始降息时,许多公司将会表现良好 [17]
Cisco is 'very optimistic' about its expanding business with China EVs
CNBC· 2024-06-25 17:37
DALIAN, China — Cisco is "very optimistic" about its growing business with Chinese electric car companies as they expand overseas, the company's Greater China head told CNBC on Tuesday.The EV segment is the U.S. tech giant's second-largest for the region — Cisco generates most of its revenue in Greater China from manufacturing companies, and within that, electric cars form the largest category, said Ming Wong, vice president and CEO of Cisco Greater China.Chinese EV-makers have ramped up their global expans ...
3 Stocks to Snag While the Analysts Snooze
Investor Place· 2024-06-24 18:00
For many retail investors, it comes down to either buying index funds, mutual funds or exchange-traded funds. Beyond that, the individual investors who go looking for the best stocks to buy come across the stocks that get the most analytical attention. This doesn’t mean, however, that stocks with less analyst attention are not worthy investments.On the contrary, sometimes the most lucrative stocks to buy are those that fly quietly under the radar while gaining naturally from growing business or improved fin ...
Focused On Income? 3 Deep Value Stocks To Add To Your Portfolio
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-23 21:00
JamesBrey Introduction When I talk to my military friends about dividend investing, they always seem to brush off the idea of it, instead electing to invest in physical properties. To me, investing for income is much easier than spending most of your time managing properties. While it may seem boring for some, I find it to be very exciting, especially when you get to scoop up great dividend stocks at attractive bargains. And as a result of higher interest rates, there are some quality companies you can ...
Cisco Becomes Official Partner of the LA28 Olympic & Paralympic Games and Team USA
Prnewswire· 2024-06-21 00:00
Cisco Will Build Upon Its Olympic & Paralympic Legacy as the Official Network Equipment Partner of the LA28 GamesNews Summary: Cisco has announced a partnership with the LA28 Olympic and Paralympic Games and Team USA to serve as the Official Network Equipment Partner. Cisco will build on its long-standing history with the Olympic and Paralympic Games to not only deliver secure connectivity through its industry-leading networking infrastructure, but also positively impact the city of Los Angeles and people ...
Cisco Has Been Dead Money, But I Think It's A Steal At 52-Week Lows Yielding 3.5%
Seeking Alpha· 2024-06-19 21:00
文章核心观点 - Cisco Systems (CSCO)曾是互联网建设的重要参与者,也曾是全球最大的公司之一,有望成为首家市值超过1万亿美元的公司[1] - 但CSCO从巅峰时期一路下滑,股价从未恢复到互联网泡沫时期的高位[1] - 尽管CSCO提高了盈利能力、实施了强劲的股息增长计划并大量回购股票,但仍未能重拾往日荣光[1] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 CSCO的发展历程 - CSCO从2000财年的189.3亿美元营收,到2023财年达到570亿美元的年化营收,业务规模大幅增长[1] - 但CSCO的股价从未重返互联网泡沫时期的高位[1] CSCO的业务表现 - CSCO已成功将收入结构多元化,服务业务占比达到24.39%[7] - CSCO通过收购Splunk,进一步拓展了安全和云计算能力,为客户提供更多价值[7] - 随着机器学习和人工智能的发展,CSCO有望从硬件升级和数据中心建设中获益[8] CSCO的财务状况 - CSCO的资产负债表健康,现金和短期投资达262.3亿美元,净债务为136.9亿美元[6] - CSCO保持了强劲的盈利能力,毛利率64.65%,营业利润率26.76%,净利润率21.88%,自由现金流率22.42%[9] - CSCO积极回馈股东,过去10年累计回购了21%的股份,并连续12年增加派息,年增长率达5.67%[11][13] CSCO的估值 - CSCO当前市盈率仅为12.33倍,相比未来3年的高单位数增长来说估值较低[9][10] - 分析师预计CSCO在2026财年每股收益将达3.7美元,按此计算市盈率仅为11.92倍,非常吸引[10]
Here is What to Know Beyond Why Cisco Systems, Inc. (CSCO) is a Trending Stock
ZACKS· 2024-06-17 22:05
Cisco Systems (CSCO) has recently been on Zacks.com's list of the most searched stocks. Therefore, you might want to consider some of the key factors that could influence the stock's performance in the near future.Shares of this seller of routers, switches, software and services have returned -5.2% over the past month versus the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +3.7% change. The Zacks Computer - Networking industry, to which Cisco belongs, has lost 6.6% over this period. Now the key question is: Where could the st ...
Cisco Appoints Ekta Singh-Bushell to Board of Directors
Prnewswire· 2024-06-14 21:00
文章核心观点 - 思科公司任命Ekta Singh-Bushell为公司董事会成员,任期自2024年6月14日起生效 [1][3] - Ekta Singh-Bushell是一位经验丰富的商业领袖,最近曾担任纽约联邦储备银行第一副行长兼首席运营官的助理 [2][4] - Ekta Singh-Bushell拥有电气工程和计算机科学硕士学位,以及会计师执照,在专业服务公司安永工作了约17年,担任过多个重要职务 [5] - Ekta Singh-Bushell目前还在其他几家上市公司担任董事 [5] 公司信息 - 思科是全球领先的技术公司,致力于通过安全连接一切来实现无限可能 [6] - 思科的使命是为所有人创造一个包容性的未来,帮助客户重塑应用程序、支持混合工作模式、保护企业、转型基础设施并实现可持续发展目标 [6] - 思科及其关联公司在美国和其他国家拥有多项商标 [7]