Corbus Pharmaceuticals(CRBP)
Updated Phase 1 Clinical Data for SYS-6002 (CRB-701) to be presented at 2024 ASCO Annual Meeting· 2024-05-24 05:05
NORWOOD, Mass., May 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: CRBP) (“Corbus” or the “Company”) announced today that the abstract [No. 3151] for a poster presentation at the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting being held from May 31-June 4, 2024 in Chicago has been released. The ASCO abstract is titled: Clinical Update Related to the First- In-Human Trial of SYS6002 (CRB-701), A Next-Generation Nectin-4 Targeting Antibody Drug Conjugate and will ...
Corbus Pharmaceuticals(CRBP) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Report
2024-05-08 04:35
s UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, DC 20549 FORM 10-Q ☒ QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the quarterly period ended March 31, 2024 or ☐ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from________ to_________. Commission File Number: 001-37348 Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) Delaware 46-4348039 ( ...
Corbus Pharmaceuticals(CRBP) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Results
2024-05-07 20:30
Exhibit 99.1 Corbus Pharmaceuticals Reports First Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Provides Corporate Update • Phase 1 data for CRB-701 (SYS6002) to be presented at ASCO Annual Meeting on June 1, 2024 • $116M of capital raised in Q1 2024 extending cash runway through Q1 2027 • Appointed Dr. Dominic Smethurst as Chief Medical Officer Norwood, MA, May 7, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: CRBP) (“Corbus” or the “Company”), a precision oncology company with a diversified p ...
These 3 Small-Cap Stocks Are Up 304% in 2024. Can They Run Higher?
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-20 02:30
Small-cap stocks tend to outperform their larger brethren over time. After several years of underperformance, it looked like the little guys were going to start winning again. Inflation was moderating and the Federal Reserve was hinting it would cut interest rates at least three times this year. Beginning last October, the performance of the Russell 2000 index of small-cap stocks started pulling away from that of the S&P 500. But it wouldn’t last. Runaway government spending drove inflation higher and Fed c ...
Corbus Announces Dosing of First Patient in U.S. Phase 1 Clinical Trial of Its Next Generation Nectin-4 Targeting ADC
Newsfilter· 2024-04-02 20:00
Study enrolling patients with metastatic urothelial cancer (mUC) and other Nectin-4 enriched tumors Emerging clinical profile from CSPC's Phase 1 China study indicates differentiation from PADCEV NORWOOD, Mass., April 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:CRBP) ("Corbus" or the "Company"), a precision oncology company with a diversified portfolio, announced today the first patient in the U.S. has been dosed in the Phase 1 clinical trial of CRB-701 (SYS6002), a next-gener ...
What Makes Corbus Pharmaceuticals (CRBP) a Good Fit for 'Trend Investing'
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-15 21:51
Most of us have heard the dictum "the trend is your friend." And this is undeniably the key to success when it comes to short-term investing or trading. But it isn't easy to ensure the sustainability of a trend and profit from it. Often, the direction of a stock's price movement reverses quickly after taking a position in it, making investors incur a short-term capital loss. So, it's important to ensure that there are enough factors -- such as sound fundamentals, positive earnings estimate revisions, etc. - ...
Corbus Pharmaceuticals(CRBP) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-03-12 00:00
公司产品及研发 - Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. 是一家致力于帮助人们战胜严重疾病的精准肿瘤学公司,拥有多样化的产品组合[11] - CRB-701 是一种新型临床阶段的 ADC,针对癌细胞上 Nectin-4 的表达释放单甲基金星 E(“MMAE”)的细胞毒荷载[15] - CRB-701 在中国进行的第一阶段剂量递增临床试验中表现出良好的耐受性,对于预测为治疗相关的剂量接受者,整体反应率为43%,疾病控制率为71%[23] - CRB-601 是一种针对固体肿瘤的强效选择性抗αvβ8整合素单克隆抗体,与抗PD-1检查点抑制剂结合后表现出增强的抗肿瘤活性[27] - CRB-913 是一种高度外周限制的第二代 CB1 受体逆向激动剂,旨在治疗肥胖症[31] - CRB-913 在 DIO 小鼠模型中表现出体重减轻的效果,与肠促胰岛素类似物(tirzepatide、semaglutide 或 liraglutide)联合使用时效果更佳[35] - 公司在2023年和2022年的研发活动上支出约为31,168,000美元和16,137,000美元[37] - 公司的商业成功部分取决于其获得和维护对 CRB-701、CRB-601 和 CRB-913 的专利和其他专有保护的能力[38] - 公司与加州大学的许可协议使得公司拥有了针对整合素αvβ8的人源抗体CRB-601的专利申请,该专利预计将于2043年到期[40] - 公司与Jenrin Discovery, LLC签订的独家许可协议使得公司拥有了针对CB1受体的逆拮抗剂CRB-913的专利申请,该专利预计将于2043年到期[41] - 公司依赖专利和商标保护技术,同时通过保密协议保护专有技术和流程[42] - 公司依赖商业秘密和专有技术来维持竞争优势,通过保密协议和发明转让协议保护专有信息[43] - 公司拥有CRB-701、CRB-601和CRB-913的制造和供应,通过合同制造商生产药物物质和药物产品[45] - CRB-701是一种改进的下一代特异性Nectin-4靶向抗体药物结合物,采用专有的连接技术[46] - CRB-601是一种单克隆抗体,公司已开发了符合cGMP的制造工艺[47] - CRB-913是第二代CB1受体逆拮抗剂,公司正在与合同制造商开发符合cGMP的制造工艺[48] 监管和法律事务 - 公司面临来自主要制药和生物技术公司的激烈竞争,包括针对Nectin-4的竞争对手有Pfizer、Eli Lilly等[50] - 公司的活动和产品受到多个政府实体的重大监管,包括美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)[51] - 临床试验信息披露要求在www.clinicaltrials.gov网站上注册和披露[63] - FDA与赞助商达成特别协议评估临床试验设计和规模[64] - FDA对特别协议评估具有一定的灵活性,可以根据特定情况改变评估结果[65] - 公司在临床试验同时进行额外的动物和实验室研究,开发药物的化学和物理特性,并最终确定商业生产过程[66] - 在美国,FDA批准NDA或BLA前必须获得FDA批准[67] - FDA可能会重新分析临床试验数据,导致FDA与公司之间的广泛讨论[68] - FDA可能会对批准提出条件,如风险评估和减轻策略[69] - BPCIA为生物类似药物创造了一条简化的批准途径[70] - BPCIA包括12年的独家权期限和其他相关规定[73] - FDA要求加速审批程序以促进治疗严重疾病的药物开发[77] - 欧盟最近引入的去中心化程序类似于互认程序,但在关键文件提供给相关成员国的时间、整个程序的时间以及在程序中可能出现的“暂停”等方面存在差异[90] - 药品获批后,公司和产品将继续受到FDA和其他联邦和州监管机构的监管,包括监测和记录活动、向适用的监管机构报告产品的不良经验、提供更新的安全性和有效性信息、产品取样和分发要求,以及遵守促销和广告要求[91] - 制药产品的分销受到额外要求和监管,包括广泛的记录保留、许可、可追溯性、以及旨在防止未经授权销售制药产品的存储和安全要求[95] 财务状况和资本运营 - 公司自成立以来每年都亏损,预计在可预见的未来仍将持续亏损[112] - 截至2023年12月31日,公司累计亏损约4.36684亿美元[114] - 公司目前持有约2,090.6万美元的现金、现金等价物和投资[117] - 公司通过与Jefferies LLC签订的协议进行了公开市场销售,截至目前已售出约2,123.7万美元的普通股[118] - 公司通过Jefferies签订的承销协议进行了公开募股,募集了约9450万美元的总收益[119] - 公司可能通过私人和公开股权融资、债务融资和战略合作寻求额外资本[120] - 公司与K2 HealthVentures LLC签订了贷款和担保协议,获得了2,000万美元的贷款[122] - 公司的贷款和担保协议包含了限制性和财务性契约,可能限制公司的运营灵活性[123] - 公司的成功取决于其在研究管线中或可能收购的药物候选品的成功开发[124] - 公司目
Corbus Pharmaceuticals(CRBP) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Results
2024-03-12 00:00
新药研发 - CRB-701 (SYS6002)是一款针对Nectin-4的下一代抗体药物结合物(ADC),在预测的治疗相关剂量(>=2.7mgs/kg)下,Q3W方案表现出43%的ORR和71%的DCR[5] - CRB-601是一款高亲和力和选择性的抗αvβ8单克隆抗体,阻断了肿瘤微环境中癌细胞上表达的TGFβ的激活[8] - CRB-913是一种高度外周限制的CB1受体反向激动剂,旨在治疗肥胖症,预计将在2024年第四季度提交IND[10] 财务状况 - 2023年12月31日,Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc.的现金及现金等价物为13,723,681美元,较2022年12月31日的17,002,715美元有所下降[25] - 2023年12月31日,Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc.的投资为7,182,325美元,较2022年12月31日的42,194,296美元有显著减少[25] - 2023年12月31日,Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc.的总资产为28,272,393美元,较2022年12月31日的66,311,940美元有明显减少[25]
All Three of Our Analysts Agree
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-09 09:02
人工智能在医疗保健行业的应用 - 人工智能将彻底改变医疗保健行业,实现个性化医疗[1][4] - 个性化医疗将从统计学和平均数转变为根据个体的DNA、医疗史和家族医疗史来明确定位异常[7] - 人工智能在医疗设备创新中将发挥关键作用,预计医疗市场中的人工智能组件将从去年的154亿美元增长到2030年的2000亿美元以上[16][17]
Corbus Pharmaceuticals Appoints Dr. Dominic Smethurst as Chief Medical Officer
Newsfilter· 2024-02-28 21:00
NORWOOD, Mass., Feb. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:CRBP) ("Corbus" or the "Company"), a precision oncology company with a diversified portfolio, today announced the appointment of Dr. Dominic Smethurst, MA MRCP, as the Company's Chief Medical Officer (CMO). In this role, Dr. Smethurst will lead the clinical development of the Company's investigational oncology drugs: CRB-701, a next generation Nectin-4 targeting antibody drug conjugate (ADC) developed in partners ...